Via Ben Garrison

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July 15, 2017 7:12 am

It really is astounding at the media frenzy over Trump of today vs hilary of yesterday.

Trump can be an insensitive boisterous pompous ass that might be very wealthy, or not.
He may have made billions from millions his father gave him, he may have screwed hundreds of gorgeous women because he was wealthy, he may have lost in business dealings, and made it all back once he learned his mistakes in more business dealings, he pays his legal amount of taxes and no more.

We know hilary took millions in, donations, from foreign nationals while she was the third most powerful person in our government, we know her foundation could not be graded due to their, accounting, practices, we know she had an illegal sever and deleted thousands of incriminating emails, we know the president and vice president knew of the server, we know she lied about Benghazi, we know she allowed Americans to die on her watch, we know the clintons know 50 people who have died under perplexing circumstances.

It all comes down to feelings and not facts.

Progressive liberals are all about how they feel and not real life.
Trump doesn’t give a fucking shit about how you feel and that makes the little snowflakes piss in their panties, and the female progressives tremble with anger.

hilary and other progressives like her pretend to care, she/they pretend to understand, she/they pretend they are on their side and that she/they want them to succeed.


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Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 15, 2017 7:30 am

Boat Guy does not own a boat , just serviced electrical , mechanical and electronic systems and equipment on modest to large yachts for several decades . Traveled a great deal and meet many people of means and others in boat yards from Maine to Florida and out to the Islands . I mention this because I recently crossed paths with a Hatian guy who after a short conversation realized I had a clue of Hati’s history . He indicated if Hillary and Bill Clinton showed up in Hati the still corrupt government officials will welcome them but the average people would want to give them a necklace mon . Those unfamiliar with the term , it refers to taking an old tire filling the inner void with gasoline sliding it down around a person locking their arms in and lighting it !
So much for the good work the “Clinton Foundation” performed in Hati .
You won’t hear shit like that on CNN ABC NBC CBS hell even FOX is losing its objective luster . Let’s also not forget the child trafficking rumors that trail behind the Clinton machine and their inner circle . Billionaire with a private island that Bill and Hillary frequented . The billionaire Billy boy pardoned on his way out among other things . Then their is the nothing burger of all the people that committed arkinside linked to the super couple . Sooner or later the light will shine on all the behind the scenes moves around the Clinton’s and I am sure the roaches will scatter !
Seth Rich ? The IT guy on staff when the Debbie Wasserman Shultz fiasco got her shit canned and Seth mysterially ends up with 3 bullets in his back at 4AM on a D.C. Street . Debbie got the message and resigned .
Perhaps I am to critical of the power couple , perhaps I make connections that are weak links at best . Just perhaps nothing the Clinton’s have ever slithered away with passes the smell test ! Remember the statement : Aparently Mrs.Clintons testimony was factually incorrect , in my dirty water world we call that perjury and I could go on and on but the Clinton history of what they tell and what really actually happened rarely ever line up !

  Boat Guy
July 15, 2017 11:29 am

Ever notice that the Clinton Murder Machine is able to knock off all their enemies & critics EXCEPT the guy pitching that very story. Somehow this legendary team of assassins just can’t get to him. lol

Seth Rich is included in the DC Police list of cold cases. If you have evidence, I’m sure they would love to talk to you.

July 15, 2017 8:16 am

Boat Guy: a 50yr old man was recently found dead in Miami. Gunshot to the head. Suicide. The “coincidence” lies in the fact that he was set to testify against the Clinton Foundation next week. Testify that the foundation stole approximately 5 billion dollars or almost 90% of the money that was donated for Haitian relief after the earthquake. Just imagine the epidemic of “suicides” if the bitch was elected!

July 15, 2017 11:23 am

What was his name?

Miles Long
Miles Long
July 15, 2017 1:33 pm

Klaus Eberwein.

July 15, 2017 11:37 am

It would have been a regular landslide.

July 15, 2017 9:27 am

Scandal is what the media says it is.

July 15, 2017 12:52 pm

This is a repost, but in honor of the “Nothing Burger” meme, a flashback to 1984 Democratic Primary, Mondale vs. Hart (RIP Clara Peller).