Ok HGTV, simmer down. We don’t have to have a TV show about turning everything into a outdoor living space.


When you hear fall you think about leaves, pumpkin spice everything and UGG boots. At People of Walmart we think about how everyone lets their freak flags fly this time of year under the guise of Halloween!


At first I thought this outfit was a little wonky, but once I saw the tiny hat to match I knew you were legit.

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Thanks to weird roadside creepers, American Horror Story and the IT reboot clowns are making a serious comeback. Nothing positive mind you, but maybe their new marketing direction is to embrace the fear instead of fighting it. Circuses are basically dead, it was a smart business move.


Just a little bottom biscuits. The light portion if you will. Just enough to hold you over.


What? Guys aren’t allowed to feel extra boost of confidence while enhancing their butt? #DoubleStandard


Because Old Style never goes out of style.


No I will not put my right hand on blue Kyle.


Here’s what they don’t show you in those quote inspirational parenting quotes you see on Facebook.


Why do I get the feeling these two are like some sort of superhero all the people who shop at Spencer’s know and love?


I don’t mean to speak for the big guy upstairs or his son, but I’m not sure using creepy heads staring out the back of your van is a great way to get people to listen to your point as you try to spread the word.


It’s a landing strip of love.


Ahhh yes, every so often the lords of Walmart come down and visit with the peasants.


Feeling like the dog from UP right now. I’m just minding my own business, shopping for things in Walmart and then SQUIRREL!!!!

See more freaks at People of Wal-Mart

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1 Comment
EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 17, 2017 12:39 am

Years later, the old man fondly recalled his first Walmart shit in aisle 23. ‘I was a mere baby in diapers, my parents proudly recorded the scene for posteriority.