Via Branco

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June 8, 2017 7:14 am

You know, with the democrat/media driven Hunt for Red October in full swing since the election you should still wonder, what was in those 33k self directed deleted emails that the FBI just shrugged off as if all that was lost was a cell phone with no back up. Gosh darn, I lost all my selfies.
I ask this to my liberal friends, relatives and the two self described independents that vote 100% democrat in my office.
The reply? “Well, she’s not the president now is she?”
She was the fucking secretary of state, the third most powerful person in our government, state fucking secrets, what deals did she make?
Silence then…….TRUMP!!!
Simply amazing, and also why I don’t care so much anymore, nothing but a circus show for dumbed down masses.
Cue the calliope today and pass me some popcorn and cotton candy, bring on the memos!

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
June 8, 2017 8:09 am

We are never going to hear or see any facts as to the Clinton Foundation , Clinton election campaign , Hillary Clinton’s State Department messes and definitely the coincidental murders and sucicides loosely connected to the clinton machine . It’s a pity that today’s medical community has not stepped up to cure the plague of CRS disease plaguing the Clinton’s . CANT REMEMBER SHIT

  Boat Guy
June 8, 2017 12:03 pm

I can’t remember where I heard it but, think of all you friends, family, associates, etc, how many do you know were murdered.

The clintons know almost 50.

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
June 8, 2017 9:10 am

Great Toon, especially the caption.