Truly pathetic.

Via Zero Hedge

Trump Blinks; White House Will Avoid Shutdown, Find Other Ways To Fund Wall

The White House on Tuesday said that it wants to avoid a partial government shutdown and has found other ways to fund President Trump’s border wall, according to spokeswoman Sarah Sanders.

Congress and President Trump have just four days to come to an agreement before large portions of the federal government begin to shut down. At issue is a fight over $5 billion in funding from Congress for the border wall, which Democrats led by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) have flat out rejected.

Sanders told Fox News “We have other ways that we can get to that $5 billion,” adding “At the end of the day we don’t want to shut down the government, we want to shut down the border.” She then said that the White House was looking into other funding sources and believed that it could be accomplished legally.

There are certainly a number of different funding sources that we’ve identified that we can use, that we can couple with money that would be given through congressional appropriations that would help us get to that $5 billion that the president needs in order to protect our border,” said Sanders.

None of that sounds like Mexico paying for it, but we digress…

Sanders’s comments come after a series of miscalculations by Republicans in recent days over how to try and get Democrats to sign onto $5 billion to pay for the construction of a wall along the Mexico border.

Last week, Trump said he would be “proud” to shut down the government over the issue, a statement that congressional Republicans openly said muddied their messaging. –WaPo

On Sunday, Schumer told Meet The Press that President Trump would not get funding for the wall “in any form.”

On Monday evening, frustrated Senate Republicans told the press they were expecting a formal proposal from the White House to avert a shutdown – perhaps around 5 p.m., however that never happened and the Senate moved on to other issues such as an overhaul of the criminal justice system.

“We’ll continue to have these conversations with both Senate and House Republicans and Democrats. Our team has been in constant communication,” said Sanders. “We’re going to continue to do that. I’m not going to negotiate here, but we’ve been talking to them just as recently as this morning.”

For now, while the Treasury Bill curve has improved, it remains anxiously kinked around the potential shutdown date (as demand for pre-shutdown liquidity inverts the curve)…

The Pentagon’s Massive Accounting Fraud Exposed

Hat tip Stephen V.

Via The Nation


On November 15, Ernst & Young and other private firms that were hired to audit the Pentagon announced that they could not complete the job. Congress had ordered an independent audit of the Department of Defense, the government’s largest discretionary cost center—the Pentagon receives 54 cents out of every dollar in federal appropriations—after the Pentagon failed for decades to audit itself. The firms concluded, however, that the DoD’s financial records were riddled with so many bookkeeping deficiencies, irregularities, and errors that a reliable audit was simply impossible.

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It’s official: the Federal Reserve is insolvent

Guest Post by Simon Black

In the year 1157, the Republic of Venice was in the midst of war and in desperate need of funds.

It wasn’t the first time in history that a government needed to borrow money to fight a war. But the Venetians came up with an innovative idea:

Every citizen who loaned money to the government was to receive an official paper certificate guaranteeing that the state would make interest payments.

Those certificates could then be transferred to other people… and the government would make payments to whoever held the certificate at the time.

Continue reading “It’s official: the Federal Reserve is insolvent”

Say No to Government Grinches and Corporate Scrooges

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

Once upon a midnight clear, there was a child’s cry, a blazing star hung over a stable, and wise men came with birthday gifts. We haven’t forgotten that night down the centuries. We celebrate it with stars on Christmas trees, with the sound of bells, and with gifts… We forget nobody, adult or child. All the stockings are filled, all that is, except one. And we have even forgotten to hang it up. The stocking for the child born in a manger. It’s his birthday we’re celebrating. Don’t let us ever forget that. Let us ask ourselves what He would wish for most. And then, let each put in his share, loving kindness, warm hearts, and a stretched out hand of tolerance. All the shining gifts that make peace on earth.”—The Bishop’s Wife (1947)

What a year.

It feels as if government Grinches and corporate Scrooges have been working overtime to drain every last drop of joy, kindness and liberty from the world.

Continue reading “Say No to Government Grinches and Corporate Scrooges”

Intelligence If Any: Its Care and Feeding

Guest Post by Fred Reed

Today, fun with genetics, specifically genetic determination of intelligence and behavior. In doing this we will seek to annoy as many people as possible. (This column prides itself on being an equal-opportunity irritant.)  First, reference to amusing contradictions in IQ theory as offered by IQists and such as the Human Biodiversity Movement (hbd).

Let’s start with Colombia, since I know the country reasonably well. Colombians are said to have a mean IQ of 84. This is quite dim, below hamsters but better than turnips. Yet they run  airlines, telecommunications, and all the things one associates with modern cities. How is this?

Continue reading “Intelligence If Any: Its Care and Feeding”

Dear Diary: Ocasio-Cortez talks about being moist

Guest Post by John Wilder

WilderAnon, or WAnon transmitted this information to me tonight which explains this first-ever Tuesday post.  How he got it from the future is beyond me – something about a paradox whereby I avoid all legal liability.  I’m liking that.  To read about QAnon go here (LINK).  I have no idea if WAnon represents a Deep State operative of the NSA with a time machine or the voices in my head.

January 3, 2019, 11:03 EST

Dear Diary,

It’s nice that I have a place to share my secrets and intermoist, er innermost thoughts.    Ha ha ha, I wrote moist.  Must be me thinking about Marco again (blush).

When I started moving my stuff in today, I was pretty excited.  Then they told me that what I thought was my office was just the coat closet.  I sure wish I was stuck in that closet with Marco!  I sat in my pretend coat closet office in the corner for about two hours until my staff found me.  They seemed really excited.  It was nice to get out of that office because there isn’t a light in there, but I didn’t want to complain because I didn’t want to get fired on my first day.

Continue reading “Dear Diary: Ocasio-Cortez talks about being moist”


If the Federal government shuts down on Friday, will anyone notice? Other than the propaganda mainstream media, NO!!!!

I love government shutdowns because average Americans realize nothing changes in their lives when it is shutdown.

Markets used to crash and everyone would get worked into a tizzy when this ploy began years ago. Now everyone realizes it’s a farce. The government drones get a paid holiday and there is absolutely no negative impact on Americans when the government is shutdown.

The more the politicians and media play these games, the less credibility they have in the eyes of Americans, if that is possible.

If Trump was going to play this game successfully to get his wall, he shouldn’t have caved the previous two times. Now the Democrats know they take control in January. There is no chance he gets the $5 billion for the wall.

Image result for the government and it's closed meme

Image result for the government and it's closed meme


Can America Fight Two Cold Wars at Once?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Can America Fight Two Cold Wars at Once?

Kim Jong Un, angered by the newest U.S. sanctions, is warning that North Korea’s commitment to denuclearization could be imperiled and we could be headed for “exchanges of fire.”

Iran, warns Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, is testing ballistic missiles that are forbidden to them by the U.N. Security Council.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that, within days, he will launch a military thrust against U.S.-backed Kurdish forces in northern Syria, regarding them as allies of the PKK terrorist organization inside Turkey.

Vladimir Putin just flew two Tu-160 nuclear capable bombers to Venezuela. Ukraine claims Russia is amassing tanks on its border.

Continue reading “Can America Fight Two Cold Wars at Once?”

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Mayflower docks at Plymouth Harbor – 1620


On December 18, 1620, the British ship Mayflower docked at modern-day Plymouth, Massachusetts, and its passengers prepared to begin their new settlement, Plymouth Colony.

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“Corrupt citizens breed corrupt rulers, and it is the mob who finally decides when virtue shall die.”

Taylor Caldwell, Dear and Glorious Physician

“The world is a comedy to those that think; a tragedy to those that feel — a solution of why Democritus laughed and Heraclitus wept.”

Horace Walpole, Letter to Horace Mann

As Funding Deadline Nears, Trump Keeps Banging Head against the Wall

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

Image result for funny trump's wall

The din emanating from Congress these days is decidedly not in the Christmas spirit. The White House confrontation that pitted President Trump against his arch-enemies Senator Chuck Schumer and soon-to-be House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi stopped short of an all-out brawl, but offered zero encouragement that all parties were on the verge of a compromise on anything, least of all a Southwest border wall or legislative solutions to asylum loopholes.

With the December 21 deadline to fund the Department of Homeland Security looming, President Trump’s demand for $5 billion for wall construction versus the offer from Schumer and Pelosi to provide about $1.5 billion is the hang up. The $1.5 billion is like mere bus fare in today’s spend-crazy Congress.

Continue reading “As Funding Deadline Nears, Trump Keeps Banging Head against the Wall”

“We Made Mistakes”: France Changes Tone On Yellow Vests As Movement Hits Canada

In Canada, pushback will be less violent but FAR MORE PROBLEMATIC for the Federal Government than what is happening in Europe. Our world is about to change.


The Macron government has changed its tone after five straight weeks of violent “Yellow Vest” demonstrations across the country.

Continue reading ““We Made Mistakes”: France Changes Tone On Yellow Vests As Movement Hits Canada”

Jordan B. Peterson’s free speech fight: Author plans to ditch Patreon as censorship battle rages

Via The Washington Times

"12 Rules for Life" author and clinical psychologist Jordan B. Peterson is attempting to create a platform for intellectuals that is a "better alternative" to Patreon. He plans to move the project forward with the popular YouTube pundit Dave Rubin within the coming weeks and into early 2019. (Image: YouTube, Jordan B. Peterson).

“12 Rules for Life” author Jordan B. Peterson is fed up with the questionable practices of tech giants when it comes to honoring the idea of free speech.

The recent decision by crowdfunding platform Patreon to remove popular YouTuber Carl Benjamin, aka Sargon of Akkad, may have been a free-speech tipping point for the clinical psychologist. Mr. Peterson and fellow pundit Dave Rubin of YouTube “The Rubin Report” announced plans to build a “better alternative” for intellectuals and content creators.

“We’ve been engaged in lengthy series of email exchanges with all of the people in our network, and no one is happy at all with what’s been happening,” Mr. Peterson said a joint video released Sunday. “We’ve been determining what our options are. We looked at Subscribe Star, but it looks like PayPal decided to cut funding out from them.”

Continue reading “Jordan B. Peterson’s free speech fight: Author plans to ditch Patreon as censorship battle rages”