Offstage Noises

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Friday night, the US Supreme Court booted the Texas case against the swing state election janksters, the citation of “standing” likely a cover story for another reason that isn’t strictly legal doctrine but rather a sentiment, namely, that a presidential election dispute belongs more properly in the elected House of Representatives than in the unelected SCOTUS — at least for now, with more cases probably coming at them. The justices didn’t explain their decision.

This wasn’t so with Bush v. Gore in 2000, by the way, but we are a different country now, one mired in institutional paralysis and failure, thanks to the bureaucratic “resistance.” Anyway, the Supremes wouldn’t hear the evidence of ballot fraud, nor has any state court yet, so ignore the plaintive cries from the seditionist news media that claims of gross election irregularities are “baseless.”

Today, Dec 14, the fifty state electoral college slates meet to cast their votes. This used to be significant back when a discernable consensus about reality existed across this land. But now that E pluribus unum has been replaced by anything goes and nothing matters, the more consequential action will be shifting offstage and backstage.

For instance, President Trump’s 2018 Executive Order 13848 requires the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), John Ratcliffe, to report forty-five days after the election on foreign election interference. That’s this Friday. What might Mr. Ratcliffe know? Well, supposedly everything. Except both the CIA and the FBI must be considered undependable now, with RussiaGate prankster Gina Haspel in charge of the CIA, and Christopher Wray slow-walking every requested declassified FBI document for years. So, Mr. Ratcliffe must be receiving more dependable intelligence from others, most likely Defense Intelligence.

Many readers may have heard about a supposed raid on the CIA cyber-warfare station in Frankfurt, Germany, and the seizure there of the Dominion computer servers by US Army special ops personnel. Forty-five days was probably enough time for Defense Intelligence to run forensic analysis on those servers, if, in fact, they existed and the raid actually happened. Standing by on that. We just don’t know. But if so, then Mr. Ratcliffe must have some results by now.

What nobody has asked is: in the first place, what on earth would the Dominion servers be doing in Frankfurt, outside the USA, in possession of the CIA? Is the CIA monitoring the vote tabulation… or assisting in it? This raises another question no one has addressed: Servers serve computer networks, which operate via the Internet. If Dominion vote tabulation machines all over America are not allowed to be hooked up to the Internet, how can they be a network? And why would they need a server? If I’m missing something there, please discuss in the comments section.

Which raises another question: Is there not sufficient evidence to see that the use of computers has completely screwed up our election process? Is this not a classic Joseph Tainter style quandary of overinvestments in complexity producing diminishing returns — which, when enough of them pile up, gets you to the collapse of civilizations? Are we going to allow further screw-ups by letting the State of Georgia conduct their January 5 senate run-off election on the same Dominion machines that they used on November 3?  Apparently, that’s exactly what Georgia intends to do.

All right, let’s return to next Friday’s report by DNI Ratcliffe. There’s a lot of talk of strange intersections between the Dominion company and foreign countries, starting with Dominion’s ownership being based in Canada (on the same floor of a Toronto office building as a George Soros-linked non-profit, the Make Way Foundation). Attorney Sidney Powell has current court cases alleging nefarious connections between Dominion, Venezuela, and China. (Note: nearly all of Venezuela’s oil exports go to China, and Iran has helped Venezuela develop capacity of its difficult-to-produce Orinoco oil sands.) Does Mr. Ratcliffe have the same information that Miz Powell has, and perhaps a whole lot more. Might China have any interest in favoring the election of Joe Biden over Donald Trump?

Well, plenty of evidence has already been made public that Joe Biden is a bought-and-paid-for asset of China — for example, a 2017 $5-milion unsecured, interest-free, forgivable loan from China’s intel service managed CEFC energy company advanced to son Hunter Biden’s Hudson West III front company, and emails stating how the split worked between Biden family members and a few outside partners. I would suppose that Mr. Ratcliffe knows a whole lot more detail about this and other Biden family business ventures in foreign lands, and that we may hear more about that on Friday — perhaps even a declaration that Joe Biden is a security threat to the USA and as such disqualified from holding high office. That would kind of throw a monkey wrench into America’s election proceedings, don’tcha think?  I can’t imagine that investigators have not been tracing the money trail through the various shell companies and laundromat banks that lead to Joe Biden’s own accounts.

What if the news media refuses to report on DNI Ratcliffe’s Friday report? I have an idea: We have an asset called National Public Radio, NPR. Lately, it has been a hostage to Democratic Wokesters who refuse to report news that is unfavorable to the Woke Democratic cause of destroying the republic. In fact, when the Biden family crime story broke in late October, NPR’s managing editor, Terrance Samuels, tweeted out: “We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.”  In a national emergency, perhaps President Trump might fire Terrance Samuels’s ass, along with the rest of NPRs top management, and use the network to bypass the seditious media and social networks to get actual news out to the American people? Just an idea.

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December 14, 2020 10:10 am

Kunstler is armchair QB’ing the hail Mary pass, go long, go deep, wait for it….

Sorry, but if you can’t see that the people in power had a discussion with el presidente, showed him that they can make anyone get sick, anywhere, anytime, with any disease, and that he and his family are next, well, I have a bridge I’m trying to sell here in Brooklyn.

you can fight all you want, but you will never win when the game is rigged.

we are doomed because the system only produces psychopaths,
for example: that asshole from NY, mario jr on TV:

“we have created a color coded zoning system, to beat this virus, even though mask, social distancing and everything else has failed, for sure, our coloring system will get the attention of the virus.”

December 14, 2020 10:18 am

Nothing is going to happen to stop the fraud. Wishful thinking is great, if you want to believe in Santa. We are on our own.

Question Mark
Question Mark
December 14, 2020 12:30 pm

The idea of NPR being flipped and used for benefit goes beyond wishful thinking to outright fantasy.

anthony aaron
anthony aaron
  Question Mark
December 14, 2020 1:01 pm

Maybe NPR should be rebranded as Radio Free America … to bring the truth to We The People Of The United States … instead of it’s being the official spokes network of the dnc …

  Question Mark
December 14, 2020 4:42 pm

Good morning Vietnam!

  Question Mark
December 15, 2020 4:21 am

No need for a flip-simply disable their ability to spread their message. Unexplained 24 hour outage will be an attention gitter and a real lead up the the new message coming from their former network.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 14, 2020 1:51 pm

Hang tough Mygirl. We are not alone. Just try to think positive thoughts and say some prayers for the people fighting in the courts.

December 14, 2020 10:41 pm

Acceptance stage, lmao.

Why hide behind an anonymous name?

December 14, 2020 11:41 am

Blackpilling nonsense…

December 14, 2020 12:24 pm

Recall in the post-911 world where they had people wrapping their houses in saran wrap?

December 14, 2020 7:57 pm
Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
December 14, 2020 10:29 am

Today is December 14, 2020 and while Winnie is still an asshat he does get points for a Platoon Sgt Barnes meme and a new meme with Sidney Powell on Mila Jovovich from Resident Evil. Well done.

Yes he is actually correct…….Nobody is coming to save you. There is no cavalry, no deus ex machina ending the sets everything “right”….this is the real world boys and girls and bad things happen.

We have to fight, it sucks and we are going to suffer and die miserable deaths but it is now time to do viking shit……most folks really don’t want to do viking shit but the choice of not fighting is worse.

comment image

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
  Martel's Hammer
December 14, 2020 11:17 am

Auntie has Mjolnir ready for when spicy time arrives.

  Martel's Hammer
December 14, 2020 2:13 pm

Thank you “time to do Viking shit” will agree with my Scandinavian heritage.

Cheyenne at 40 seconds

Luke 10:27
So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’ ”

god speed all

  Martel's Hammer
December 14, 2020 2:22 pm

Spot on. Dying isn’t the worst thing that can happen to a man.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
December 14, 2020 11:13 am

“Quae nihil aliud est.”

The USSA’s new motto? Works for Auntie as it really does encapsulate the ‘Merkin nation’s reality.

Those offstage noises JHK is hearing is nothing more than Jerry Nadler sharting; Diane Feinstein’s walker making slow progress; and the barely muffled high fives and laughter of lobbyists plus various foreign agents dancing jigs.

THe Evil Fuckers want Orange Man Bad out bad. And barring any divine intervention or declaration of The Insurrection Act with attendant martial law, DJT will be headed back to Mar A Lago in a little more than a month.

December 14, 2020 11:26 am

Dudes a dick, but hes right. Upvoted.

December 14, 2020 11:27 am

There is a lot of fear out there, especially in the halls of power. Who is safe? A wrong word, an unfortunate decision or mistake comes to light, and the insider is being singled out as an enemy. The formerly venerable Diane Feinstein is now being put out the pasture, purportedly because she is in mental decline. Perhaps, but no more so than the incoming president. Her fate was sealed when she hugged Lindsay Graham. I imagine people are already walking away from Eric Swallwell, who is being legitimately tarred as a China asset. Attack dog to scapegoat overnight.

Now the unthinkable becomes possible. Normally, the son of an incoming president would be an untouchable. But a lot of sighs of relief would be heard in China, Russia, and Ukraine if Hunter Biden should die in an unfortunate accident. Think of Jeffrey Epstein. The most important prisoner in the federal system at the time, and yet everybody was looking somewhere else when he “hung” himself. You can bet corks were popped in the Clinton household.

Given of the Biden family corruption, a lot of people will have to be paid off, and a lot more scapegoats will be needed when things go bad. When it doubt, it is best to do nothing. Second tier people like Wray know this, and he just wants to be able to retire, and protect his family. Think the Supreme Court wants to find tanks on the doorstep of the courthouse? Probably not. I think that the chance of them doing anything to prevent Biden taking office is zero.

anthony aaron
anthony aaron
December 14, 2020 1:04 pm

DiFi should have been hauled before a tribunal decades ago … what with all of the hundred$ of million$ her husband has raked in for the 2 of them due solely to her position on the Senate Foreign Relations Commission going back to at least 1990.

December 14, 2020 11:39 am

And traitor Gina Haspel, not seen in public for weeks, will be holding a press conference when?

December 14, 2020 11:40 am

I’m as cynical as anybody on this, but the question that I have is how come the previous plots (spygate, russia, impeachment, et al) were all so ham-handed, but election fraud seems like a relatively efficient operation?

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
December 14, 2020 12:25 pm

Dude, With spygate, Russiagate, etc. there were clumsy attempts to appear as though they were legit. They continued to lie and pretend all the way. With the selection in November, there is zero attempt to justify or legitimize anything. No one denies what happened, rather they revel in it. It is a pure power play. Ugly and brutal, it is not encumbered by phony excuses.

anthony aaron
anthony aaron
  Brian Reilly
December 14, 2020 1:05 pm

As an old buddy of mine used to say, what’s the fun of screwing people if you don’t let them know you’ve done it to them …

  Brian Reilly
December 15, 2020 4:26 am

Ugly and brutal-just like the Valentine’s Day Massacre. Messy, but very much to the point.

Done in USSA
Done in USSA
December 14, 2020 12:30 pm

It’s ham-handed as well. All out in the open for the plebs like you and me to see. It’s an “in your face” fuck you to us all.

December 14, 2020 3:16 pm

Probably because they were not trying to cover it up. Usually the cover-up is worse than the crime as the old saying goes.

December 14, 2020 12:51 pm

Massive fraud in Antrim County…….68% of ballots sent for adjudication in Frankfurt or Barcelona and changed to Biden…

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 14, 2020 1:35 pm

Phil Klein of the Thomas More Society’s Amistad Project and former AG of Kansas reported this morning that the Michiganistan legislature is trying to enter the capital building to vote to investigate the fraud, not certify electors etc.
The insane bitch from Hell Michigan AG has ordered the state police in full battle dress uniform with automatic weapons to surround the building and prevent any legislators from entering the building. She further is threatening charging legislators with something crazy like felonies for interference with elections if they exercise their Constitutional duties and obligations.
Michiganistan is going full police state.
You do not get reactions and flak like this unless the target is being pounded. Way too early for Deplorables to give up. Let’s take this thing just like the Dhimmicrats always do.. In your face and by force if necessary.

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 14, 2020 4:16 pm

What power does the Michigan AG (executive branch) have to prevent legislators (legislative branch) from entering the capital building?

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
  Kid Jupiter
December 14, 2020 9:40 pm

None actually. She had 200 state troopers or National Guard in full battle dress. If it was NG the Governor would have had to order that. I guess the armed Deplorables throwing down on the Sheriff in Antrim scared them quite a bit.
She’s obviously in on the steal. Next time the Deplorables will bring their own army.
They met somewhere and voted a list of electors so Trump is covered January 6th.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 14, 2020 10:09 pm

She had 200 state troopers or National Guard in full battle dress.

I think it says more about the meatheads who “just follow orders”.

  Articles of Confederation
December 15, 2020 4:28 am

State troopers worry about their next pay check; NG commander can take the troops back to the armory and send them home.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 14, 2020 1:45 pm

Wisconsin Supreme Court threw out tens of thousands of illegal absentee ballots this morning. Momentum shift to Les Deplorables and their standard bearer President Trump. Shithead executive branch in Michiganistan releasing redacted Antrim results. 68% error rate etc. Regardless of redactions, the complete unredacted report is already leaked. Thieving Progs in panic. NO reports on Lamestream, of course.

December 14, 2020 2:29 pm

Speaking of offstage antics – from LewRockwell today:

Gossip—or Bona-Fide Background?

December 14, 2020 3:20 pm

So wussbag Roberts is more afraid of Pantifa than selling out the constitution. We are truly in bad times.

The 47th Element
The 47th Element
December 14, 2020 4:02 pm

Not only that, but if the story is reliably true, then only two Supremes are reliably conservative while the others seem to be more than content to avoid a moral responsibility to justice. Ignoring a problem only makes it worse in the long run.
Americans will bleed over this.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 14, 2020 9:48 pm

Roberts is scared shitless of Epstein videos of him on the Lolita Express or on Pedo Island. That’s the rumor.

  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 15, 2020 4:31 am

The fooker can always resign; “wants to spend more time with the family”.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 15, 2020 1:51 pm

It’s more like the Godfather. They gave him the job, starting at the very top and now is the “some day” that they need a favor. You don’t get to quit. You must “use all your skills and powers.”

December 14, 2020 4:26 pm

The president can activate the emergency broadcast system to bypass the msm and social media blackouts.

December 14, 2020 7:14 pm

Shortly after the statute of limitations kick in we might hear more about Hunter. Then again if they are in a hurry to install Kommiela Harris as president…..?

December 14, 2020 7:47 pm

comment image

your peen is not on the list. come back when you grow up

Taras 77
Taras 77
December 14, 2020 7:53 pm

Good news ! (sarc)

Durham announces that he is making excellent progress on investigation (s) and is putting on more investigators.

Um, he was appointed in April 2019 and is now making excellent progress??

Barr is a swamp rat and durham has done nothing-the rot continues at doj with rosen.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
  Taras 77
December 14, 2020 9:57 pm

Barr is gone. Please take Wray with you Bob.
Apparently Trump reached his limit with the news Barr and DOJ/FBI had exculpatory evidence of Trump’s innocence during the Impeachment and hid the news that there was a Biden criminal investigation complete with grand jury that was at least 18 months along.. We all had a right to know this. Hunter Biden, James. Frank and their sister (and of course the Senile One, just not officially) being investigated for tax evasion, influence peddling and perhaps violations of national security, cavorting with CCP spies and a whole lot more. Everywhere Joe travelled one of the family left with millions.

December 15, 2020 5:42 am

“how can they be a network? And why would they need a server? If I’m missing something there, please discuss in the comments section”.

The internet is not the only network in use, though from the sounds of things neither Dominion nor county elections departments would wise enough, diligent enough, or smart enough to incur the extra expense of using a private network for a one-time event like a national election.