
Guest Post by The Zman

The weather last weekend was not very good here in Lagos, so I tuned in for some of the football games. I used to watch a lot of college football, but that has waned quite a bit over the last few years. When I consume college football, I’m usually doing something else, so I half listen and pay attention when I hear some excitement. These days, you can rewind the action if you miss something, so this sort of consumption is a lot easier than in the old days. You can watch the highlights in real time.

One thing you quickly learn when you cut the cord, which I did years ago, is that regular TV watching habituates you to the degeneracy. I’m not sure if you get used to it or your mind just learns to filter out the offensive garbage. Take a few weeks off, come back to it and you’re appalled at what you see. It’s not just the degeneracy, which is a big part of it, but the stupidity. Television has always been aimed at the 90-IQ crowd and that jumps out to you when you are away from it for a while.

Something similar seems to be true with televised sports. Once you take a break from watching these shows, the warts become obvious. Last weekend I could not help but notice the volume of commercials in these broadcasts. I was working on something and every time I looked up to see what was happening in the game, it was a commercial and usually for something alien to me. At some point I looked at some other games and sure enough, they were all in a commercial break.

Of course, the commercials are atrocious. This is where you see the propaganda effort behind all of this. Most likely, the typical viewer of college football is a white middle-aged male, living outside the Cloud People zones. That means suburban and exurban. That also means the sort of guy who voted for Trump. Yet, they blast ads featuring race-mixers and homosexuals. The products are things this demo is not buying, like AIDS drugs and cloud services. It’s ruling class porn as advertisement.

At some point, I decided to watch until I saw an ad featuring anything resembling normal people doing normal things. I gave up after about thirty minutes. If a space alien tried to understand America based on television, its conclusion would be that we are ruled by frizzy-haired mulatto lesbians and homosexuals. Their main task is keeping the simple-minded, almost retarded, white males under control. The TV ad world is the complete opposite of reality and any possible reality.

As far as the presentation of sports, it is pretty close to unwatchable. The endless commercials are a big problem for a casual viewer. I wanted to watch the Ohio State – Penn State game, but the presentation was so bad it was hard to watch. When it is not commercials for lesbians enjoying their work at Amazon, it is insipid airheads talking constantly while the players wander around between plays. Turning the sound off makes it worse, as you see how little is happening on the field.

It used to be popular with the sporting press to bad mouth baseball for being too slow and boring. The real reason they are told to bash baseball is the game has not been Africanized. It is not a running and jumping sport. There are no opportunities for the blacks to draw attention to themselves with the usual antics. Putting that aside, the slow pace of baseball makes sense in the context of the game. The slow pace of modern football is just a way to squeeze in more agit-prop.

The ruination of televised football is one of those examples that point to a deliberate, well thought-out war on white people. For a long time, football and baseball were things most whites could share as a cultural item. Despite the color on the field, the audience has remained stubbornly white. It was the thing white people could talk about at the office, without having to fear the PC police. Instead of leaving that as an oasis, the usual suspects seem to have targeted it for degeneration and destruction.

That said, the television ratings for this stuff have held up. There was some decline, but the usual suspects have convinced normie white males to return. The new thing now is the celebration of the black quarterback. There’s nothing that stimulates the normie whites in America more than worshiping blacks. White guilt remains a powerful delivery vehicle for the repulsive propaganda around it. Watch an NFL game and you get why the usual suspects hate white people so much.

That said, there is no way the country survives wholesale cord cutting. Once you are free from this stuff, it is impossible to come back. The old gag about baseball was that if it did not exist, no one would invent it. Something similar is true of TV. If the nation was not already hooked on it, no one would become hooked on it. It is so trashy and so degenerate; you can’t get past the revulsion long enough to get hooked on it. My rainy weekend experience was just enough to turn it off for good.

That’s why television watching will eventually be mandatory. Orwell got most things wrong about the dystopian future. The one thing he nailed was the video monitors installed in every hope. It may not be as heavy handed as he described, but there is no way the usual suspects allow the public to cut the cord. Without the daily dose of poz, there is no way white people go along with their dispossession. The revolution comes when the televisions go dark for any length of time.

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November 28, 2019 9:51 pm

“Woe is us…we’re in a lot of trouble.”

Howard Beale knew this back in 1976.

“This tube is the most awesome God damned force in the whole Godless world and woe is us…..”

We have forgotten this message and not “woe is us” but instead we are so fucked.

November 28, 2019 11:01 pm

Just shut the damn thing off.

November 28, 2019 11:51 pm

I love watching the chimp fest after someone scores a TD. 6-8 black guys assemble and chimp dance for the camera. Actually, I can’t stand to watch it. A stream of bananas aimed at them would seem appropriate.

November 29, 2019 12:14 am

Couldn’t have said it better other than just to keep in mind (((who))) is behind the infernal racket.

November 29, 2019 6:45 am

I quit watching NFL football three years ago, barely watch college. For the past two years I quit watching news including Fox. My wife switched providers so I lost OAN.
I have to say my life is better for it. I am less pissed off.

November 29, 2019 7:10 am

I stopped watching football, then sports altogether after keppernick started the kneeling nonsense. He did me a favor really. It made cutting the cord easy. So i have more time, i’m less pissed off, and i save over a hundred bucks a month. Winning.

November 29, 2019 7:07 am

The bigger tvs get, the more i think orwell. TCM. Turner classic movies. Get it on sling when you cut the cord. No agit prop bullshit. Just classic and classy movies. Not only can i not go back to watching football, but i cant go back to watching modern garbage on tv.

November 29, 2019 11:35 am

Even TCM is becoming woke. Better to DVR in advance and skip the before and after commentary.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
November 29, 2019 5:00 pm

F’ing Communistcast just dropped TCM. I called to complain and was told “nobody watches it.” I said BS, does it have anything to do with TCM being owned by your competitor AT&T? They cut every network down to one channel even though there are two or more in antennae range, except for NBC(nothing but communists) which they own.
My oldest got tired of how much they were spending on all the stuff and got an antenna which brings in 55 channels in HD or 4K. All the networks plus the PBS channels commiecast cut. Many of the broadcast channels have .1, .2,.3 channels (ex. 6.1, 6.2 etc.) which have all the Andy Griffith and Rifleman type old TV shows. Buy a couple of cheap DVR’s and you can record or playback. She subscribes to Netflix and Disney. She is spending less than $25 for that and has internet and a Firestick which gets a lot of other stuff. Including internet she spends about $100 a month total and has everything they had before.

  Harrington Richardson
November 29, 2019 10:14 pm

TCM, Star Trek re-runs, the Starz Western channel, baseball and misc ancient MeTV & H&I television show re-runs are ALL that I can take. Other than the commercials for life insurance and prescription drugs that I fast-forward through, I avoid all of the satanic globohomo brainwashing. If TCM went away, I would just put the 100 bucks a month into used dvds, in anticipation of a time in the future when these reminders of the past are otherwise unavailable.

What concerns me about TCM is that the have become much more heavy-handed with pushing liberal academic “experts” to contextualize how unjust the prevailing culture was that informed the movie they are about to show. Basically they are doing undergrad-level deconstruction of the movies, instead of just taking them at face value. This is of concern to me, because it feels like corp America is getting ready to kill the channel entirely. Once TCM goes away, there will be *nothing* on cable consistently showing Am pop culture 1930-1980s.

Also, I’m pretty tired of hearing about how unfairly host Ben Mankiewicz’s great uncle, Joseph Mankiewicz was treated when he was put on the Hollywood blacklist for being a f***ing communist.

November 29, 2019 7:15 am

We’re down to 1 TV in our house, and I can’t tell you when the last time it was actually used.
comment image

Schmuel Goldenwitz
Schmuel Goldenwitz
November 29, 2019 11:00 am

That looks like an authentic vintage Talmudvision!

(Look out below – those fuckers were heavy.)

November 29, 2019 6:46 pm

“Second City Television Is On The Air” !

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
November 29, 2019 9:11 am

I’ve always called them “Ole Piss”. Now it’s been proven true. It was hard to grow up in Jackson as a State/Bama fan.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
November 29, 2019 9:07 am

Zman is right and I am quite pleased that professional sports has turned into a nauseating freak show. Until white Americans stop wasting time and money on these absurd spectacles they will never get their heads out of their butts and realize that a motley collection of Zionist Jews, angry blacks, and Communists are wrecking our country.
I find it disgusting that otherwise normal white people cheer on hulking, foul-mouthed black felons with blonde whores hanging on them. There is no middle road. Reject American popular culture or drown in that sewer. Who can look at that genetic mess Colin Kapernick (sp?) without laughing or throwing up?

Nothing wrong with playing football yourself if you need the work out, of course..

  Southern Sage
November 29, 2019 11:30 am

Most people really don’t want the responsibility of being free. This is what the low life ‘leaders’ of ours know and they are taking full advantage of it. It’s all quite a symbiotic relationship if you look at it objectively.

November 29, 2019 10:39 am

They don’t show the Cheerleaders much anymore. I told a Cowboys fan that this was the best part of his team.

November 29, 2019 10:44 am

Go Pats. Go ‘Noles. Let the Hate begin. The only things I watch on TeeVee are football and cooking shows. And that is when I am done outside running the dogs, gardening, fishing and target shooting. I find football very complex and actually academic in a way. It is entertaining for me in a using your mind kind of way.

Black Friday
Black Friday
November 29, 2019 11:55 am

“Go Pats. Go Noles.”

Do I understand you correctly: you want “your” Negroes to beat “their” Negroes?

  Black Friday
November 29, 2019 12:15 pm

First of all, one is a pro team and one is a college team, dumbass, they don’t play each other. Second, and thanks, but I did not realize Tom Brady and Julian Edelman were Negroes. Color me enlightened.

November 29, 2019 10:59 am

I quit watching in the 70’s when the canned laughter and canned boos became nonstop. Telling us what was funny and what was bad(Being a straight white). Some of you may remember the term “Shining” used by blacks to describe their exaggerated antics and funny talk. They resented doing it for whitey but were afraid not to. And what do we have today? Speaking in exaggerated Afrolese and dancing like a monkey after each play on the field or something similar on stage.
I quit cardio rehab and got a used exercise treadmill because I was forced to watch TV for 2 hours 4 days a week. You wouldn’t believe the howls and hurt butts when I told the nurses and Vets my age why I was quitting. It should be no secret to TBP that I carry everything on my sleeve. I never make anyone guess what I think. When 70 and 80 year old Vets who wear those stupid Nam hats watch the View while working out with their eyes fixed on the screen it’s time for a mercy killing. They shoot horses don’t they?

November 29, 2019 11:05 am

…carry everything on my sleeve. Yes you do. Thanks for that. Don’t stop.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
November 29, 2019 11:21 am

That’s for sure and please don’t stop.

November 29, 2019 1:07 pm

A spot on from Z-man. And we were warned….before.