Disproportionalities: Whose Fault?

Guest Post by Walter E. Williams

Disproportionalities: Whose Fault?

Jews have been awarded 40% of the Nobel Prizes in economics, 30% of those in medicine, 25% in physics, 20% in chemistry, 15% in literature and 10% of the Nobel Peace Prizes. Since the beginning of the 20th century, there have been just over 900 Nobel Prizes awarded. Since Jews are only 2% of the world’s population, instead having 22% of Nobel Prizes, 206, they should have won only two, according to the proportionality vision of justice.

There’s an even greater domestic violation of the proportionality vision. Jews are less than 3% of the U.S. population but 35% of American Nobel Prize winners. Several questions come to mind. Does the disproportionately high number of Jewish winners explain why there are so few black or Hispanic Nobel Prize winners? Who’s to blame for ethnic disproportionality among Nobel Prize winners, and what can be done to promote social justice?

Proportionality injustice doesn’t end with the Nobel Prize. Blacks are about 13% of the U.S. population but close to 70% of the players in the National Football League. Blacks are greatly overrepresented among star players and highly paid players. While the disproportionality injustice runs in favor of black players in general, they are all but nonexistent among the league’s field goal kickers and punters.

Perhaps the only reason why football team owners are not charged with hiring discrimination is that the same people who hire quarterbacks and running backs also hire field goal kickers and punters. Proportionality and diversity injustice is worse in the National Basketball Association, with blacks being over 80% of the players. Plus, it’s not uncommon to watch college basketball games and see that 90 to 100% of the starting five players are black.

Most readers know that I teach economics at George Mason University and have done so for nearly 40 years. However, that doesn’t mean the field of economics doesn’t have its problems. Many see economics as neither a welcoming nor a supportive profession for women or blacks. Former Federal Reserve Board Chair Janet Yellen, in addressing a Brookings Institution audience said: “Within the economics profession, women and minorities are significantly underrepresented.

And data compiled by the American Economic Association’s Committees on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession and the Status of Minority Groups in the profession show that there has been little or no progress in recent decades. Women today make up only about 30 percent of Ph.D. students. Within academia, their representation drops the higher up one goes in the career ladder. The share of Ph.D.s awarded to African Americans is low; and it has declined slightly in recent decades.” Yellen says that diversity in economics is a matter of “basic justice.”

Had I been in the audience, I would have asked Yellen whether there’s basic justice in the nursing field, where less than 10% of nurses are men. What about the gross lack of proportionality in incarceration? According to 2015 figures released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the overall U.S. prison and jail population is 90.6% male and 9.4% female. The only way that I see to remedy such a gross disproportionality injustice is to either incarcerate more female prisoners or release male prisoners.

Back to Janet Yellen: It is pathetic and professionally incompetent that she can ignore decades of research — some of it by female researchers — that shoots down the idea that disparities prove discrimination. Moreover, if one carries the notion that disparities prove discrimination far enough, they’d look like true fools. According to a study conducted by Bond University in Australia, sharks are nine times likelier to attack and kill men than they are women. Despite the fact that men are 50% of the population, and so are women, men are struck by lightning six times as often as women. Of those killed by lightning, 82% are men. One can only wonder what social justice warriors would do about these and many other disproportionalities.

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old white guy
old white guy
November 6, 2019 6:52 am

While I do appreciate Mr. Williams writing and fact based articles, in order for the Jews to be 2% of the worlds population there would have to be about 160 million of them. There are about 140 million fewer than that.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
  old white guy
November 6, 2019 8:26 am

Which would indicate that Jews are actually more overrepresented as Nobel Prize Winners?

So tell me again how the Jews control the Swedes to force them to award the filthy Jews so many prizes?

Let’s admit that the Jew is on average the smartest population cohort on the planet, now we can debate the level of evil they represent and the amount of influence they actually exert over world affairs but facts are facts….you are likely dumber than the average Jew.

This is also consistent with the winning of so many Nobel Prizes (not that that is so great, Barry Bathhouse got one), so those who are opposed to world domination by the Jew have a daunting task…….Despite eons of oppression and murder and overt discrimination the Jew is still here and still riding high in most lucrative professions….and they dominate the sciences.

Well just like any negative selection process only the strong survive so it was those who actively discriminated and persecuted the Jews that made them who they are…..ouch.

I don’t find it unusual that Walter Williams overestimated the world’s population of Jews…the nasty bastards are literally everwhere……any national news story in the USA….the odds are quite high that the reporter, the writer, the anchor and the subjects of the story…..never less than 25% Jew. Easy to extrapolate that to the population at large.

  Martel's Hammer
November 6, 2019 9:19 am

You are apparently basing your first four paragraphs on the assumption that Nobel Peace Prizes are based on Intelligence or a desire for peace. Barry got one for being fraudulently elected as President.
In paragraph 5 you reaffirm my contention that all Jews are complicit in the Israeli Bankster Cabal’s attempt to rule the world at our expense through fraud, war and terrorism. WE caused them to close ranks in a united effort while also protecting their highly intelligent, hardworking gene pool for future generations.
I’m sure someone will reply further on in the day how some Jew hating Nazi made this article all about the Jews.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
November 6, 2019 9:52 am

You are correct, I am asserting that Nobel Prizes for the hard sciences (physics, chemistry, physiology/medicine) are in fact a proxy for intelligence….you have to produce a key insight and have a long term body of peer-reviewed work at least in those three categories. The average bear won’t qualify.

I am suggesting that while the pernicious impact of the Jews can be debated, very few at this point would say that there is not a small minority on this planet that has an outsized and mostly negative influence on world events.

My broader point being, hey these fuckers are pretty smart so let’s not underestimate them and BTW overt discrimination over a long period of time has made them that way…..

Short of tearing down the world and starting over (not a bad plan) I just stay away and try not to participate. Pretty hard to do.

  Martel's Hammer
November 6, 2019 11:13 am

“A long term body of peer reviewed work”. Yes, “Peer” reviewed. Who decides who is a Peer. Da Jews. Who got a peace prize and promptly commenced the destruction of more than a few countries. Who controls the Swedes who nominally control the Peace Prize.
If “WE” caused Da Jews to rally around one another to push back against “OUR” oppression than all Jews everywhere are complicit and guilty of conspiring to control us. Even our nice Jewish neighbors.

22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
November 6, 2019 7:05 pm

Flea- I cracked the Jew code over the weekend.

It’s not what you think it is.

It’s HORRIBLE at times, but not what you think it is.

The tech children have pulled the carpet out from under the control grid. I’m going to yield to Plato P on this, but not in any way that ends with Black Mirror shit.

Jewish folks have smeared themselves with shit on purpose throughout history in order to be the “grey man” who survives. It’s hard to get the shit off, but that is what you are are seeing and much more to follow.

  old white guy
November 6, 2019 8:40 am

Jews are a little less than 2% of America’s population, and about 0.2% of the world’s population.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  old white guy
November 6, 2019 10:27 am

Why would Old White Guy have been downvoted just for pointing out Williams’ arithmetic error?

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
November 6, 2019 7:08 am

If you just recite enough facts, eventually every progressive will judge the evidence and change the way they view the world and come over to our side.

Just kidding.

22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
  Hardscrabble Farmer
November 6, 2019 9:17 am

Facts do not equal, and NEVER TRUMP, critical thinking

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Hardscrabble Farmer
November 6, 2019 10:38 am

Pithy, and so true.

November 6, 2019 7:30 am

According to 2015 figures released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the overall U.S. prison and jail population is 90.6% male and 9.4% female.

The state of Florida had a strange statistic on their Florida Department of Corrections website around ten years ago or so. It stated statistics that the majority of the male prison population was black. Then it stated that the majority of female prison population was white.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 6, 2019 10:37 am

The male prison population is currently about 1/3 black. Not sure if that percentage is down from previous years, but the black incarceration rate is down a lot over the last twenty or so years. This short article points that out. https://quillette.com/2019/09/28/the-case-for-black-optimism/ Its author is an up and coming truth-teller, an heir to Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell. I don’t know if he’s conservative, but he values truth and understands statistics. He also doesn’t seem to misrepresent statistics. http://Www.twitter.com/coldxman

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 6, 2019 7:32 am

His idea of imprisoning more women is intriguing.

November 6, 2019 7:58 am

A smart guy like Walter should know and state that there are NO Nobel Prizes in Economics.

November 6, 2019 8:15 am
November 6, 2019 8:31 am

Jews also disproportionately win at the Oscars, but does that mean they are making good movies?

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
November 6, 2019 8:53 am

One of my favs, Red Dawn, was directed by John Milius who also worked on Jerimiah Johnson, Dirty Harry and Apocalypse Now….that’s my kind of Jew!

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
  Martel's Hammer
November 6, 2019 10:31 am

Don’t forget Gene Wilder and Mel Brooks … and the Golan-Globus production team that made Charles Bronson into a B-film movie star with the “Death Wish” films.

  Martel's Hammer
November 6, 2019 4:34 pm

Jesus was a Jew.

22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
November 6, 2019 9:16 am

I unlocked my own Jew past the last week or so.

It was more good than bad.

Wild West Jews, Civil War Jews, no shit.

No time to address the disproportionality thing and tertiary issues right this moment.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
  22winmag - w/o tagline
November 6, 2019 9:22 am

Did you apologize to AOC or at least acknowledge you went too far?

It helps me to gauge whether you get the Fuel Air Bomb or just some random mortar fire.

November 6, 2019 9:25 am

Walter Williams’ comment:

“Jews have been awarded 40% of the Nobel Prizes in economics, 30% of those in medicine, 25% in physics, 20% in chemistry, 15% in literature and 10% of the Nobel Peace Prizes. Since the beginning of the 20th century, there have been just over 900 Nobel Prizes awarded. Since Jews are only 2% of the world’s population, instead having 22% of Nobel Prizes, 206, they should have won only two, according to the proportionality vision of justice.

There’s an even greater domestic violation of the proportionality vision. Jews are less than 3% of the U.S. population but 35% of American Nobel Prize winners. Several questions come to mind. Does the disproportionately high number of Jewish winners explain why there are so few black or Hispanic Nobel Prize winners? Who’s to blame for ethnic disproportionality among Nobel Prize winners, and what can be done to promote social justice?”

Mr. Williams’ comment misses the point when it comes to jews…

When it comes to jews, there is more than meets the eye…

It’s not “smarts” or “IQ” that gives jews an advantage over gentile whites, but is their rabid insistence on cultural and social cohesiveness, insularity and nepotism (but only for themselves) that gives them an “advantage”.

This same cultural and social cohesiveness that is prized so highly by jewish interests is denied to gentile whites.

Jews, to a man will fight to deny this same cultural and social cohesiveness to gentile whites that they themselves enjoy as it is a major part of the jewish purpose–the destruction of gentile white culture, which IS superior to any jewish cultural or social society.

If jews did not possess this power, they would most likely be rag merchants, liquor merchants, or furniture merchants–nothing more.

As I have previously stated, jewish success is based on cultural and social cohesiveness and insularity–NOT “smarts” or “IQ”. Once enough jews get into a position of power in the work world or education systems, they will hire and promote their own, even bypassing more qualified gentile white candidates.

Jews also lack a moral component which tempers evil in every other culture and society. Jews are proud when they are able to take advantage of others of lesser means—especially those who are not jews. Getting away with murder, theft, and other crimes against the “goy” is a critical part of the jewish psyche and is never tempered by guilt.

At the same time, jews pushed the concept of racial “equality”, (but only for gentile whites), backing it up with “civil-rights” and “equal accommodation” laws which are enforced by governments–but only against whites.

These “civil-rights” laws are used as a “battering ram” against gentile whites to diffuse and fragment any semblance of gentile white solidarity and cohesiveness that may arise.

A great reckoning dealing with the jews is coming. As gentile whites become more marginalized, the accusation of being tagged as “racist” or a “holocaust denier” is rapidly losing its “sting”.
Increasingly, jews are more wary of being “called out” and recognized as “jews”. One can call a jew a shyster, shylock, bankster, criminal or ne-er-do-well, and it will roll off his back like water off a duck, BUT call a jew a “jew”, and he will recoil in horror, having been “found out”.

November 6, 2019 9:58 am

Right on all counts.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 6, 2019 10:43 am

IQ tests don’t lie.

A lot of white people quietly agree when James Watson expresses hopelessness over Africa’s future due to blacks having – on average – lower IQ. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/fury-at-dna-pioneers-theory-africans-are-less-intelligent-than-westerners-394898.html But then they discount IQ when Northern Asians or Ashkenazi Jews outscore Europeans (by a little). It doesn’t bother me that Jews are – on average – smarter than white people. I take solace in the fact that I’m smarter than the average Jew, although I’ve been killing off too many brain cells lately.

  Iska Waran
November 6, 2019 11:03 am

Sure they do. They’re skewered toward an outcome of choice. If they had money and influence, Blacks could develope a testing procedure to accentuate their strong points. It doesn’t mean it would make them smarter, it means we can modify any test to get a desired outcome like Global warming.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
November 6, 2019 3:53 pm

Well, there is a modification and then there is testing for completely different things….the ability to quickly jump away from a striking Mamba….well the quick-twitch muscle fiber ratio of our darker brothers is much much higher….so they can avoid that snake….we get nailed.

Scoring well there doesn’t however mean you should be a physicist…..sadly IQ tests are actually damned accurate….math, verbal ability, spatial reasoning, etc. are pretty independent of culture…. with the vocab. being most susceptible to cultural impact. I would suggest though that if you don’t have the ability to communicate in a grammatically correct way in the dominant language…well…..I guess you were not smart enough to figure that out!

Cultural Fascism!

November 6, 2019 10:41 am

I am saving this to my JQ ((( ))) folder.

November 6, 2019 1:27 pm

Keep them divided by any ways, any means possible.

November 6, 2019 4:30 pm

Israel is the Apple of God’s eye for,Jesus was born a Jew.

22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
November 6, 2019 11:47 pm

Wanna know why?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
November 7, 2019 10:40 am

Israel WAS the apple of Gods eye. They will someday be resurrected to the same position. Today however they are cast aside in favor of the church which is neither jew nor gentile; the church which is His body. This is the worlds largest misunderstanding and an enormous problem which, if understood correctly, Biblically dispensationally, would remove the pretense Jews have over others (and the notions that others have of them, such as the above comment) and would level the playing field for all men.

Romans 9-11… problem solved.

Then comes the problem of mans inherent sin nature.

Romans 1-8… problem solved.

How are we to all get along in this present evil world?

Romans 12-16… problem solved.

But gcp, the KJB is just a bunch of myths and legends written by jews nonetheless; even Jesus Himself was a Jew.

Romans 3:1-2 KJB… “What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.”

God spoke through a few choice members of the tribe. Oracles are prophets. It’s why they were chosen in the first place. God does not speak through many people. Paul being the recipient of the “why” of everything and the instructions for the church in this dispensation of grace.

November 6, 2019 6:53 pm

The Nobel Prizes are rigged just as acceptance to Ivy League universities such as Harvard as documented by Ron Unz. Read Charles Murray’s book “Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950” and you will notice an almost complete absence of Jews in the fields of science and arts over the three millenniums except for Einstein who was plagiarist. The level of corruption knows no limits when it comes to Jews. And do they really have high IQs or has that data also been fudged? Why does Israel have an average IQ below 100?

November 6, 2019 8:01 pm

Jordan Peterson makes very similar points. Basically, very small differences in IQ, for instance, or athletic performance, make for very large differences at the ends of the distribution curve.

For instances, say on average, blacks are 5% better athletes. Not much at all. But at the supremely gifted ends of the curve, NBA players, for example, the cohort (blacks) will dominate. The 600 best blacks, out of a 50 million sample, will be better than the 600 best whites, out of 170 million sample. Same goes for IQ. If one group has almost a full standard deviation advantage on average, they will have a significant advantage at the far boundaries of the distribution curve – the 0.01 percent part of the curve, where Nobel prize winners lie.

You are not going to find many Nobel prize calibre intellects in a cohort that has an average IQ of 85 -Africans – when they are against an, albeit much smaller cohort, with an average IQ of 110.

Peterson say these same statistical issues is why men, who are slightly more aggressive than women, commit the vast number of violent crimes. It is individuals the far end of the aggressiveness curves that commit the most violent crimes, and they are almost all male, owing to the general cohort of men being somewhat more aggressive on average than women.

Das Arschoch
Das Arschoch
November 7, 2019 12:11 pm

The urge to constantly justify yourself against accusations brought forward by the sworn enemies of your people is itself a sign of supreme stupidity.