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fireplace,aerosol,fire,accident waiting to happen

ouch,ice skating,funny



accidental sexy,name,sign


books,fifty shades of grey,horror,reading,shelving


car,dogs,gas tank,head



christmas news little girl touches elf on a shelf and fears she ruined christmas so she calls 911

When Isabelle LaPeruta, a 7-year-old New Jersey girl, accidentally touched her Elf on the Shelf she thought she did something that would get her in trouble with Santa. According to the popular children’s book, touching the Elf on a Shelf is a big time no-no and doing so means the Christmas magic goes away from your home.

Panicked that she just ruined Christmas, Isabelle did what she was told to do in an emergency, call 911.

“To her, it was an emergency when she touched the elf, and she’s going to ruin Christmas, so that was her emergency. In her mind, she did right, and it was fine with us.” said Old Bridge Police Lt. Joseph Mandola. Looks like the Christmas magic is back for one 7-year-old little girl.


Sad,sign,graveyard,fail nation

back to school,funny signs,pregnancy test

design,engineering,fire exit,genius

whoops,wheels,cars,funny,bus,fail nation,g rated


dancing,fail nation,falling,gifs,g rated,ouch

funny fail image girl sends selfie with dildos in background to family chat

warning,sign,bees,g rated,fail nation

irony,Professional At Work,signs



dude parts,accidental sexy,funny

engrish,engrish funny,numbers,oh Japan,counting,Hall of Fame,best of week

See more at the Fail Blog






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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 31, 2017 5:24 pm

If I were tudoring those Japanese girls, I’d tell them they did it perfectly.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 31, 2017 6:03 pm

Iska, give me a bunch of K-pop girls and I care not for the rest.

April 1, 2017 1:38 am

Consider how generally not big of a deal it is for women to have fake dicks laying around, but it’s men who have objectified women but will be actually ruined if they were to have a couple fake vaginas laying around.

/me glances at my right hand

I plead the fifth.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
April 1, 2017 3:07 am

razzle, that’s the Alt Right in a nutshell. The questions they ask are whether men in general are liable for the sensitivities of women and whether white men in particular are liable for the sensitivities of non-white folks.

Nobody seems to give a shit about the feelings or objections of men in general and white men in particular when it comes to gender or race. They sure are quick to point the finger at them when they don’t like to be called bitches or niggers; trigger words that they themselves use.

That was a good start but clowns like Yohimbo and Milo corrupted those ideals the way gangs, drug lords and other deviates debased the juggalos.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
April 1, 2017 2:32 pm

How well would an average American do trying to label numbers in Japanese? (Or any other language, come to think of it; maybe a few European languages might make it).
Uno Ein Un
Dos Zwei Deux
Tres Drei Troix
Cuatro Fier Quatre
That’s about as far as I can go without a book …

April 1, 2017 8:09 pm

Epic April Fool’s prank: