Gold Breaks $2,000 – And Its Outlook Remains “Wildly Bullish”

From Birch Gold Group

gold bull

The price of gold continues to soar. At the time of this writing, it is up a staggering 14.9% from its price on July 16, to $2,069.

The extraordinary increase from just three weeks ago seems to be happening thanks, in part, to the recent debasement of the U.S. dollar.

According to a Newsmax piece, negative yields are also playing a role:

The impact of the pandemic has driven real yields deeper into negative territory, which has boosted interest in the haven of gold. The dip below -1% on the 10-year is “a pretty big level,” according to TD Securities analyst Ryan McKay.

You can see the incredible jump in the price of gold on the 6-month chart:

golds contract1

Not to be outdone, silver’s price has increased more than 45% since July 16.

That even sharper increase in value, likely due to similar reasons as gold, is reflected here:

golds contract2


And with the dollar in a slow and steady decline since March 20, and yields getting worse, the Fed hasn’t been able to help to drive both gold and silver prices even higher.

In fact, the market is betting on it.

Fed’s Commitment to Higher Inflation Could Send Metals Prices Higher

According to a CNBC piece, “Markets have been betting on higher inflation, with surging gold prices, a falling dollar and a rush to inflation-indexed bonds.”

And it appears as though the Fed is going to deliver exactly what the markets are betting on. From the same article:

Recent statements from Fed officials and analysis from market veterans and economists point to a move to “average inflation” targeting in which inflation above the central bank’s usual 2% target would be tolerated and even desired.

There are even hints that inflation up to 4% could be a possibility, and without much resistance. Morgan Stanley thinks Americans should “brace for it”:

The most powerful leading indicator for inflation has already shown its hand – money supply, or M2. As Milton Friedman famously said 50 years ago, “inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” […] If Mr. Friedman was correct, then isn’t the risk of higher inflation greater than it’s ever been, too? Indeed, the sharp moves higher in breakevens and precious metals suggest that markets are considering the possibility.

And as the above note alludes to, both gold and silver could benefit from the Fed’s insistence that inflation be allowed to “run hot.” In fact, it could be “‘wildly bullish’ for alternative asset classes and in particular growth stocks and precious metals like gold and silver.”

A recent article from the American Institute for Economic Research shines a light on the possibility that, “If inflation were to really get out of hand, the dollar could lose its status as the international reserve currency.”

Out of control inflation, coupled with dollar debasement, could provide rocket fuel for the price of precious metals. (And if the Fed would report “real inflation,” that boost could come a lot faster than you think).

It sure looks like both gold’s and silver’s time has come. Let’s just hope we don’t add hyperinflation to the mix.

Time to Add Gold and Silver While the Opportunity is Still “Ripe”

With gold and silver continuing to rise, now is a good time to serious think about adding precious metals to your savings.

It’s one of many things you can start doing to make your nest egg more resilient in case inflation gets out of control.

With global tensions spiking, thousands of Americans are moving their IRA or 401(k) into an IRA backed by physical gold. Now, thanks to a little-known IRS Tax Law, you can too. Learn how with a free info kit on gold from Birch Gold Group. It reveals how physical precious metals can protect your savings, and how to open a Gold IRA. Click here to get your free Info Kit on Gold.

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None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
August 9, 2020 10:36 am

Gold didn’t break $2000. The dollar collapsed in value to gold to the tune of 2000 plus dollars.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  None Ya Biz
August 9, 2020 12:47 pm

Gold “Is.” It is the sun around which the fiat flies. It surely did “break” $2k. Unlike something appreciating based on value and breaking to a new high in constant Dollars, the Gold price breaking $2k as you say shows a new low via the new high in fiat.
Newbies can see this on a daily and often real-time basis. Go to and look at the real-time charts. The USD represents the US Dollar. Note how as the Dollar increases or decreases, Gold and oil usually move in the opposite direction. The 50% run in Silver the past four weeks is an aberration. It appears to me to be a catchup run. Deep investigation would likely discover contracts having been manipulated and other big bank chicanery.

The Cold Backhand of God
The Cold Backhand of God
August 9, 2020 11:44 am

Silver is about half of what it should be worth. $29-$30 is the next stop to be taken out. $2k gold is support for now.
If, and when the next economic relief stimulus is approved should the Democrats get bypassed, I’ll be getting Plan B prep in order. Plan A was buy Ag and Au. Plan B is steel, copper, and lead with fiat taken from cashing out market assets. Plan C is sustainable real estate in Elsewhere Land. Those preps are manifesting themselves fairly quickly.
Right now is a perfect storm for miners with US reserves in the ground. If anyone has mining shares of a biz with proven reserves and manageable debt, hold onto them with a death grip – they’re going to run. I’ve owned US mining shares when they were garbage over the last several years but the next few quarters will be a nice reprieve from years of patience.
Turn your paper to metal. Turn some precious into lead and steel, leave the rest to appreciate. Turn your water into beer and the grape juice to wine. Enjoy it while you can.

God’s wrath is coming soon and He has a name.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  The Cold Backhand of God
August 9, 2020 12:52 pm

As a long time investor in metal I must advise any buying stock in miners, it is NOT a long term investment. These are the most volatile SOB’s on the planet. If you get a big runup sell them immediately. The next day is usually too late and it will be another ten years before they are not dead money.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
  Harrington Richardson
August 9, 2020 4:40 pm

I will be selling half of mine bought at the 52 week low at a preset stop. It will be triple of the total average price paid. No worries, in the short term the price stop will be hit and we will be totally OUT when $30 silver is support.
Thanks Robin Hood day traders and hedge funds … you can have my shares.

  e.d. ott
August 9, 2020 7:30 pm

Good for you e.d.!

Multiple ways to dance with PMs while the music is still playing.

August 10, 2020 9:14 am