The Western Disease

Guest Post by The Zman

By now, even militant anti-Hollywood people are aware of the zombie apocalypse, where humanity is put at risk by a plague of zombies. It’s not always zombies. It could be a vampire problem. The general idea is always the same though. For some reason, people turn into murderous crazies, attacking normal people. Another variation is the newly dead rise and begin attacking the living, thus increasing the number of zombies while decreasing the stock of the living. This is the most popular version of the concept.

The cause of this problem is either a virus that just turned up for no reason, a virus made by man or some alien bug that arrived here for unknown reasons. The germ of this idea, so to speak, is the novel I Am Legend. In it the hero is the last normal person on earth, plagued by what appears to be vampires. He eventually figures out that they have been infected with a disease that causes the vampire like symptoms. The book ends with him having been captured by a hybrid group of vampires that are the future of man.

The odd thing about Hollywood adaptations of this idea is they never focus on the logic behind a disease that would cause a species to murder itself. A virus that kills the host can only work if the host, in the process of dying, infects new hosts. A pathogen that killed instantly would die off quickly, so it would most likely never evolve in the first place. The first iteration would kill the host, before it could spread or kill the population so quickly that no one could get to another population group in time to infect them.

Species do go extinct, so it is not inconceivable that some new environment element could evolve to take out humanity or a large part of it. The Black Death did a number on Europe, so we know such a plague is possible. Thousand cankers disease is a blight that attacks certain walnut trees. The disease results from the combined activity of the walnut twig beetle and a fungus. It could very well wipe out the walnut tree. Similarly, the common banana, known as the cavendish, is at risk from Panama disease.

This idea of a disease that causes people to turn on one another, combined with the habit of nature to clean the slate from time to time, is a useful way to think about the western disease of multiculturalism. Rather than think of it as a set of nutty ideas or a conspiracy by one population to prey on another, it is best thought of as a pathogen that is causing Europeans to attack themselves. Instead of rage zombies, we have people obsessed with the emotional well-being of aliens, at the expense of their kin.

This live stream with Ed Dutton, John Derbyshire and Richard Spencer from last week gets into it a little bit. Around the 50-minute mark, they talk about how the Finns, in particular, but Europe as a whole, have suddenly and inexplicably become pathological in their altruism. The whole video is worth watching, as Ed Dutton is a very interesting guy with a head full of dangerous ideas. As is often the case, when smart people from this side of the divide get together, they end up puzzling over the disease of multiculturalism.

That’s the thing though, no one ever thinks of it like a disease. Instead, the rock solid belief is that it is simply the result of misreading history or drawing the wrong lessons from the industrial wars of the 20th century. The quest for half a century has been to find the right combination of noises that will drop the scales from the eyes of the ruling elites so they will reject multiculturalism. Despite thousands of smart people working tirelessly to find the right combination of sounds, the disease has spread to all corners of the West.

An important thing Dutton points out is that the Finns used to be a very inward looking population group. In fact, northern people in general were very hostile to outsiders, for practical reasons related to ecology. When you live in challenging environments, cooperation is essential. This inevitably rewards traits that bind people close to their social group and traits that make people hostile to outsiders, who could come in and take some of the precious resources of the group. It’s ecological tribalism.

In the last half century, even the notoriously inward looking Finns have been plagued by the need to invite the world, particularly the most hostile parts, into their community. As Dutton mentions, it even seems to be causing the Finns to lose their shyness, something for which they have been known since forever. What possible reasons could a happy people like the Finns suddenly decided to destroy themselves by inviting in hostile foreigners from the other side of the globe? What’s causing this madness?

That is an important part of stress, with regards to multiculturalism. It is new and just sort of arrived in the middle of the last century. We think of bad ideas as a disease of the mind, but what if it is actually a disease? What if like Toxoplasma gondii, a new germ is infecting Europeans, causing them to lose their natural fear of that which is a threat to their existence? Instead of turning local populations directly against themselves, as is the case with the rage zombie idea, they are losing their ability to defend themselves.

It sounds incredible, but there is growing evidence that the bacteria responsible for gum disease may be the cause of Alzheimer’s disease. It has long been known that there is a correlation between periodontal disease and pancreatic cancer. It was assumed it was a common genetic cause, but it could be a common virus or bacteria. Greg Cochran has speculated that something similar could be the cause of homosexuality. His “gay germ” theory is speculation, but not unreasonable, given the data.

Now, such a result would mean the “cure” for multiculturalism is we either treat these people like the rage zombies in TV shows or begin to think of them as lost and unable to assimilate into a newly rationalized West. That is, they will be eaten by the rage zombies they invite into our communities. The rest of us, like the survivors in those TV shows, will have to find our own place to hold up and rebuild. Those in the West immune to the disease of multiculturalism will become the founding stock of the new Western people.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 5, 2019 11:11 am

Flossing teeth in 3, 2, 1 …

  Iska Waran
February 5, 2019 11:30 am

Rubber tipped dental picks by GUM work almost as well, if flossing is for some reason not possible.
My DDS said, too, that vigorous swishing, with water, like a poor man’s Water Pick helps.
After swishing, one can always spit in a SJW’s general direction.

DD No More
DD No More
February 6, 2019 8:11 am

Coconut oil and pulling for dental health.

Does it work? It can’t hurt.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
February 5, 2019 4:07 pm

It is a mental disease called Progressive Liberalism; it is impossibly difficult to cure in Useful Idiots; it affects all Democrats and most NeoCon/Rinos, and the traditional GOP. The only hope for the United States is complete eradication of the genetic carriers.

February 5, 2019 4:40 pm

Ya ok. That there was kinda dumb. I see Robert took the hook. Hope he can muster a jump and throw it before he’s netted.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
February 5, 2019 5:06 pm

Zman writes… “What’s causing this madness?”

The disease is sin.

2 Timothy 3:13 KJB… “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

The cure is Christ crucified. The problem; people would much rather listen to themselves, not God.

DD No More
DD No More
  grace country pastor
February 6, 2019 8:47 am

I think Isaiah five says something about the jumping to confusion and delusion. But, I’m neither preacher nor choir.

I was the piano player and rarely paid attention to the words of either choir or preacher.

I just saw the report about Liam Neeson, who is being crucified for making a sort of confession of past sins now forgiven. Where are the HashTag MeTooers on this one, preacher man?

Did the Man say “go forth and sin no more” or didn’t He? Did he bring it up several chapters later and make her wear the scarlett letter again? Or did she become a beloved disciple and follower?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  DD No More
February 7, 2019 4:38 am

“I was the piano player and rarely paid attention to the words of either choir or preacher.”

Pay attention to the words of God via Paul above all others. He is the Apostle Christ sent to you.

TheBurningTruth-gt right, or get left. Behind.....
TheBurningTruth-gt right, or get left. Behind.....
  grace country pastor
February 8, 2019 6:20 am

GCP, you are close but no seegar for you. Same number of letters, though. Spelled J.E.W. Remember, who killed Jesus, the usual suspects. Hate me all you want that won’t change facts at all. The Bible has tons of examples.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor

Why would I hate you?

February 5, 2019 6:32 pm

The idea used to be to assimilate and people wanted to speak English and be Americans. Now? Wacky ass stupid multiculturism thinking. I guess if the goal is Cloward and Piven and you want to destroy a system?

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
February 5, 2019 9:01 pm

Dude, that’s the best possible explanation. It’s a disease…a mental disease.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
  Donkey Balls
February 5, 2019 10:53 pm

It’s a morbid social sickness that manifests itself in a dearth of logic, immorality, and perversion of reason. This ideological malady spreads like a virus and disguises itself, strengthening itself in weak and stupid minds that flourish in fantasies. The diagnosis for a cure, unfortunately, seems terminal.
To further the story line of the article it would seem the ultimate “cure” of an infected individual is a severe disruption of the neuro-motor cortex harboring the infection.
Art imitates real life. In reality the “infection” is neutralized when it runs out of victims or enough survivors acquire immunity.
The only real prevention is to keep the garbage out of your head in the first place.

February 6, 2019 11:47 am

I am back from the gHetto de Michael. A whole week with no tv and no internet. And half a gig a day of data over my 1 gig monthly limit to the tune of $20 a day. Plus the recent new software update performed a week ago allowed the Apple bug to cause my iphone 6’s battery to go dead, or at least act like it is dead. So for a week I was three counties away from a phone store and lived a primitive life while rehabbing in da gHetto.

I met new people every day, mostly trade people. I saw an old war buddy (dental school classmate) and ate and slept with a brother and nephew and assorted other characters of great interest. One I met was an electrician. He routed new wiring in the 1950’s concrete block house with great skill and competence. He was a quiet man. A late 40ish ponytailed hippy looking guy. He did not smile much, hiding what I knew to be dingy and diseased teeth. I saw him on Monday as he dropped by to inspect his finished work. He told me had a tooth ache over the weekend. A broken, jagged molar that had lost a filling years ago had caused pain and swelling. He told me his problem, admitting and shameful of his oral condition.
And no meds, other than a bit of herb or alcohol perhaps. I referred him to my classmate still working in Panacea. You could tell by the color of working stiff’s skin he was not into health foods or gut fauna.

In the thirties and forties it was an accepted philosophy that bad teeth caused all kinds of diseases. It was called the focal theory of infection. AND was justification to have ALL your teeth removed. The thinking was that bad teeth and gums’ germs would infect other parts of the body.

That theory has been debunked as cause and effect. Yes, if you are unhealthy, don’t brush and floss, consume a hundred pounds of sugar yearly – or 2x more if you really like sweets, are pre and post diabetic, chances are that you might have health problems.

Spirochaetes in periodontal disease can emit some mighty noxious odors you can smell from two pews away at Sunday church.

The same idea that bad gums cause heart disease was floated 15 years ago. And marketed the idea that if you came to the dentist he/she could help stave off a heart attack. Again, no cause and effect, mere association.

“It has long been known that there is a correlation between periodontal disease and pancreatic cancer.”

I am not familiar with that study but I wonder if it also has a correlation to sugar, alcohol consumption and/or smoking. That greatly increases your chance for pancreatitis and cancerous growth.

I drink my kombucha regularly but I think the gum disease/mental degeneration are part and parcel of poor nutrition, alcohol/drug usage and sedentary existence more so than the content of your gut.

Treating your gum disease is doable by competent dentists and hygienists but unless you change the other components, you still gonna get deranged and heart diseased.

“After 22 weeks of repeated oral application of the bacteria to the study group, the researchers studied the brain tissue of the mice and compared brain health.”

And only to 10 mice with 10 as controls. I wonder how they did the “treatment”? Duration, frequency and intensity?

Who recalls the brain damage lsd experiments?

But at least I know the reason for “Crazy Cat Ladies” now…. they are real!

We do not know what we do not know. Re: the recent finding that a certain class of antibiotic is associated with aortic aneurysm:

“People taking an antibiotic such as Avelox, Cipro or Levaquin have twice the risk of a rare but very dangerous condition called aortic aneurysm.”
Side Effects of Fluoroquinolones:
It has taken the FDA decades to discover some of the more serious side effects of such drugs, however. Even now, the possible neurological effects of these medications are largely unrecognized.

Nerve Damage:
In 2013 the FDA warned doctors about the possibility of irreversible nerve damage from fluoroqinolones like ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin or norfloxacin. Symptoms include pain, burning, tingling, numbness and weakness.

Tendon Rupture:
Tendon rupture is another complication of such medicines. Achilles tendon rupture is seven times more likely in people taking one of these antibiotics.

Retinal Detachment:
Retinal detachment was another adverse reaction linked to fluoroquinolones. It wasn’t discovered until 2012.

Aortic Aneurysm:
Now an article in JAMA Internal Medicine suggests that such drugs may also be associated with aortic aneurysm or dissection. This is a potentially fatal condition in which the main artery exiting the heart becomes weak and balloons out (a condition called aortic aneurysm) and can tear apart (known medically as aortic dissection). Taking a fluouroquinolone antibiotic doubles the risk of experiencing one of these rare events.”

So ok, maybe drugs kill the good bugs and the remnant bad bugs are to blame?

Edit: And then there are those fecal transplants that offer help for some.

February 7, 2019 5:37 am

When my stepson was 15, he came for his summer visit and had no braces even though we sent the ortho money each month to his mother. His mother had taken them off his front teeth with a pair of pliers. Months earlier.

My own son, aged 4, went to all the ortho appointments with us, and was lucky to be witness to all the procedures his brother had to go through to save what was left of his teeth. The lecture by a periodontist made him a believer.

He’s an obsessive flosser and has never had a cavity and cleaned his own braces daily. They came off in a year.

My stepson still has a decent set of teeth in spite of that worthless pile of flesh some call his mother.

February 7, 2019 7:23 am

chin up, missy. m sure nick thinks the world of you. we R all pains to others from T2T.