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December 19, 2020 7:19 pm

Finally a flu vaccination that wirks!

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 19, 2020 8:54 pm

Even for those who do not take it. Let’s face it, the WuHuFlu wiped out the common flu.

olde reb
olde reb
December 19, 2020 9:44 pm

Have you noticed that a lot of people apparently have developed allergies to vaccinations ?

December 19, 2020 11:39 pm

Beriberi is very circuitous. A shortage of thiamine-B1shuts down the sense of smell and taste and there is no hunger. The less food consumed the less B1. The lack of B1 shuts down secretion of stomach acid and less B1 is absorbed.


Boise Bob
Boise Bob
December 20, 2020 2:24 am

Was reading about Vitamin D and learned some interesting things. One of which is that most Americans are D deficient, even though we **sometimes** can get D through a natural process where our skin, when exposed to sun light, manufactures the vitamin. (But in winter months the sun light received in northern latitudes above ~37.5 degrees is missing almost all of its UVB component that is required for our skin to make D-that helps explain why Canadians do so much Vitamin D research).

Then there is the 2015 finding that the daily RDA for vitamin D is set far too low, apparently because of an error by the government body that produces such recommendations. Bottom line: getting extra D from supplements is advisable, especially in order to help improve one’s immunity. Many “experts” advise taking a lot more vitamin D than is in the confusing RDA figures. Note: often found in the literature is language that it is seldom that anyone ever overdoses on Vitamin D. In this case, it seems it is up to each individual to figure out how much or how little (if any) supplemental D to take.

The error appears to be from the advisory panel using an “averages of averages” methodology, which if not done correctly can lead to bogus results. Sounds like just another case of government statistics.


December 20, 2020 6:45 am

No more ‘regular’ flu? But of course!

It’s obvious that most flu cases are simply being designated as ‘covid’
cases. The hospitals have a financial incentive to do so ($13K extra per
covid case) and now doctors can diagnose covid without any lab test
(as per a CDC directive); show up with a fever and sore throat………….Covid!

This and the use of ridiculously high PCR test cycle threshhold (CT) above
35 (which means 97+% false positives) are the primary means of
ensuring that the ‘pandemic’ stays in play for whatever inimical
purpose these globalists have in mind.

B.S. in V.C.
B.S. in V.C.
December 20, 2020 9:54 am

The state were I live. (Ks.) has been running a mass advertisement for everyone to get tested for corona, even if you aren’t sick. Now why would they do that especially when the test is very unreliaAble,so they can keep the numbers up to justify their lockdowns?

December 20, 2020 10:29 am

Simple the flu cases have been re labeled.

December 21, 2020 6:36 am

This is the explanation from an old friend/acquaintance who is wealthy and has access to the best doctors. Since everyone is taking precautions for COVID19, it is preventing the spread of regular flu virus.

I don’t necessarily buy into it, but there is a certain logic.

“Had a rather lengthy doctor’s appointment this afternoon. Learned a lot from the unselfish and generous time he spent on our visit. He’s been my doctor now for over a decade and I literally trust him with my life. (I hope you are fortunate to enjoy the same kind of relationship with your healthcare professional.)

He told me he has yet to treat a cold or flu patient so far this season, and that flu shots are unneeded this year for most. Why, you may ask? Because his patients are wearing masks. His “informed” patients are wearing N95s. He added that the anti/maskers are “uninformed.” That’s not the exact word he used, but I don’t want to offend my anti-masker friends further by telling you the word he really used.

For myself personally, I will not be taking the vaccine due to allergy concerns. I cannot take the flu vaccine, and doctor confirms that some cannot. He says he will write a release for me not to take one, in the event that proof of it becomes needed under certain circumstances. That said, I am not anti-vaccine.

Doctor tells me that the reason why this vaccine has gotten FDA approval this soon is that the medical community pulled together with that as a common goal. Says all parties involved “dropped the bs” and pulled together as a team for one of the few times in medical history. Consequently the process was managed efficiently and effectively. That this vaccine was “rushed” is a misconception, but one he says he can certainly understand, when that time frame is compared to the normal standard.

I related to him a story about a common communion cup being used in a known church. His eyes danced with fire and he glared at me. I will never forget his expression. After a long pause he said doing that was “irresponsible.”
So there you have it.

I realize this is one person’s opinion.
This is a polarizing subject and most of my friends already have their opinions made up about these issues. But in the off-chance you’ve questioned who and what to believe, this is what my doctor said before our visit was concluded: