Diaperer Riposte

Guest Post by Eric Peters

In the way of a first-aid kit to break open when dealing with Sickness Psychotics – the people who harass the well for not pretending they’re sick – I offer herewith a choice rejoinder to the injunction to “wear a mask”:

But I’m not a member!

This will throw a Diaperer into a kind of cataleptic state as they are more used to dealing with medical exemption! – a tactic that often works but is itself a degradation in that it concedes legitimacy to this disease; i.e., that Diapering is fine for most people (it isn’t) and that you would Diaper except for the “medical condition” (which is really just sanity and thus nothing that ought to require an exemption from).  I understand it’s a hack and have used it myself – but have decided not to anymore because I feel  . . . degraded and foolish using language that conveys I don’t actually disapprove of Diapering and would if only I could.

When in fact I despise Diapering – not so much the Diaper itself, which is merely idiotic and embarrassing – but rather the use of the Diaper to transform the populace into a herd of faceless submissives as well as dangerous aggressives toward the few who won’t submit to this sickness.

The Diaper pushers are the capos of our time. The reference is to Jews who persecuted their fellow Jews on behalf of the Nazis, making the Nazis’ job that much easier. In exchange for a few bread crusts (rather than the crumbs standard inmates got, if they got anything at all) the capos were willing to participate in the torment of their fellows – but much too craven to challenge their true tormentors.

Sound familiar?

The help at stores who rush at the Undiapered, screeching at them to Diaper – barring them from the store or forcing them out if they got in. The creatures standing by the door pressuring you to put on “your” Diaper – as if any sane person would possess such an item, let alone wear the thing.

Well, here is the perfect response to these people:

But I’m not a member!


Of your cult (said loudly, so that everyone in the vicinity can hear you).

It may not be necessary to say another word. You have gotten the point across – or at least, gotten the satisfaction that comes of not pretending it isn’t a cult by claiming a “medical exemption” from it.

This is our Solzhentsyn Moment. The opportunity we have – right now – to refuse to kowtow to any of this vicious garbage. To refuse it the slightest polite toleration. To make it crystal clear that the sane aren’t about to let the deranged establish their “new normal.” That we are on to them and tired of them and they’d better damned well get a grip – get off our backs – and get therapy.

Or just go away.

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September 8, 2020 8:11 pm

I started early not wearing a mask and citing the “Americans with Disabilities Act”. I do have a disability but it is not respiratory related. The only push back was at the US Post Office. The cashier who refused service wanted to know my disability and to see proof. I demanded to see the manager and explained what had happened. I received an apology letter a week later that also explained that entire office was going through 40 hours of ADA training.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
September 8, 2020 8:48 pm

Brilliant Eric, I hadn’t thought of this perspective and thank you for bringing it up. From now on I shall do exactly as you suggest, and tell them to stuff their ‘cult’ where the sun don’t shine! Bravo.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 8, 2020 9:16 pm

I can’t understand you through that mask always works for me. The second they pull it off to repeat the mask advice I just smirk and it’s all over.

Want to try this one but haven’t had an opportunity- I identify as someone wearing a mask.

Or, My attorney wants to know if it’s because of my sexual orientation.

Or, I’m peacefully protesting.

Or, Is it because I’m Black?

Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
  hardscrabble farmer
September 8, 2020 9:37 pm

I just walk in and ignore them and they leave me alone. Yesterday, a young cashier asked me why I was not wearing a dirty face diaper. I looked at her and said because the whole thing is bullshit. She shutup and checked me out.

Moving to Eric’s neck of the woods in a few months, hope they are so understanding. This country (its inhabitants, have gone insane) . Why are Trump voters wearing masks, ever, I don’t get it. Stand up people.

You want to give me a needle, well take a .556, .308 , 38sp, pick one first.

  Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
September 8, 2020 10:24 pm

Hear, hear!

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
September 11, 2020 3:19 am

You are quite correct – unusually because:
“The correct term is, “hear, hear!” It is an abbreviation for “hear, all ye good people, hear what this brilliant and eloquent speaker has to say!” This NY Times article cites a SpellWeb.com statistic: On the Web, “here here” outpolls the correct “hear hear” 153,000 to 42,000!”

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
  Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
September 11, 2020 3:16 am

More Here , here!
“The correct term is, “hear, hear!” It is an abbreviation for “hear, all ye good people, hear what this brilliant and eloquent speaker has to say!” This NY Times article cites a SpellWeb.com statistic: On the Web, “here here” outpolls the correct “hear hear” 153,000 to 42,000”!

September 8, 2020 9:32 pm

It’s sad and please forgive me. I just pick out the mask-wearers who will no longer be with us next year….and smile. (My ability to feel any empathy has been discarded along with the used masks and latex gloves littered along the sidewalks.)

September 8, 2020 10:23 pm

I’ve been pretty quiet on here about this, just didn’t see any need to add my two cents. This, however, hits right where I’m at.
I have worn the didy ONE time. It was back when it was really getting legs, and OR Gov. Flushy Brown had just decreed that everybody had to wear the insanity napkin when in public indoor places, like hospitals, etc.
Well, I had ripped the ligaments loose on my middle two fingers of the left hand about two months prior, early this spring. The first visit – VA funded – was only a ‘mask suggested’ set-up. At that point I could already see what was coming.
Anyway, on the second visit a month later, to get the checkup to see how it was doing, they told me at the door that I had to wear a mask. This was a 140 mile trip from Burns to Bend, but I still almost told them to shove it. We had a back-and-forth at the counter, me and a few so so concerned nurses, until a manager finally told me that I had to either put it on, or no see the doc.
I decided, considering the miles driven, to go ahead, but I promised myself that I would never put one on again.
So far I have been true to that, and I will be. I am a deacon -maintenance and grounds, for my church and, when we were finally allowed to actually start meeting again (Can you believe that bullshit?) it was masks recommended only. I had a great talk with the pastor about not wanting to put him in a spot, but that I refused to wear one of those ‘things’. He had no problem with that. Now I don’t go to services because masks are now required, watch online with a friend. I still do my maint. stuff, and everybody seems cool with it. I am also a guit./vocalist on the worship team, so I’m not doing that either. These are tough things to miss out on.
Of course the stores here all have the policy stated at the door, but the local Big R hardware/ag/everything store refuses to be law enforcement and no-one says a word, the Big A auto parts store refuses to enforce it and Safeway, of all places, doesn’t say a word. And there’s a few more. As I have said, we’re pretty isolated here and most people have very little use for the bullshit.

I considered, early on, to claim the med exemption, but it didn’t take long to throw that idea away. It’s a lie and I refuse to play their game. I say no and it’s no one’s business why. I refuse to stoop to their pathetic level, even one little head nod for this crap.

I am prepared to stay at home forever if need be, I really don’t need to go to town. I continue to add little prep things that come to mind, and for now I can still get what I want without depleting any stores. I make sure the fuels are kept up, and am composting enough to have 7 new raised bed gardens come spring (old 6′ round water tanks and a few smaller containers). I have all the grass clippings I can haul and mounds of manure-dirt from 50 years of scraping out feedlots and corrals. And I have lined out a spot where I’m going to plant a few fruit trees come spring.
BTW, the ligaments are just about healed up. Couldn’t play git for nearly 4 months. THAT was tough.
One final note – the shits coming, boys and girls. Look for some real serious doings by Nov, and it’s going to be one bad bad spring. Opinion, yes, but I have a pretty good record of calling it. Maybe even before then. As Unreconstructed said, you can never be prepared enough. And if you’ve dawdled, well I think you’re flat out fucked. Hope not, but I see this mask crappola as the first serious wave from the storm that’s upon us. It’s a ripple to what’s coming.
Stand fast, stand strong, stand together and be ready for ANYTHING. Get where you’re going, ’cause the last grains of sand are leaking through the hourglass.
Hope I’m wrong, but I’m not.

Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
September 8, 2020 10:37 pm

hear! hear!

September 8, 2020 10:43 pm

I’m feeling you, TS.

September 8, 2020 10:50 pm

SeeBee, steady on there! You could at least ask permission first.

September 8, 2020 11:15 pm

There are masks and there are masks.

September 9, 2020 12:31 am

True. I have no problem with a mask that is functional and appropriate for the occasion.

September 8, 2020 10:38 pm

None of this bullshit is going to last much longer. We’re in a Soviet Union Extinction Level Event, meaning this sucker is going down. The GDP has dropped 33% in the last 6 months. The GDP drop of the Great Depression took 4 years to drop 40%. We’ll exceed that low of 1933 easily before this time next year. By then The Democrat Mask Believers will have to take off their masks to eat shit and die, along with everyone else who already hate them all.

September 9, 2020 6:24 am

A alternative response (in a loud, condescending voice that you might use to tell off a child): I don’t care how much you shout, I will NOT pay for your therapy.”.

Just Thinking
Just Thinking
September 9, 2020 7:08 am

About the same here in lovely western Appalachia.

I greet the gate keepers while a big smile and heart felt “good morning”.

They recite their required line and I tell them I understand and thank you.

They are going through the motions to keep their job.

The Karens haven’t said a word. Just a little side-eye.

Could be my Springfield Armory shirt?