Doctors, Normal and Abnormal

Guest Post by Adam Dick

There seem to be few normal doctors around anymore. Try to have an appointment with many doctors over the last few months and they will demand that you put a mask over your nose and mouth — supposedly to block coronavirus transmission. You’d think, given they are doctors, they would know that there are health risks from you doing so and that it is not established that you doing so provides any net protection against coronavirus. Yet, they demand away. This is abnormal behavior.

Then, check out the big money news organizations and pretty soon you are likely to read or hear from one of the go-to doctors hectoring people to wear masks and “social distance” to protect against coronavirus. As with masks, the benefit of “social distancing” is not established. Further, for most people coronavirus poses little risk of death or even serious sickness. Many people, including some people who believe they have high risks related to coronavirus, would rationally choose to risk having coronavirus by proceeding with their lives unimpeded by mask wearing, “social distancing,” limiting activities to only those that are “essential,” closing their businesses, losing their jobs, and whatever other burdens abnormal doctors advise.

Luckily, there are still some doctors who reject the abnormal “new normal” with its dour manifestations including isolation, closed or tightly restricted businesses, and day-to-day mask wearing.

I saw a photograph of seven apparently still normal doctors earlier this week. There they were, standing shoulder to shoulder and maskless. The photograph appeared in a Sunday Twitter post by Simone Gold, the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors. Gold wrote in the tweet about Gold and the other doctors in the photo visiting the United States government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

BREAKING: America’s Frontline Doctors are at the CDC in Atlanta to protest against forcing millions of Americans to take an experimental vaccine for Covid-19, a pathogen with a survival rate of 99.7%.

We will fight against any experimental therapy being forced on anyone.

It is refreshing to see doctors challenge such abnormalcy run amuck.

America’s Frontline Doctors has provided in a position paper an interesting in-depth analysis explaining concerns about the government-backed effort to vaccinate Americans with experimental coronavirus vaccines. You can read that position paper here.

In contrast to abnormal doctors who are pretty much saying through government and media communications “come on in, the water is warm” regarding the vaccination effort, America’s Frontline Doctors provides a more normal doctor’s recommendation. The group describes potential risks and benefits of taking the experimental vaccines and provides guidance that is targeted to the different situations of different people instead of generalized for everyone. In its position paper, America’s Frontline Doctors writes:

XII. AFLDS Recommendations Regarding COVID-19 Experimental Vaccines Prohibited for the young, Discouraged for the healthy middle-aged and Optional for the co-morbid and elderly. There is no evidence that vaccines should be racially prioritized.

a. 0-20: prohibited (exceedingly low risk from COVID, unknown risk of auto-immune disease, unknown risk of pathogenic priming, risk of lifelong infertility)

b. 20-50 healthy: strongly discouraged (exceedingly low risk from COVID, unknown risk of auto-immune disease, unknown risk of pathogenic priming, risk of lifelong infertility)

c. 50-69 & healthy: strongly discouraged (low risk from COVID, unknown risk of auto-immune disease, unknown risk of pathogenic priming, unknown effect on placenta and spermatogenesis)

d. 50-69 & co-morbid: discouraged (experimental vaccine is higher risk than early or prophylactic treatment with established medications)

e. >70 & healthy: personal risk assessment (experimental vaccine is higher risk than early or prophylactic treatment with established medications)

f. >70 & co-morbid: personal risk assessment & advocacy access (experimental vaccine early or prophylactic treatment with established medications)

Are these the definitive recommendations regarding taking experimental coronavirus vaccines? Likely not. There may be valid reasons to disagree with the recommendations here and there. There may be some people whose circumstances make them exceptions from the categories of people listed in the recommendations. More information may come out over time that should be used in considering whether or not certain people should take the experimental vaccines. However, the cautious and nuanced approach of America’s Frontline Doctors in regard to this important medical decision for individuals is definitely more normal than the approach of doctors and other people pushing for the maximum number of people to take the experimental vaccines as soon as possible.

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TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 21, 2020 6:16 pm
Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
  TN Patriot
December 21, 2020 6:56 pm

“I will NOT be angry.”
– Dr Franhkensteen.

Haw haw haw.

We shall never see the likes of this sort of brilliant (Hebe) comedy again dear TBPers.*

Now the task at hand is for TBPers and individuals like the America’s Frontline Doctors, plus the rest of the entire non-brain-dead world, to get super bloody angry about the Scamdemic, masks, lockdowns and the vax and act to stop insanity:

* NO Negroes in the film. Tut-tut-tut. Mel, however, gets a few brownie (BLM) points for Blazing Saddles though.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Auntie Kriest
December 21, 2020 7:16 pm

Auntie – The TN Gov yesterday gave an update and stated that 80% of the population is under mandatory mask requirements, but the cases continue to grow. He did not impose a statewide mask mandate, infuriating all the Karen’s in the state, including every democrat politician.

When I read his statement, my first thought was, If 80% of the state is under a mask mandate and the cases continue to grow, doesn’t that mean that masks don’t work?

Common Sense ain’t so common any more.

BTW – I loved the original Blazing Saddles. Saw it on TV recently and they cut so much that it was not worth watching.

Where did the girl find poodles with opposing thumbs?

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
  TN Patriot
December 21, 2020 9:08 pm

Those aren’t poodles, TN. Those are exercise fanatics who have taken the CoVid-19(84) vaccination.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
December 21, 2020 6:26 pm

No thanks. I don’t care to be a guinea pig.

December 21, 2020 7:31 pm

been to my Dr. last week, waiting room empty (normally packed with 2o+). Asked receptionist “where are all the patients”. She said this is new normal. Same with emergency room, zero people.

the entire hoax has destroyed traditional health care practices, same with dentists.

ask your self, if not only small retail/restaurant/services are failing, but also traditional health care,
then this “virus” is actually a move to destroy all the support systems we have relied upon.

they will keep moving the goal posts, (ooh, scary new strains of covid are now more virulent and we need to lockdown everyone, forever, for the children)

no my friends, this is a long game to eradicate the majority of “non essential ” people from the planet.

if they can steal the election in front of your eyes, and no one in “authority: is going to stop it,
then we must stop.

stop paying taxes, stop paying realestate and school.

it takes them 3 years to repossess , but they probably can’t survive without one year of our money.

we have the power to stave the beast.

who will join?

squabbling toddlers
squabbling toddlers
December 21, 2020 8:16 pm

“everybody dies, Jack” (hat tip to “Lost”)

December 21, 2020 8:19 pm

MN Senator/Physician Blows Whistle: The Bizarre, Non-COVID Types of Deaths Being Blamed on COVID

olde reb
olde reb
December 21, 2020 10:09 pm

Why is access to known controls for covid being suppressed ???
6000 patients have been cured of covid-19— AS OUTPATIENTS
HCQ has repeatedly be used to control covid but is now forbidden under threat of lose of medical license, fine, and bogus criminal charges ???

Oh, I forgot. Hospitals get $13,000 for covid cases and $39,000 for tubes. Vaccinations cost how much ???

Solution: Remove the money.

December 22, 2020 2:50 am

Every doctor I have had a chance to bring it up to will tell me what I already know as a more qualified scientist than they: masks do fuckall outside of situations where splashing into wounds or mucous membranes are considerations.

Moreover, they tell me their doctors tell them the same thing.

Yet the propaganda is so pervasive I keep having to iterate the same fucking conversation to the same people. They just can’t believe their own fucking lying eyes.

I have all but lost my faith in humanity in general over this scamdemic.

edit: if that splashing thing wasn’t quite clear, let me explain. Once does not expel a transmissible “viral load” in saliva, if one is asymptomatic. There are no known respiratory diseases for which that is not true.

Arthur Sido
Arthur Sido
December 22, 2020 7:06 am

This is not surprising. If you think it is bad now, wait until the newer generation of doctors replaces the older. We got to see first hand the selection process for medical school and it mostly seems to revolve around getting as many racial minorities and sexual deviants, no matter how unqualified, into the school to boost their “diversity” numbers. Find a doctor who isn’t a nutjob and stick with them because what is coming through the med school pipeline is not encouraging.

December 22, 2020 8:02 am

I love Dick. Very good writer.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 22, 2020 10:09 am

Who’s a good writer?

very old white guy
very old white guy
December 22, 2020 9:21 am

A doctor who does not understand that a mask cannot stop a virus should close the practice and go work at McDonalds.