Who Could Possibly Replace Trump?

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Who Could Possibly Replace Trump?

No one is irreplaceable, which is good because Donald Trump is going away. Oh, I don’t think they’ll succeed in impeaching him, and I think he’s got a better than even (though not much) chance of winning in 2020 as it stands right now, but let’s face it: The Bad Orange Man who saved us from the civil unrest that that vindictive harpy Felonia Milhouse von Pantsuit would have provoked will someday be gone. Election loss, term limit, lightning strike…someday he’s going away. So after Trump departs the arena, who will champion the militant, outside-the-Beltway normals who shrugged and muttered “Ahoy” when The Weekly Standard sank?

Our problem is that we don’t have an answer, not yet anyway.

Trump is a hard act to follow. He has a number of unique features that make him who he is – even his flaws can be endearing, and more importantly, effective. But the good news is that this movement was never about one guy. When libs and their Fredocon pets start babbling about a “personality cult,” let them run their dumbness-holes. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Our delight at the effectiveness of Donald Trump at battling our useless ruling class is not about the “Trump” part; it’s about the “effectiveness” part.

Trump is the avatar of our collected resentments, complaints and fury over our betrayal by an elite that was supposed to be running our institutions on our behalf and that is instead running them for its own sordid benefit. Trump was woke to the elite grift of the last few decades because he knew the ruling class from interacting with its members, and he calls those jerks out. We love that. But when he’s gone, we’ll still be here and we’ll still be ticked off. Who will we send out to fight for us?

In other words, who could be Trump II?

Well, first get the idea out of your head that there will ever be another politician exactly like Donald Trump. He’s got a unique set of qualities which his defeated enemies can’t bring themselves to credit him for (he’s smart, a fine communicator, and in touch with his base), plus he has other attributes (money, shamelessness, vicious competitiveness) that make him formidable. He has faults too; you can go watch MSNBCNN for a 24/7, exaggerated recitation of them. No one else will ever have exactly his skill set, or his flaws, but we do have some potential batters on deck…

Nikki Haley: A former governor and United Nations ambassador, Nikki has the resume. She can put a sentence together. That she identifies as female will not be a help or a hinderance because cons don’t care about her gender and liberals are liars when they claim to support women – it’s less about “uterus” than “you agree with us.”

The establishment would dig her, but the problem is that she would dig the establishment right back. Would she fight the Swamp, or try to “work together for bipartisan reform,” which is goo goo loser-speak for letting progs roll you? We need a disruptor, not just another DC-ruptor. If she comes at the libs with the same focused aggressiveness as she came after scummy Third World potentates, she could be great. If she listens to the same bunch of soft boys whose track record of failure led to Trump, she’ll blow it. I want to see how woke she is; Woke Nikki could be awesome.

Tom Cotton: He’s young, though not Beto-sexy. He was in the Army, which was good, and he went to Harvard, which is bad. He’s carved out a space in Trumpland, and he has a solid conservative grounding. His opposition to the idea that the GOP should focus on freeing criminals instead of building a wall shows he gets the base’s vibe. He’s plenty woke. But he’s got no charisma and he’s a terrible speaker – I’ve seen him several times and he does not yet know how to connect.

Hey Cotton, you were infantry, so consider this an NTC-esque AAR. I saw you at a gathering of intellectual conservatives and you proceeded to talk, adequately but in clichés, about the Constitution. We were familiar with that particular document, thanks; we wanted to hear the inside dope on the fight in Washington. Learn to read the room and connect with your audience. You come off like the Harvard Law guys who flounder in court because they don’t know how to talk to normal people. Fix that – you have time – and you are a top contender. Don’t fix it, and you’re a footnote.

Ted Cruz: Conservatives love Ted and write him checks. I love Ted and wrote him checks. Everyone else hates Ted and writes mean things about him on Twitter. He’s brilliant, solidly conservative, conserva-woke as the day is long, but he’s made enemies in and out of his party. Also, his Trump fight hurt him with the base – maybe unjustly, but it did. I have my doubts he would be the successor, but I won’t write him off. I think he needs to focus, for now, on being the very best Texas senator he can be.

Dan Crenshaw: He’s a dark horse – or dark seahorse, because he was a SEAL and that’s cool. He’s got charisma, and his interaction with that guy on SNL shows he gets pop culture. Plus he has an eye patch, which my wife thinks is hot. That’s all good. But, while his battlefield killer instinct is undeniable, we need to see if that ruthlessness translates to politics. He spends a lot of time trying to be reasonable. There’s a time for being reasonable. It’s after we have crushed our liberal opponents. We need to see a firm commitment to conservatism and a firm understanding that the Democrats aren’t friends who merely disagree but committed leftists who want to take our freedom, sovereignty, guns, and money and leave us pathetic, helpless serfs in our own country. If he gets woke, Crenshaw could be the guy.

Donald Trump, Jr.: He’s got the name and the cash. He has no government experience, which is simultaneously a problem and a qualification. Of course, he also has a target on his back from the Democrat activists within the Mueller Syndicate. And he’ll have the entire Conservative, Inc., clique against him too since he owes them nothing, which makes them hate him. He can talk, and his girlfriend is hot, but we’ve also grown weary of dynasties. Conservative Wokeness Score? 100 out of 100. Don’t count him out.

Ric Grenell: He’s our ambassador to Germany and has annoyed the Eurocrats (Yah!) plus forced them to comply our the Iran sanctions. Full Disclosure: He’s a friend too (he lives in the LA South Bay and we used to run into him and Matt at the movies – good movies, about Churchill and killing jihadists, not lame flicks about feelings). He’s a cancer victor, and he’s also gay, which may freak out some squares and really infuriates the libs. He is smart and can talk to normal people. His support for the military has earned him a rabid battalion of grizzled NCO and officer supporters on Twitter. This is a guy who can cross the artificial lines that divide us and build a new coalition for freedom.

Crucially, Ric knows what time it is Trump-wise – he’s a conservative Christian who is on-board with the fight – and he’ll tackle libs without alienating the wimpier cons who love that he worked in the Bush administration. Personally, I want him to run for the Senate in California first, but Ric could be a contender to go all the way.

Trump is not forever, and we need to be preparing for the day when another warrior will be our champion. So do the people who aspire to replace him. They need to understand that now is the time to hone their technical skills (speaking, glad-handing) while networking with the base. And they need to understand why we chose Trump. Be loyal to the base. Don’t give a damn what people who hate you say. Be unwilling to lose. Get those three things down, and that’s a strong foundation for victory.

My third novel about America after it splits apart due to malignant leftist foolishness has been unleashed in time for Christmas. Ho ho ho…now he’s got a machine gun! Oh, and a bunch of mockery of liberals…check out Wildfire!

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December 20, 2018 7:36 am

Israeli puppet Nimrata Randhawa for President???? But more seriously, why does Kurt think the GOP can ever win another election with an open border, and nothing being done about the massive vote fraud in the last election?

December 20, 2018 12:41 pm

I saw Haley’s name and scanned down for the onion. Anyone who mentions her in a glowing manner, such as the above article, eviscerates their credibility.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernerbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernerbygraceofgod
December 21, 2018 4:25 am

Her name was Nimrata Randhawa!

December 20, 2018 8:23 am

It doesn’t matter what muppet is in the office. It just doesn’t matter.

say no to bs
say no to bs
December 20, 2018 8:55 am

All poor choices! Someone who is not rabidly pro “you know who” and someone who is not on the anti Russia train to nowhere. Someone who says what he/she means and actually follows through, DC be damned. Someone with some f—–ing balls. Someone who puts the needs of the people and our country ahead and above of the needs of everyone else.

December 20, 2018 8:59 am

i like kurt & i get the gist of his column but as for most of the people he writes about here,i want to be very curt w/him,Make A New List!
wait,how about Jebiary!

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 20, 2018 2:44 pm

They’ll probably try George P next.

December 20, 2018 9:26 am

this gallup poll shows why trump has tapped into the public sentiment–what other competent politico consistently talks about these issues?
btw,the poll mentions gun control as a non issue–how many of you saw the other day that a federal judge ruled that nunchucks are a defensive weapon & overturned ny’s state ban on ownership?good news 4 the 2nd amendment–


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 20, 2018 10:03 am

Since Trump has proven to be full of shit, it’d be good for him to be primaried by someone who is what Trump pretended to be…

Bannon. He’s got the looks for it. And he wears more shirts than anyone else.

December 20, 2018 10:06 am

Cucks gonna’ cuck …it’s how they pay the bills. Nikki Haley…lol. Why didn’t he just propose Bill Kristol and be done with it.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 20, 2018 10:15 am

You know, Schlichter fancies himself spokesman for the “Normals”, and in some ways he is, but he still has no clue how much things have changed. The whole “thank you for your service” ethos is over. People know that Obamacare was a clusterfuck, but they’re under no illusion that letting so-called “free market” monopolies have even freer reign will help things. There is a big contingent of erstwhile Republicans who are on the cusp of wanting “Medicare for All”, since it couldn’t be any worse than what we have. The follow-on to Trump would probably be Bernie Sanders if he weren’t so old. Trump was propelled into office by populism and nationalism, not some slightly-less-interventionist version of the GOP. Dems overreaching on tranny bathrooms isn’t going make people yearn for Tom friggin Cotton.

December 20, 2018 10:22 am

I have enjoyed every one of Kurt’s pieces until today. This one is stupid.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 20, 2018 10:44 am

No kidding.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 20, 2018 10:54 am

I’m taking Mark Twain to heart.

If voting did any good, we wouldn’t be allowed to do it.

Nickki Haley? She’s busy in Isreal.

“Sanhedrin Invites Nikki Haley to be Honorary President of Organization of 70 Nations”

Oh, I bet you didn’t know the Sanhedrin loves her. They just dedicated the new alter they built for the Third Temple.
It is significant that the number of the nations are 70. Same number of disciples Jesus sent out.

Rapture Christians are as bad as the Muslim fundies with their push to make the end times begin.

  Mary Christine
December 20, 2018 2:40 pm

Mary C..
Right you are. Again.
Btw, left you a few marshalls layin around here and there.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Mary Christine
December 20, 2018 9:53 pm

Curious as to how a “rapture” Christian “makes” the end times begin. I wasn’t aware one who believes in the bodies translation had such incredible power.

Miles Long
Miles Long
December 20, 2018 11:03 am

I think Kurt should be our new fearless leader. That way he could make his newest book required reading in all public schools.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
December 20, 2018 11:53 am

Poor Kurt, he thinks the battle is between the liberals and conservatives. But the real war is between the dirt people and the elite. If Sanders would have been the D candidate against any of the clown car riders of the R party in the last election, Bernie would now be President.

The common people are just sick of being screwed by big corporations and government. They want change. Trump offered it and the dirt people said, we’ll give him a try. But remember, it could have been Bernie.

So let’s remember who the enemy is. It ain’t the evil liberals as Kurt keeps saying. It is the elite and most of the potential replacements Kurt lists are in the elite party. As long as we keep fighting against the wrong guys, we might just as well bend over and hand our bosses the Vaseline jar.

  Trapped in Portlandia
December 20, 2018 12:43 pm

Bernie! The road to Venezuela!

  Trapped in Portlandia
December 20, 2018 2:51 pm

I agree Bernie would have trounced the Neocon Lackeys but he wouldn’t tolerate any competition from Corporations when it comes to screwing us. He would simply have Govt. do all the screwing, and how.
Anyone running for any Federal office must first be approved by the law firm “dowecheatumanhow.

December 20, 2018 12:14 pm

“Who Could Possibly Replace Trump?”

Easiest question ever ….

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December 20, 2018 12:26 pm

Jerry Springer!

December 20, 2018 5:30 pm

No sense of humor.

December 20, 2018 12:27 pm

Tom Cotton? Ted Cruz?? Nikki Fuckface Haley?????

Unfortunately, I have a long memory. I will never again be able to read a Kurt Schlichter article without remembering this most retarded thing he has ever written. Credibility, destroyed. Kurt, you are as dumb and manipulated as everyone else in the media. Fuckface Haley? Go fuck yourself, Kurt.

December 20, 2018 2:01 pm



December 20, 2018 2:41 pm

Hmm…gotta’ find out if Nikki will be home over the holidays…..maybe I can ask her if she’d roll over to the Progressives ?

Nothing will change in Washington no matter what ” Grey Champion ” appears . As I’ve said in the past when all of the inter-stated are clogged with people who want to protest against Washington and the Swamp Creatures then perhaps something will change…..but I doubt it .

December 20, 2018 3:20 pm

Speaking of nothing changing. 12/13/18 Larry Chin did an ancestry.com search on William Barr. One of the worst of the worst Swamp Denizens from Pappy Bush’s inner circle.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 20, 2018 2:43 pm

When junior left his wife for the TV hotbox that was the end of any future with Republican women.

  Harrington Richardson
December 20, 2018 3:14 pm

What a dog. I did better than her at closing time.

December 20, 2018 11:33 pm

In discussing The Man From Queens, Mr. Schlichter is correct: Trump articulated what was on the angry citizenry’s minds and while doing so also made great sport of the politicians he challenged e.g. Jeb! It even got him elected. And in doing so thoroughly pissed off the Establishment (Deep State) and managed to tweak the noses of the Evil Fuckers (TPTB). Nice. Yes, they broke the mold when DJT came around.

However, at this point in the game, it doesn’t matter who gets to be “the nominee”.

Because of the power of the blood-drinking elite who are the Evil FUckers, providing the candidate or president-elect “The Zapruder Briefing” ensures compliance within approved control parameters. And sometimes a repeat double feature is required. Seeing how The Donald has behaved in his sojourn in Baghdad-On-The-Potomac, I’m suspecting he has probably had to be given his Zapruder Briefing daily and scheduled to continue receiving them until the end of his term.

As for the Republican prospects that Mr. Schlichter lists; I have no doubt that all of them, as professional paid-for politicians, would just need one (refresher?) showing before getting fully on-board with the program.