Back To School? A Billion Students Still Hit By Closures

Via ZeroHedge


Back to school season is just around the corner and, as Statista’s Niall McCarthy reports, that’s the number of learners who still aren’t able to attend class (as of early August) due to the pandemic.

Infographic: Back To School: A Billion Students Still Hit By Closures | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

According to UNESCO, that figure represents 60.5 percent of all learners worldwide though it is an improvement on the 1.4 billion students kept out of school in mid March.

At that point, there were national school closures in 138 countries and that has now fallen to 105.

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Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
August 9, 2020 9:12 am

We just enrolled our grandson at a private Christian school. I don’t really know if it’s a very good school but they have a traditional curriculum so it’s bound to be better than the public propaganda machine. He got a scholarship from the state for 90% of the tuition so at least our daughter won’t be financially devastated.

Hopefully he won’t be getting suspended every other week for being a boy. Last year he was suspended for horrible crimes like touching his friends (grab assing) and standing up in class to stretch. His mom refuses to drug him and turn him into a docile girl that sits quietly for six hours.

NC (or at least our county) opted for virtual education for at least seven weeks. Comrade Cooper will probably extend that when the planned second wave of the plague hits.

This insanity is on steroids and I see no end in sight.

  Craven Warrior
August 9, 2020 12:23 pm

The Christian elementary school I went to separated the boys and girls in 5th and 6th grades. They probably should have done it through 8th.

August 9, 2020 10:41 am

People have been bitching for decades about how badly the govt schools are turning them against us, our culture, our beliefs, our God, and country. Even their own biology.

Now when the Dems offer up the chance to finally kill these re-education camps, conservatives and libertarians whine and bitch about how their poor kids can’t go to school and are missing out on socializing.

People are always saying they would do anything for their kids.

I guess they really means as long as the don’t have to do or give up anything.

August 9, 2020 12:00 pm

Virtual education for our elementary and middle schools is going to be a failure. This won’t last long.

August 9, 2020 12:09 pm

I suspect that the overall knowledge on the planet will increase dramatically – even if only within the ones with parents that actually care. The more freedom a nation allows the more opportunity there will be for students and parents to find a successful way to provide education despite the failures of their incompetent and complicit governments.

August 9, 2020 12:15 pm

The biggest problem is that, despite its abject failure through this (and for at least 50 years prior), parents will continue to stay with bigBrother and his day-prison system. They clearly have NO idea as to how to handle on-line learning in a manner that actually achieves anything. Meanwhile, dozens of companies all over the nation, have “partnered” with the day-prison establishment to provide on-line education for “free.” In GA, it is “Connections Academy.” While I don’t think that their curricula is anywhere as good as Ron Paul’s or others, it has at least been prepared by folks who have geared everything they do to on-line success, not just half-assing it because they are forced to. Pretending that face-to-face and online are the same thing, or can be easily transitioned between, especially for teachers, is beyond insulting. At least these on-line academies have many years of success behind them (20 years for Connections). Yes, it means bailing on the government failure. Hey parents – they bailed on you before you were even born.

August 9, 2020 4:55 pm

Think how much better off the kids are not being exposed to the “educators”