Trump Criticized For Breaking With Longstanding American Tradition Of Remaining In Middle Eastern Countries Indefinitely

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After Trump announced that US troops would be pulled out of Syria, the President was quickly criticized by leaders on both the left and the right for breaking with the longstanding American tradition of remaining in Middle Eastern countries indefinitely.

Trump drew ire from both sides of the aisle for his “careless and reckless” disregard for the beloved American custom of meddling overseas without a congressional declaration of war and then hanging around for another few decades.

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David Tepper Urges Move To Cash: “Powell Just Told You The Fed Put Is Dead”

Via ZeroHedge

In a series of notes discussed on CNBC by Joe Kernen, billionaire hedge fund manager David Tepper laid out where he stands on the market currently.

And it’s not bullish:

1. Powell basically told you the Fed put is dead.

2. Everyone is tight. Chinese money growth plummeting. ECB cutting the last of QE. And Fed still in tightening mode.

3. The net biggest issuance of Treasuries and worldwide fixed income is coming next year. Something is going to get crowded out. Bonds stocks etc.

4. Oh and there is this trade war question. I think we should be having a fight with China on different issues. But it is not conducive to confidence. Freezing some worldwide activity.

5. Cash is not so bad.

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Gutless President in Wall-less Country

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Gutless President in Wall-less Country

If you were elected president after decades of politicians doing nothing about the millions of illegals pouring into our country every year, committing crimes, dealing drugs, driving drunk, molesting children and killing Americans like Kate Steinle, and your central campaign promise — repeated every day — was to build a wall, wouldn’t you have spent the entirety of your transition period working on getting it done?

Wouldn’t you have been building prototypes, developing relationships with key congressional allies and talking to military leaders about using the Seabees or the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall?

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Who Could Possibly Replace Trump?

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Who Could Possibly Replace Trump?

No one is irreplaceable, which is good because Donald Trump is going away. Oh, I don’t think they’ll succeed in impeaching him, and I think he’s got a better than even (though not much) chance of winning in 2020 as it stands right now, but let’s face it: The Bad Orange Man who saved us from the civil unrest that that vindictive harpy Felonia Milhouse von Pantsuit would have provoked will someday be gone. Election loss, term limit, lightning strike…someday he’s going away. So after Trump departs the arena, who will champion the militant, outside-the-Beltway normals who shrugged and muttered “Ahoy” when The Weekly Standard sank?

Our problem is that we don’t have an answer, not yet anyway.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – The U.S. invades Panama – 1989


The United States invades Panama in an attempt to overthrow military dictator Manuel Noriega, who had been indicted in the United States on drug trafficking charges and was accused of suppressing democracy in Panama and endangering U.S. nationals. Noriega’s Panamanian Defense Forces (PDF) were promptly crushed, forcing the dictator to seek asylum with the Vatican anuncio in Panama City, where he surrendered on January 3, 1990.

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“Democracy consists of choosing your dictators, after they’ve told you what you think it is you want to hear.”

Alan Corenk

“Guns are dangerous. The only thing more dangerous is not having them.”

G. Edward Griffin

“If you injected truth into politics, you’d have no politics.”

Will Rogers

“The smallest minority is the individual.”

Ayn Rand

The Intersectionality of Online Shitfests, Political Tribalism, Religion, Systemic Oppression, & Useful Idiocy

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


– Liberal democracy is antithetical to multiculturalism.

–  Z-man


Of course, Z-man’s quote above would cause a gaggle of snowflakes to scream in unison: “Racism!”.   And, if the past is any indicator, then the next exclamation out their collective mouths would be something like:   “America has always been a nation of immigrants!”  Yet what they fail to consider is how past generations of United States immigrants assimilated into American culture.  This is not happening today.  Indeed. It does appear liberal democracies the world over, have been sacrificed upon the altar of multiculturalism and via the thought-control mechanism enforced by the globalists:  Political Correctness.

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FDA Policies Kill

Guest Post by Walter E. Williams

FDA Policies Kill

Among the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s responsibilities are approval and regulation of pharmaceutical drugs. In short, its responsibility is to ensure the safety and effectiveness of drugs. In the performance of this task, FDA officials can make two types of errors — statistically known as the type I error and type II error. With respect to the FDA, a type I error is the rejection or delayed approval of a drug that is safe and effective — erring on the side of over-caution — and a type II error is the approval of a drug that has unanticipated dangerous side effects, or erring on the side of under-caution.

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No Matter What the Fed Does, We All Lose

Guest Post by Bill Bonner

Does anybody really know what time it is
Does anybody really care
If so I can’t imagine why
We’ve all got time enough to cry

– Chicago

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – We got ahead of ourselves yesterday.

We were waiting for the big Fed announcement on a rate hike. But what happened? No trumpets. No bells. No heralds. None came.

Finally, we realized it was Tuesday, not Wednesday.

So, today’s the big day… not yesterday. All eyes with nothing better to do turn to the Fed. Lonely eyes. Sad eyes. Troubled eyes…

…and the hopeful eyes of Mr. Donald J. Trump.

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Capitalists vs. Capitalism

Guest Post by John Stossel

Capitalists vs. Capitalism

It’s bad enough when leftists smear capitalism. I hate it more when capitalists do it, too.

I’d hoped for more from the world’s current richest man, Jeff Bezos.

I love the service he created. Amazon lets me buy Christmas gifts right from my couch. Its prices are so low that the Fed chairman says Amazon probably lowered America’s inflation rate.

Entrepreneur Jeff Bezos is a hero. He created lots of jobs and better service, and he and his investors pay billions in taxes.

So I got angry when I saw Sen. Bernie Sanders’ opportunistic fundraising letters condemning Bezos because some of his workers are eligible for food stamps. “In ten seconds,” whined Sanders, Bezos makes “more money than the median employee of Amazon makes in an entire year.”

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In Drastic Reversal, US Set For “Full Withdrawal” From Syria As Trump Claims Victory Over ISIS


update: It’s official, within an hour after the first headline the president tweeted “We have defeated ISIS in Syria” and in reference to reports of a planned US troop withdrawal from Syria which unnamed officials say is to be initiated “immediately,” he added that the terror group’s defeat was “my only reason for being there”.

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The Coming Crisis

Guest Post by The Zman

In a crisis, people either turn to their institutions or they turn to their leaders to provide a path forward through the emergency. This is especially true when the path forward is waiting out the emergency. People respect action, so they have to have faith in their leaders if the right course is patience. Alternatively, if the leaders and institutions are not up to the task, then the people turn on each other.The French Revolution is the perfect example of what happens when leaders and institutions fail in a crisis.

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Scottish Parliament rebrands gingerbread men as gender neutral and now calls them ‘gingerbread persons’

Via Voice of Europe

Members of the Scottish Parliament must have overindulged at this year’s Christmas party after deciding to change the name of gingerbread men to a gingerbread person in their on-sight cafe so they didn’t cause offence.

The move comes as a strategy aimed at stamping out sexual harassment and sexism was introduced at Holyrood this week after a survey found 30 per cent of women working there believed they had been sexually harassed.

The change of direction hasn’t gone down well with some, however, with Scottish Conservative equalities spokesman Annie Wells saying:

“Surely the Scottish Parliament has got better things to do than worry about what to call gingerbread men? This is an utterly pointless gesture which simply trivialises the real issues of gender equality.”

Sugar levels must have been through the roof as the coffee shop decided to alter the name of the sweet treat in favour of political correctness which has clearly gone absolutely mad north of the border.