How the Election Was Stolen in Michigan

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

This is an extremely important explanation of the Computer Algorithm used in Michigan to commit election fraud, which is organized fraud committed by election officials, not fraud committed by voters.  Experts give a clear explanation in the video below, but it is often helpful to have an overview before the lesson begins.  I will have a shot at providing one:  Experts show that the higher the percentage of Republicans in a voting precinct, the lower the percent of the vote that went to Trump. 

The lower the percentage of Republicans in a precinct, the higher the percent of the vote to Trump.  Trump starts off doing well in non-Republican precincts, but as the precincts become more Republican, he does less and less well.  Trump’s vote goes from doing 7% to 12% better than the Republican vote in heavy Democrat precincts to 25% worse than the Republican vote in heavy Republican precincts. The only explanation for the decline in Trump’s vote as the precincts become more heavily Republican is vote-weighting in which votes are allocated not by how they are cast but by computer algorithm.

Despite the false statements by Dominion and the presstitutes, the voting machines have a feature described in the Dominion manual itself  that permits the vote to be weighted in order to favor one candidate over the other. For example, 0.7% of a vote can be allocated to one candidate and 0.3% of the vote to another regardless of how it was cast.  There is conclusive proof that this was done in the November 3, 2020, election.

Notice that it is a person of Indian descent and a black American who are defending our democracy from the white liberal-left. The enemy of Americans are not blacks or Russians or Chinese or Iranians.  Our enemies are the White Liberals and the leftwing Identity Politics facists.  These self-hating whites hate white people who they demonize as racists.  These self-hating whites are dupes of the Establishment who use them to destroy democracy and accountable government, which the Establishment regards as being in the way of the Establishment’s agendas.  The white liberal-left are enabling the elite’s destruction of American democracy.

Watch this video presentation and you will completely understand how the election was stolen.  You will be able to explain the election theft clearly to others.  Some people, of course, want the election to be stolen, because they are willing to sacrifice democracy to getting rid of Trump.  Ideologues are not touched by fact or evidence.  Ideologues are irrational emotional people secure in their hatreds. It is these people who are our enemies.

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December 4, 2020 8:07 am

What other way to start a civil war than to have media go all in on Joe, only to have victory torn away in even more controversy.
Most of my liberal relatives know deep down this election was rigged, and on the surface they don’t care as long as Trump is gone. They also wear masks driving alone, this nation is FUBAR……..

December 4, 2020 10:58 am

Drop your liberal relationships like a stone.

December 4, 2020 12:25 pm

I have some liberal friends that think that way also. They don’t really care and will look the other way as long as Trump is gone. And I see folks every now and then driving alone, with the windows up, with mask on. WTF ?

December 4, 2020 8:32 am

People are so messed up that they now believe computers are immune to hacking.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 4, 2020 10:12 am

Just like they destroyed any credibility Sarah Palin had, SNL will do it to this woman as well.

Liberals still believe Palin said she could see Russia from her back porch when the comment came from an SNL skit.

Alinsky Rule #5 – “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

December 4, 2020 12:29 pm

As an expat with children and grandchildren outside the USA, to a degree I have no dog in the fight. I cannot vote in the USA nor can I go there, given passport requirements that didn’t exist when I left (1998). Nevertheless, I’m outraged by what I perceive as a blatently fraudulent “election”. If this “election” stands, short of open and if necessary violent opposition, then the USA is for all practical purposes done as a legitimate republic.