The Diaper Cometh… or Maybe Not

Guest Post by Eric Peters

There are many sound reasons to not vote for the Orange Man. But there is one powerful, arguably epochal, reason to put them aside and vote for him anyway.

It is simply this:

An Orange Man not-evicted means a chance, at least, that we will not be forcibly Face Diapered.

As opposed to the promise of forced Face Diapering if the Hair Plugged Man replaces him. The HPM not only wears a Diaper himself practically all the time – a clear visual of his intentions as regards Diapering our faces – he has stated that he will act to efface our faces.

He is a believer – or at least, an enforcer.

At every turn, he turns up the hysteria. The cases! The cases! Millions – he says – have died. That they haven’t isn’t relevant. No good news – no facts – give the HPM pause because he doesn’t want to pause. WuFlu hysteria has given the HPM the thing he lacked a year ago this time – a chance at becoming the Orange Man’s replacement. For him to give it up – even after he replaces the Orange Man – would be like expecting a fish to give up swimming.

The Diaper gives HPM the onerous gravitas he otherwise lacks. It effaces his creeping senility as well as his general creepiness. It gives him the opportunity to exert power without limit, on the gesundheitsfuhrer model only this time there will be no state, county or locality immune from its decrees.

All the power of the federal apparat will be applied, especially to reluctant Diaperers such as South Dakota’s Kristi Noem. It might be done without benefit of law, as by withholding already stolen tax receipts. This is how the federal 55 MPH speed limit was pushed. States did not have to “drive 55” but if they didn’t, no highway funds would be sent back as a portion of the funds stolen from the citizens in that state via their federal income taxes.  This created a strong incentive to “drive 55” – or at least, to enforce it.

Especially when it became apparent that there was money and power in it – for the states. Will a National Diaper Mandate be any different? How about the money on the table via a National Needle Mandate? This – the latter – trots inevitably in the wake of the Diaper. If people can be forced to efface their faces they can be forced to extend their arms. Former and latter depend on acceptance of the same nonsense; i.e., that everyone is sick, must be presumed sick even though obviously not and that catching a cold means you will dieeeeeeeeee!

The HPM believes this – or amens this. It really doesn’t matter which is true even if both are true. It means the same thing. A Diaper for you. A Diaper for all. Diapers everywhere, possibly forever.

Or at least, until the Needle is ready.

Orange Man, all his failings conceded, seems to be at most a reluctant Diaperer himself and his actions indicate he has no desire to force a Diaper on the face of every American. He rarely wears one and recently stopped wearing them and made a point of pointing out that he doesn’t need to wear one because he’s not sick – and so can’t get anyone sick.

This is pretty healthy.

Some will say he might Force Diaper us and this is of course true in the sense that anything is possible. But is the possibility preferable to the certainty? When the issue at hand is this important?

Diapering – or not – will determine the course of future events. It will decide whether Sickness Psychosis becomes the “new normal.” Nothing is more important than rejecting this by any means available.

The means becomes available in a little over two weeks from now.

Bear in mind that WuFlu Fever is the new excuse for the “wrenching social changes” urged many years ago by Al Gore and more recently by his emotive love child, the unhinged little urchin Greta Thunberg. How dare you! (live a normal life; drive a car, etc.) didn’t have the shaming power possessed by the acolytes of Sickness Psychosis, who have succeeded in getting many more people Diapered – and cowed – than “acting” for the sake of “climate change”- which you’ll observe has almost completely disappeared as an issue being brought up at every turn on the “news”  . . . chiefly because its prescriptions are being applied, just in the name of something new.

A materially diminished, stay-at-home life. Who needs a car when there’s nowhere to go? Or wants to go, when going anywhere is so unpleasant. Who wants to see anyone when you can’t see anyone? Better to stay home. Work from home – assuming you still have work. Many don’t and may never again, since it’s hard to employ people when you can’t operate at normal capacity and (feedback loop) fewer people want to come shop or patronize because  . . .it’s become so unpleasant.

The past eight months have given us a taste of the “new normal” that HPM has in mind. It may descend regardless under the Orange One’s glow. But there is a chance it may not and that chance is worth voting for, just as it is worth making a run for it rather than meekly lining up at the edge of the ditch, awaiting lights out forever.

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October 17, 2020 10:17 am

I watched Biden talk about more mask-wearing and mandatory lockdowns. I wondered how many people would vote for this?

October 17, 2020 10:32 am

The majority still vote for there own enslavement at present.

October 17, 2020 10:34 am

Mandatory diapering is another step in the “frog in the saucepan” erosion of our rights. Large numbers of sheeple have become so terrified by Fauci’s lies, that they will likely wear them for the rest of their lives. The next, and more insidious, mandate will be the “vaccine”. Never mind that there has never been a successful vaccine for ANY coronavirus (many in nature). Never mind that Bill Gates backed vaccine trials in India and Africa have killed tens of thousands of children, with zero repercussions. The soon to be mandated vaccine will have nothing to do with protection from the virus, and everything to do with tracking the movements and health status of the entire world population. Just another step on the way to the NWO’s path to a one world government and global tyranny. Skip the diaper and refuse the “vaccine”. Your life and future depend on it.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 17, 2020 10:55 am

I ran into a friend yesterday and he told me he and his wife have not been out to eat, ordered take-out or had any food delivered since this whole madness began. I tried to explain to him to get on with his life, but he is scared sh**less.

October 17, 2020 10:53 am

My seester was here until late last evening. Sometime during her stay I sneezed two times in a row. Apparently, I didn’t cover up correctly. “You need to sneeze into your elbow, not your hand. You’re gonna spread COVID!!” So, being the typical asshole that I can be, I sneezed two moar times … and didn’t cover up at all!!!

Hardscrabble Farmer wrote a few weeks ago that he won’t wear a mask on principle. I give him a hypothetical; … suppose you were at a FAMILY gathering, and a family member asked him to wear a mask. He said he still wouldn’t do it. I said that was the wrong thing to do … that getting along with FAMILY was more important than so-called principles.

I was in error. Really.

October 17, 2020 11:08 am

I’m in Myrtle Beach with my wife right now. My mother in law lives here and we haven’t seen her since Xmas. She wants us to come over. I told her I would not come to see her if I have to wear a mask. I won’t be seeing her. She won’t even meet us on the beach because she says I’m disrespectful. Fuck her. I get no joy out of saying that.

October 17, 2020 11:22 am

How the hell am I being disrespectful? I’m not forcing her to do anything. Covid is about controlling others. Period.

October 17, 2020 11:33 am

Agreed. You are NOT being disrespectful. FWIW, I support your decision 100%. Your mama-in-law sounds like my seester, God bless her leeberal heart.

October 17, 2020 11:25 am

Ditto my pa, and my 6 siblings…aww. TFB

October 17, 2020 11:20 am

Covid has become a religion. You either subscribe to it or you don’t. These people are the most evil people on earth. They couldn’t possibly care less about others.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
October 17, 2020 11:40 am

Auntie is a heretic, apostate, and auntie-thetical to the CoVid-19(84) faith and against any and all compulsory obeisance; a pinch of incense, genuflecting for Negroes, and especially diapering (unless completely incontinent.)

Snake handling in the Appalachians, Santeria, and even Voodoo are preferable to this Religion of Restriction.

What ever happened to separation of CHurch and State?

  Auntie Kriest
October 17, 2020 8:27 pm

I will say that, so far, it looks as if Myrtle Beach has an unspoken rule that says…”If you want to wear a mask, go for it. If not, go for it.”

No restaurant, store or even Barefoot Landing has said jack squat to people who don’t mask. Walmart was about 50/50 on mask wearing. I went in, shopped, paid and left without ever putting on the mask.

Stand up and proudly show your face Liberty Lovers.

October 17, 2020 12:23 pm

Come what may I will not be forcibly face diapered I can assure you of that. It is a human right to breathe freely and openly and I am more than willing to challenge the state in court.

October 17, 2020 12:38 pm

Wonder what Eric is going to do when Trump sends the Army to his house to give him the vaccine.

October 17, 2020 4:29 pm

TC- If it comes to that, you may want to give some thought as to what you’re going to do. Two choices are on the table. Submit or resist, we’ll all have to make that clear cut choice at some point.

October 17, 2020 9:03 pm
