Thank You, Financial Times!

The Financial Times propels SLL to the big time!

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

You have to wonder why the Financial Times would bother sending a reporter to the Zero Hedge symposium and why that reporter, Alexandra Scaggs, would write a two-part article, with a third promised, about less than a hundred people gathered for a weekend in Marfa, Texas. Marfa is a pleasant mélange of art colony, sightseeing destination (faux Prada storefront outside of town, Chinati Foundation, McDonald observatory, the famed Marfa lights!) and bathroom/refreshment break for people on their way somewhere else. What could less than a hundred people in the middle of nowhere say that merits the attention of the august Financial Times?

Whatever compelled the FT to send Ms. Scaggs to Texas, I would like to wholeheartedly thank them for their coverage, and for what Ms. Scaggs has said about my presentation: “Breaking the Alternative Media’s Dependence on the Mainstream Media.” Here is Ms. Scagg’s Part 2 commentary:

What follows are some other notable conspiracy theories introduced by ZeroHedge commenters, with brief explanations.

The entirety of Robert Gore’s speech — see Part 1.
Where it went wrong:
Gore said that outlets like ZeroHedge face “one infinitesimal risk — the establishment is not as corrupt as we think it is.” The establishment is not as corrupt as he thinks it is.

And that was that: a 45 minute presentation dismissed with two sentences. I invite interested readers who haven’t already done so to read the speech, which is linked above, and form their own opinions.

The mainstream media has been slow to grasp that it helped Donald Trump get elected. The MSM is neither liked, respected, nor trusted, one of the points of my presentation. When it besmirched Trump, it pushed some who were uncommitted his way and solidified in-group solidarity among his supporters. Trump basked in the attention and reveled in reviling the media…to great effect.

You know you’ve hit a nerve when the other side won’t listen to you, tries to shout you down, or calls you names. “Conspiracy theories” is a stop-the-argument-before-it-begins pejorative. As a reporter for the FT, Ms. Scaggs represents both top-drawer establishment and the elite of the MSM. My criticisms hit a nerve, I would guess both professionally and personally. It’s not as if they were not solidly supported by ample facts and history, and Ms. Scaggs knows it.

However, I do want to thank Ms. Scaggs once again. The graph of SLL readership since 2014 has been from lower left to upper right (up 18 percent this year). Just as the MSM’s criticisms of Trump increased his support, her commentary will almost certainly steepen the upward slope of SLL’s readership graph (and consequently ad revenues). SLL will be getting mileage out of this one for months.

It’s a shame that the only thing Ms. Scaggs took away from the fine Zero Hedge symposium was the cowgirl boots she purchased for the occasion.

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kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
July 6, 2017 4:47 pm

Scaggs is nothing but a ‘homer’; since FT is part of MSM, she was in defense mode.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 6, 2017 4:55 pm

You are lucky that’s all she wrote.

“The establishment is not as corrupt as he thinks it is.”

Her assurances notwithstanding. Made me KEK.

Marfa was the also the location of James Dean’s final film, Giant, the classic Cormac McCarthy tale No Country For Old Men and There Will be Blood. Desolate little spot that tells a lot of story just by being so darn lonesome.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Robert Gore
July 6, 2017 7:07 pm



  Robert Gore
July 7, 2017 8:44 am

I read your speech for a second time.
A consortium of AM for unity/common interest
and profitability will be built. I hope you are a
solid contributor to that effort, and that partners
Regarding Ms. Scaggs: Hey, you gave her an
opportunity to buy some boots…you reinforced
her shopping gene.
Robert, you should know Kek, and “to Kek.”


  Robert Gore
July 7, 2017 7:25 pm
July 7, 2017 7:43 pm

DO NOT click on this proxy generated link. You will be tracked for all-time. You have been warned.

July 6, 2017 6:06 pm

It was just a matter of time before you would be playing the Big Tent. The highest form of flattery would be for them to OFF YOU before you get too much traction.
Your commentary going big time might cause the snowflakes to up their Prozak and Oxy doses but think of how many books you will sell. Can’t wait to see Wolf, Rachel and Megan trashing you. I would watch tv again to see it.

  Robert Gore
July 6, 2017 7:08 pm

Have you been depressed lately, do you frequently handle nail guns, or are you clumsy? Just kidding…

That sentence is pretty funny, though. Kind of reminds me of the guy who claimed that the automobile was just a fad, or the esteemed Paul krugman claiming the Internet would do very little to effect the economy and would likely fizzle out or some such nonsense.

Maybe her mild tempered criticism is a sign that some of them are actually learning that attacking relatively unknown (no offense) entities when they criticize you tends to backfire. Ignoring you or only tangentially mentioning you makes it less likely anyone will remember to check you out. The vapid denunciations come when they can feel you breathing down their necks(CNN). Eric cantor lost his seat to an unknown Dave Brat because he kept attacking him and his ideas. People who hadn’t even heard of Brat before they heard Cantors attacks on him led them to look into Brat and discover that he spoke far more honestly, and addressed issues they cared about, and he won. Perhaps the FT is trying not to make the same mistake.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Robert Gore
July 6, 2017 7:09 pm

The character of a man can be measured by the friends he keeps and the enemies he makes.

Not sure who said that. If no one did I’m claiming it….

  Robert Gore
July 7, 2017 8:47 am

We, your friends, will be mightily offended
if you are offed for predicting an AM AP style.
Watch your six.

  Robert Gore
July 7, 2017 12:31 pm

Wear your body armor and pack your piece. Just ask Seth Rich.

July 6, 2017 6:34 pm

I may be a little slow on the uptake but Robert Gore is a smart guy. The best part is that he is humble and not full of himself . It just dawned on me.He’s a heck of a guy and I Ike and respect him.

Norman Franklin
Norman Franklin
  Robert Gore
July 6, 2017 7:27 pm

Hey Robert, I am curious. By my math you could be one of the last boomers or one of the early Gen Xers Which one is it and which one do you identify with most? Also the fact that msm was so dismissive of you and the whole symposium strengthens my conviction that the truth is getting out there, slow and steady. Keep up your good work.

July 6, 2017 7:30 pm

I read your whole speech. I enjoyed the revisiting of the whole Ron Brown story, which seems to have gone into the great Trash Bin of Thngs You Shall Not Ask About. There were several more anomolies about that flight besides Mr. Brown’s head, but of course they were buried speedily. Nothing to see here, move on.

I think your INC idea is brilliant. It is so brilliant I fear it will never get traction because it will be seen as a great threat to our masters. Maybe after the revolution, civil war, great reset, or the conclusion of the 4th Turning, however it all goes down, it will be safe again to have a free press. Nowadays there might be more strange plane or car crashes to keep such an organization from forming.

Anyway, good words from Marfa. Maybe, just maybe, you gave Ms. Scaggs something to think about.

July 6, 2017 7:39 pm

If the FT sent somebody to cover your speech in remote Texas then they obviously know that something is ‘up’ with what you had to say, and that it could possibly be a danger to their narrative.

Three thousand years ago, the Old Testament tells us that the false prophets lived in luxury with the king. The true prophets lived a life of ridicule. But we all know who’s words are remembered.