Jeffery St. Clair reviews Hillary Clinton’s “What Happened”

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September 16, 2017 8:28 am

I couldn’t bear to even read this review. That it was ghost written is new but unsurprising. What else about her is authentic? That her and Trump were the best america could come up with as our grand poobah speaks volumes as to how screwed we all are. Lesser of 2 evils my ass. You can’t get lesser than these 2-or so we can pray.

September 16, 2017 8:30 am

There are those like JFK and GWB who are to the manor born and thus their presidential ambitions are not entirely of their own choosing. Then there are those like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama who, from a unnaturally early age, make it their goal in life and against all odds somehow achieve it. Then there is the Rodhamster.

Bereft of any style, grace or charm she felt she was owed a position at the pinnacle of political power because she married Bill and endured all the humiliations he dished out to her. Far from representing feminist ideals she was a ‘bought and paid for woman’ who, if not baking cookies, held her tongue on things that mattered to a genuine woman and shot her mouth on everything that didn’t. Greed and avarice were her moral lodestones. From the cheesiest land flips to multi-million dollar book deals she followed the easiest, sleaziest path and thought nobody would notice.

September 16, 2017 9:09 am

Beautifully stated. Let’s not forget about all those that died of suicide that attempted to object.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
September 16, 2017 11:33 am

Well stated Unit 472! But don’t you think that underneath it all her real complaint is that Nixon did the same stuff she did, yet he was able to pull it off and attain the presidency whereas she was brutally rejected?

Ironically, the crux of her feminist complaint is that Americans apply gender double standards for our political crooks. Mr. St. Clair raises this luscious possibility in his review without exploring it to its tempting and gnarly depths.

Loathe her though we may, we cannot dismiss the possibility her complaint, while bitter and petulant, holds a grain of truth. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren are talentless grifters too. You could easily argue that Hillary has more talent and intelligence than both combined. They appear to be the future of the Dems while HRC is clearly the past. Perhaps poor Hillary was just born too early.

At bottom, she invites us to demonstrate our political and social maturity by electing a crooked, heartless woman as president because we’ve elected so many crooked, heartless men. Profiles in Courage it ain’t……..(yes, I know, ghost-written too)……

Norman Franklin
Norman Franklin
September 16, 2017 9:22 am

If you look back at herstory She was one of the early beta tests for political correctness/affirmative action. Decades of moving up the food chain with no real ability have taken a toll on her heart and mind. For even someone suffering a strong delusion still at times has the little jimini cricket of common sense trying to steer them back in the right direction. You can ignore the voice of your better angel, you can try to drown it out with power, sex, drugs, and booze but the voice never completely goes away. It just becomes softer over time. For someone like Hillary that voice must seem like a constant torment screaming in her head.

I wrote another conversation with Scratch about Hillary, but alas I will never put it out there as I enjoy my life and still have a few goals left to achieve.

September 16, 2017 11:36 am

The fact that this evil skank was able to run for President and get anywhere near winning has to be the greatest example of mass mind control in this country’s history. Going all the way back to the 70s, literally everything she has been involved with in business, politics, “charity”, etc, is tainted with lies, corruption, theft, and murder. And it doesn’t even require much research to figure this stuff out. A cursory look into her past is all that’s needed. But with the help of mainstream media, social media, major corporations, and Satan himself, she has managed to just keep chugging along declaring that she was robbed of her crown and there’s no absolution of those who voted against her. The people who support her, and unfortunately some of them are relatives of mine, literally can’t name a single truly positive thing she’s ever done, but they still defend her and proclaim her greatness. Bunch of damn morons! I swear to God we are in that awkward phase where it’s just slightly too early to start shooting but way too late to work within the law.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 16, 2017 11:45 am

Life, if lived in harmony with our nature and the environment, should be one of self-discovery. The longer we live and the more skilled we become in the necessities of life and in mastering our emotions and desires, the closer we come to finding our true purpose.

There must be, as in all things, a polar opposite to this, a form of self-deception and political expediency that drives us as far from our destiny as is humanly possible.

In the way that a Mozart defined his time and culture in terms of human achievement, so too does Hillary define our civilizational degeneracy and decay. She epitomizes every failure, every compromised principle and corrupted value of both the individual and at the same time their temporal place in the body politic.

In historical and moral terms she is Nero, The Wicked Witch, The Evil Stepmother, Countess Bathory.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 16, 2017 12:27 pm

In the fabled words of Velvet Johnson worlds greatest Pimp “DA BITCH CRAZY”

September 16, 2017 12:59 pm

In one corner, you have Farmer’s, as always, beautifully written prose in his description of HRC and then there is Boat’s succinct and to the point, “DA BITCH CRAZY”. Love it

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 16, 2017 9:55 pm

Why waste what literary talent any of us have on the Clinton’s , we all know what they are and what they are all about . The question is any married couple with a trail of suicides and murders and strange circumstancal deaths in their wake and no connection at all . Like my dear old dad said as my brother and I as we beltched beer breath in our teens ”
All right you TWO in the morning we will have a talk ! I wasn’t born 40 years old . To bad some judge has not put the fear of God into this power couple . They both lie even when it’s not necessary ! Habits are hard to break .

Miles Long
Miles Long
September 16, 2017 1:31 pm

A picture is worth 1000 words.

For Those Who Can’t/Won’t Make It To A Book Signing

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
  Miles Long
September 16, 2017 10:04 pm

Great now I will have to print it out to rat proof the barn , the other rats will give her professional courtesy

September 16, 2017 1:42 pm

“She-it Happened”

There, I fixed that title for her.

September 17, 2017 12:22 am

Why can’t she visit her bosom buddy Reno? The sooner the better.
Honestly, her and that last president keep popping up and stink the place up.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
September 17, 2017 2:04 am

Loathsome as she is to begin with, my absolute tipping point with HRC was when a spokes-toady came out in the broadcast media to **ACCUSE WOMEN OF SELF-HATRED** if they had not voted, or were not going to vote, for Her Inevitability.

Only the supposed fact that **WOMEN HATED THEMSELVES** could account for females’ inexplicable rejection of this co-female: The Anointed One. We were characterized as jealous and self-sabotaging, crawling upon our bellies in an abject reactionary refusal to acknowledge the gender-standard-bearing grandeur, superiority, and triumph offered (cough) in the HRC persona/embodiment.

So not only did HRC alienate “the deplorables”.. she potentially alienated an overlapping ›50% of the voting public across the board. Nicely done!

None of the articles I’ve come across regarding her recent book have pointed out this enormous, egregious, violent, offense. Though I was ill-disposed towards her from the beginning, this pathetic tactic/excuse of hers is something I will never forget nor forgive. She really is a cut above (below) most mainstream politicians.

I’m amazed that so few women really picked up on that direct attack on their autonomy.

September 17, 2017 9:09 am

I watch this 2:30 minute video routinely to remind myself, I own it.
I think this best sums up Hillary’s problem – she does not ‘own it’.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 17, 2017 9:33 am

That was absolutely correct.

I’ll be sharing that with some people I know.

Thanks Crawfisher.