Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) & DNA Phenotyping

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Being a student of human nature, I find the psychology behind human interactions fascinating.  These would include actions and counteractions, motive, opportunity, risk management, strategic speculation, and the revelation of secrets.

Of course, since all of these apply to crimes of passion, if I’m scanning through TV stations and stumble across…. say…. a “Dateline NBC” episode where Lester Holt might be summarizing a murder investigation after the commercial break – if I watch for more than thirty seconds, I’m toast.  For me, it’s the crack cocaine of electronic distraction.  (And, yes, I realize it’s likely by design; otherwise, Dateline would go back to real-time news reporting).

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – “Old Blood and Guts” dies – 1945


On this day, General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. 3rd Army, dies from injuries suffered not in battle but in a freak car accident. He was 60 years old.

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“This is the greatest economy in the history of our country.”

Donald J. Trump, November 2018

“I see dead people. Walking around like regular people. They don’t see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don’t know that they’re dead.”

Cole Sear: The Sixth Sense

What Trump and Powell Do Next…

Guest Post by Bill Bonner

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – Well, we were wrong. We figured the Fed would pause now. Instead, it went ahead with its rate hike and suggested it would pause in 2019.

This was widely expected by the markets, if not by us. Early yesterday, investors guessed – as we did – that the Fed would back off. They bid up the Dow by 350 points.

Then, when the news came out, they went the other direction… selling off by 700 points… to leave the Dow down 351 points, a new low for the year.

The Fed not only raised its key interest rate by 25 basis points; it also said that the economy may not be as strong as previously reported. And spirits visibly darkened in Lower Manhattan. From The Washington Post:

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Louie Gohmert Reveals Paul Ryan Encouraged GOP Congressmen To Campaign Against Trump

Via The Daily Caller

Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas revealed Wednesday that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan advised GOP House members to run on a platform against President Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election.

“Just a few weeks before the election, we were told by Paul, by our elected leaders that, gee, the only way we can keep the House majority is just all of us start running against the president,” Gohmert told guest host Derek Hunter during an interview on WMAL. “Fortunately, we had enough people one after another on the call that pushed back so hard they backed off of that.”

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Because a Citizen Filmed It, Cop Found Guilty for Punting Handcuffed Teen’s Head Like a Football

Via The Free Thought Project

Franklin Township, OH — As TFTP reported in May, a vigilant citizen with a cellphone captured video of the ridiculously excessive force by police on 18-year-old kid who ran from them. In spite of teen being handcuffed, face-down on the ground, with another officer on top of him, a Franklin Township police officer is seen punting his face like a football. This week, in a rare move, the officer was actually found guilty for his crimes.

Former Franklin Township Police Officer Robert Wells, 49, pleaded guilty Wednesday to one count of Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law, according to Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien.

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The Central Bank War – Nobody Notices

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I understand this can get confusing because there are so many people who talk without any real-world experience. The Fed MUST raise rates to help the crisis in Pension funds. It raised the Fed Funds Rate (what banks charge each other) 25 basis points to 2.25-2.5%. While the Fed indicated there would be two more rate hikes in 2019, what has gone over everyone’s head is exactly what I have been warning about. We are witnessing indeed not a Currency War but a Central Bank War. Those people claim there is a Currency War because they focus only on trade. I do not see any actual counter-trend manipulation attempts as was the case with the G5 back in 1987 to manipulate any currency for trade purposes.

This is a brand new Central Bank War that nobody seems to get I suppose since I may be the only person who actually speaks to central banks outside the USA. All the various central banks and the IMF have been lobbying the Federal Reserve since 2014 pleading with it NOT to raise rates. I have stated many times that the rate hikes by the Fed have NOTHING to do with economic growth, inflation, or trying to stop a speculative bubble in stocks. We can see that GDP growth since the high back in 1978. That may come in the future when the stock market rallies, but not now.

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Something Positive For The Holidays

Christmas 2018I was in a quandary. Around the holidays I like to write upbeat articles about life and get away from the political melodrama and investment concerns. If I can’t come up with ideas, I sleep on it. Magically, in the middle of the night, an idea pops up.

It didn’t happen this time! I got up, punched the button on the coffee maker, put my oatmeal in the microwave, had breakfast, shaved, took a hot shower and flipped on the computer. Come’ on brain, come up with an idea! Sometimes our brain sneaks up on us.

The good old days…

I began daydreaming about my childhood. When I was in first grade my grandmother lived on a dairy farm. When the school year ended, my mother took me to Union Station, gave the conductor $1.00, and told him to get me off the next day in Cambridge, Ohio. Armed with my pillow, suitcase and $1.00 in my pocket, my adventure began.

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Reactions To Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Plan Say More Than The Plan Itself

Guest Post by Caitlin Johnstone

President Trump has ordered the withdrawal of US troops from Syria, which is reportedly expected to take 60–100 days or 30 days depending on who you ask. According to Kurdish forces in eastern Syria the withdrawal of American as well as French troops is already underway, though France is saying it’s staying. The number of troops to be withdrawn which keeps getting repeated in the news is 2,000, but there’ve been reports that the actual number of US ground troops in Syria is closer to 4,000. The US-led airstrike campaign against Islamic State will reportedly continue.

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Church knew for years LA bishop had been accused of abuse but didn’t disclose until now

Via Los Angeles Times

a man wearing a hat: Catholic Bishop Alexander Salazar joins a community prayer meeting on March 24, 2105.

LOS ANGELES – The Archdiocese of Los Angeles knew for at least 13 years that one of its bishops had been accused of sexual abuse at a parish but did not inform the public until this week, despite repeated vows to disclose such information.

The archdiocese, which over the years has paid out a record $740 million in settlements to victims of priest abuse, had promised to publicize the names of clergy accused of wrongdoing. But Bishop Alexander Salazar’s name was not on several lists released by the church, even though he’d been investigated by the Pasadena Police Department in 2002. The inquiry involving Salazar only became public when Pope Francis accepted his resignation Wednesday as auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles.

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Laid-off Sears workers fume as execs get $25 million in bonuses

So the employees get the shaft while the executives who drove the company into bankruptcy get bonuses. Sounds about par for the course in the good ole U S of A.

Via Money

When Sheila Brewer heard Sears got approval to give its executives millions in bonuses, she felt sick to her stomach.

The 47-year-old dedicated 17 years of work to Kmart and was laid off in September as Sears Holdings, which owns Kmart along with its namesake brand, prepared to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Without a job for two months, Brewer says she was emotionally and financially devastated, struggling to make ends meet.

Last Friday, when a U.S. bankruptcy court approved a plan for the company to dole out more than $25 million in bonuses to hundreds of executives and senior-level employees over the next year, the news hit Brewer hard.

“Are you for real?” Brewer says she thought. “What type of world is this? How could the judge say yes?”

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