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December 16, 2020 1:02 pm

They NEVER did work!

I was trained as a chemist. A large part of my professional career was working in various parts of the filtration industry. I developed a line of mixed esters of cellulose membrane filters. Millipore type filters, that were used to sterilize flu vaccines for Merck Sharp and Dohme as well as other medical products companies. I developed respiratory protection products for Wilson Safety Products used in the mining industry. I worked for Baxter developing medical / IV filters. I have patents on three IV filters I invented. Baxter sold more than 5 million of one of those every year for most of a decade. I know a little bit about filters.
Surgical masks were not designed as filters and were not intended to be used as filters. Surgical masks were designed to be used by surgeons standing face down over an operating table holding a patient with an open wound. The surgeon wearing the mask would be able to talk to others in the room without discharging spittle droplets into the patient’s wound. Spittle droplets are large and can cause infection.
I witnessed a test of surgical masks. Small plaster particles were generated in a room. They were visible as a white dust in the air. A man was properly fitted with a surgical mask and spent a short time in the room. When he came out the mask was removed. A camera was focused on the man’s face. The entire area that had been covered by the mask was coated by the white dust. The camera showed that his nostrils and his mouth had been penetrated by the white dust. The dust particles were measured and found to be around 40 micrometers in diameter. The particles that penetrated the mask were the same diameter.
Covid-19 virus molecules are about 0.1 micrometers in diameter. That is 400 times smaller than the plaster particles that penetrated the mask.
Surgical masks will not prevent the wearer from inhaling or exhaling viruses or bacteria. They provide absolutely no protection for either the wearer or anyone nearby. They create a very dangerous false sense of security for everyone. They also force the wearer to rebreath carbon dioxide. Which will over time reduce the wearers blood oxygen level. That can become very dangerous especially for older people.
This farce is being promoted by sleazy politicians who believe that if they can convince people that they are protecting them or creating a safe environment for them by pushing this mask farce those people will re-elect them.
All politicians pushing this dangerous mask farce should be voted out of office as soon as possible.

December 16, 2020 2:16 pm

The pre-positioning of the military “for vaccine distribution” as a pretext to declaring an insurrection was my thought as well.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 16, 2020 1:53 pm

Doesn’t that violate the HIPPA law?

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
  TN Patriot
December 16, 2020 3:21 pm

Not in the Emperor Cuomo’s Vampire State it don’t.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
December 16, 2020 2:09 pm

The only purpose for the masks is so the politicians can say they are doing something about COVID. If masks didn’t exist they would probably tell us to wear two pairs of underwear or touch our noses while we walk.

When dealing with imbeciles, logic and reason don’t stand a chance.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
December 16, 2020 2:44 pm

I’ve been following this epigwhisp acct on Twitter for about a month. They are prolific. I have ~800 followers and follow >2500. Even though they clog my feed I hope they attract many more followers because he/she is relentless and drops truth bombs.

December 16, 2020 8:48 pm

so many people had reactions to the vaccine in england that the govt mandated the vaccine has to be given at a place that has resuscitation eqpt.–

Bob P
Bob P
December 16, 2020 3:16 pm

Woods has some of the best videos on covid, some of which YouTube has deleted. Here are the best ones:

  Bob P
December 16, 2020 9:11 pm

here is today’s tom woods column–there has not been a single documented case of covid being spread off of surfaces–
stop cleaning so much–

Wed, Dec 16 at 3:33 PM

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You know all that mad disinfecting everyone has been doing?

You’ll never guess.

It’s pointless.

Even the Washington Post, in an article last week called “We Are Over-Cleaning in Response to COVID-19,” wrote: “We don’t have a single documented case of COVID-19 transmission from surfaces. Not one. So why, then, are we spending a small fortune to deep-clean our offices, schools, subways, and buses?”

Meanwhile, though, lots of restaurants are still using disposable menus. Now that’s what you call not following the science.

And now here’s the problem.

We know surfaces aren’t the issue, and that we’re wasting enormous time and resources pointlessly deep-cleaning.

The reason we’re still doing it is that the general public is still in panic mode, even after all we now know. And because the public, convinced it’s “listening to the science,” is in fact not following the science at all.

So when you endure some pointless practice here and there, whose only effect is to cause you pain or at least serious inconvenience, it’s very often not because a private entity seriously wants to engage in it. It’s because they have to cater to hysterics who don’t know anything.

This isn’t just a matter of the government. It’s public opinion that’s making the craziness possible.

I knew there were a lot of Americans I had nothing in common with.

I had no idea how many Americans had a completely different definition of life from mine.

If I’m elderly and in a nursing home and cannot see or embrace anyone in my family, and I cannot socialize or do anything, please don’t congratulate yourself for keeping me alive. Because you’ve already killed me.

We’re being told that masks and social distancing will be necessary even after the vaccine. Are these people prepared to go along even with that?

Surely some will decide enough is enough. But who knows how many.

Some people are fighting back, like the coffee shop owner I interviewed on the Tom Woods Show yesterday.

I’m doing what I can by spreading as much helpful and revealing information as possible.

Still, a lot of people are demoralized: how can this still be going on? How can anyone still think these alleged mitigation measures do anything but crush people’s spirits?

Believe me, I get that.

Where I live (Florida), everything is open. But if I lived anywhere else, I’d be going out of my way to support businesses that refuse to comply. And although their number is smaller than we might hope, it’s growing.

Meanwhile, remember: you’re not fated to be surrounded by COVID zombies. Join me in my private group and you’ll be supported in your sanity by smart, well-informed people who don’t think the virus is your fault. And you’ll keep up with what’s really happening, as opposed to panic propaganda.

Entry is this way:


Tom Woods

December 16, 2020 4:13 pm

But … But … what about all parties? *SARC*

December 16, 2020 6:02 pm

Check out page 16. chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2020-10/COVID-Anderson.pdf

December 17, 2020 8:20 am

I regret that I have but one mask to remove for my country.