WATCH: Cop Tries to Kill Innocent Unconscious Teen, Slamming His Face into Curb—Jury Awards $6 Million

Via Free Thought Project

Image result for Bryce Masters

Kansas City, MO – After sentencing a former Independence police officer to four years in prison for violating the constitutional rights of a minor, a federal judge released the dash cam video revealing the overzealous cop tazing the teen for no reason and brutally slamming his head onto the street. Although the innocent teen went into cardiac arrest, which resulted in oxygen deprivation and brain damage, the aggressive officer can be seen in the video repeatedly using excessive force on the boy’s unresponsive body. Now, four years after this savage act was recorded on video, the victim has been awarded over $6 million in damages.

On Friday, a federal jury awarded Bryce Masters, then 17 years old, more than $6 million in damages for the egregious and despicable act caught on video. During the trial witnesses, recalled that Masters went into cardiac arrest as a result of the assault and nearly died.

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The Other Trump Effect

Guest Post by The Zman

One of the things that is true of the dissident right is that it was helped greatly by the collapse of libertarianism. Starting in the late 1980’s and into the 1990’s, right-libertarianism was a safe haven for temperamental conservatives to exist on the right, but also reject large parts of what was calling itself conservatism. The two most notable issues were the war on drugs and foreign policy. Most people were attracted to libertarianism because it was serious about small government and restrained foreign policy.

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Why The Senate Vote to End Yemen War is So Important

Guest Post by Ron Paul

Last week something historic happened in the US Senate. For the first time in 45 years, a chamber of the US Congress voted to pull US forces from a military conflict under the 1973 War Powers Act.

While there is plenty to criticize in the War Powers Act, in this situation it was an important tool used by a broad Senate coalition to require President Trump to end US participation in the Saudi war against Yemen. And while the resolution was not perfect – there were huge loopholes – it has finally drawn wider attention to the US Administration’s dirty war in Yemen.

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Fatal Over-reach

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Last Friday morning, we adjourned the blog in anticipation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller handing over certain FBI documents in the General Flynn matter demanded by DC District Federal Judge Emmett G. Sullivan no later than 3:00 p.m. that day. Guess what. Mr. Mueller’s errand boys did not hand over the required documents — original FBI 302 interrogation reports. Instead, they proffered a half-assed “interview” with one of the two agents who conducted the Flynn interrogation, Peter Strzok, attempting to recollect the 302 half a year after it was written. Of course, Mr. Strzok was notoriously fired from the Bureau in August for bouts of wild political fury on-the-job as FBI counter-intel chief during and after the 2016 election. (This was the second time he was fired; the first was when Robert Mueller discarded him from the SC team in 2017 as a legal liability.)

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The Inscrutable God

Been there, done that. Eric will be losing all his Google Adsense revenue shortly.

Guest Post by Eric Peters

I get periodic emails from Goo-guhl, the deity who lords over the online universe. He is – apparently – angered by something I’ve posted on my web site. He threatens repercussions, as vengeful deities tend to do.

But I have no idea why Goo-guhl is angered.

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Twenty-One Thoughts On The Persecution Of Julian Assange

Guest Post by Caitlin Johnstone

1. I write a lot about the plight of Julian Assange for the same reason I write a lot about the Iraq invasion: his persecution, when sincerely examined, exposes undeniable proof that we are ruled by a transnational power establishment which is immoral and dishonest to its core.

2. Assange started a leak outlet on the premise that corrupt and unaccountable power is a problem in our world, and that the problem can be fought with the light of truth. Corrupt and unaccountable power has responded by detaining, silencing and smearing him. The persecution of Assange has proved his thesis about the world absolutely correct.

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Pardon Everyone (Except That Rat Cohen)

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Pardon Everyone (Except That Rat Cohen)

Let’s stop pretending that America in 2018 has a “justice system.” It’s not a justice system. It’s a set of elite institutions that swing the law like a sledgehammer to crush threats to the ruling class’s monopoly on power. You know, threats like the people we elect to represent our interests against the elite. And we are under no moral obligation to pretend it is anything else.

This painful to admit it, but we need to grow up. There are two sets of law in America today, meaning there is no rule of law in America today. Oh, there are statutes, and there are courts, and there are agencies full of people with guns willing to enforce the will of aspiring tyrants, but there is not rule of law. There is only power, theirs and ours. Time to get woke to the undeniable fact that the Fredocons deny up and down. Justice is no longer blind. Her blindfold is off and she’s picking favorites.

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Signs Of Coming Collapse: Citizens Worldwide Revolt Against Taxation & Illegal Aliens

Authored by Jeremiah Johnson (nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces) via,

There are many serious issues to address, relevant to current events. Just to skim some of what has happened most recently, the Dow Jones (although a “lagging” indicator) has been extremely volatile within the past month, appearing to be headed toward a loss for the year overall. Spending is down, and the “bubble” of pseudo-consumer confidence prior to Thanksgiving seems to have dissipated.

The main focus: the unrest that is swiftly crossing national borders has a common denominator in France, and now in Belgium and the Netherlands. That common denominator is that of the populace being fed up with the amount of taxation, coupled with the politicos pushing illegal Muslim aliens into nations that have been predominantly Christian for almost a thousand years.

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Make Pacific Life feel the pain for pulling their ads from the Tucker Carlson show. Boycott the motherfuckers.

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Third and final Lord of the Rings movie opens – 2003


On this day in 2003, TheLord of the Rings: The Return of the King, the final film in the trilogy based on the best-selling fantasy novels by J.R.R. Tolkien, opens in theaters. The film was a huge box-office success and won 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director, for Peter Jackson. The Lord of the Rings trilogy became one of the highest-grossing franchises in movie history, netting billions of dollars worldwide in box-office proceeds and related merchandise.

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“Over 100,000 of the Union army soldiers in the civil war were under the age of 15. The average age of a soldier killed on D-day was 22 years old. Today, we deal with men that cry and boycott if conservatives are schedule to speak on their campuses. Pathetic.”

Candace Owens

“Am I the only one who has a few friends who work for govt. and are “hoping” for a “govt. shutdown”? They claim they get days off & are later paid for them as if they’d worked. True or not?”

Sharyl Attkisson