Donald Trump’s Argument For America

Trump the Closer

I had been wondering if Trump was planning some sort of special closing argument. He did not disappoint. In my opinion, his final ad is the political ad of the year, if not the best ever.

Here’s what makes this ad so special:

1. Trump delivers his lines perfectly, like an experienced actor. We haven’t heard him like this before. You probably didn’t think he had this in him. He stays calm and assured, but not cocky. That is an effective counter-framing to Clinton’s framing of Trump as an unpredictable madman. Here Trump comes off as perfectly reasonable and deeply empathetic.

2. The timing is perfect. This race went so low that even the trolls were starting to gasp for oxygen. Trump made us wait for relief – Hollywood style. He made us crave civility and sanity. And just when we thought it was out of reach, he goes ultra-positive.

But here’s the best part. Clinton has no good options to counter this message. If she stays dark, Trump finishes as the inspirational one. If she tries to match his positive message, she has little chance of doing it this well.

3. While Obama is out talking about his legacy, and Clinton is out talking about making history as the first woman president, Trump (the narcissist) asks for the American people’s help in draining the swamp and making America great again. That’s one heckuva contrast to end on.

4. The writing for Trump’s speech is great. The editing is great. The production is great. The visual artistry is fantastic. This one will be studied for a long time, not only for its persuasion excellence and production values but also for its strategic timing.

5. Trump’s strongest message at this point is that Clinton is corrupt in a variety of hard-to-explain ways. People don’t need to understand the details. They just have to hear the message enough. This video uses visual persuasion perfectly to portray the halls of power and corruption versus the people united. The color red is exceptionally well-used. It activates us.

You just witnessed something special.

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November 5, 2016 3:57 pm

Trump just gets up there and says what the average working guy is thinking and would be saying if he could get away with it in public.

There’s nothing special or magical involved other than that.

And that is sort of special and magical in its own sort of way, isn’t it?

November 5, 2016 3:59 pm

I am astounded at what this video implies. This is the most hopeful I’ve felt about the potential of my vote to matter I’ve felt in years. If you don’t know who you are gonna vote for right now? Where have you been?

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
November 5, 2016 4:14 pm

I just love him trotting out the banksters. Hey fuckers, the war starts WEDNESDAY

November 5, 2016 5:19 pm

I never watch political speeches or ads but I find this riveting.

November 5, 2016 5:39 pm

Agree it was superb. Just wonder if the attention span of the average voter will keep focused on it. Would like to see a personal individual message with a portait of him and his photogenic and resourceful family togather in the parlor(living room for us old time poor folks). There was some of that at and after the Cleveland Convention and it was well received in middle America;unfortunaty, he got Khanned during the Democrat convention.

tampa red
tampa red
November 5, 2016 5:35 pm

Trump had another rally this am here in Tampa.I did not attend but I saw an article from that said he quit using the teleprompter for the 1st time in a week & started getting off topic.Let’s hope that does not last.Trump was reportedly going to Colorado & possibly even Minnesota after leaving here.
Below I’ve posted a short article by Dick Morris.

Trump Surge Among White H.S. Men Grows Into Landslide
Published on on November 5, 2016

The latest poll, reported yesterday, show Trump’s lead among white high school educated men is approaching landslide proportions.

In the current poll, he leads Hillary among these voters by 41 points (61-20). One week ago, he led by 31 points (59-29) and two weeks ago, his lead was only 16 points (48-32).

This huge swing in Trump’s vote — and the equivalent crash in Hillary’s vote — is moving the major industrial states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Minnesota in Trump’s direction.

By contrast, Hillary has made some gains among high school educated women where she now trails by 21 points (53-32) having been 27 points back (58-31) previously.

Since downscale voters usually break at the very end — and they are breaking now for Trump — the strength of the trend is only now becoming visible.

  tampa red
November 5, 2016 7:49 pm

uhhh I’ve been watching every rally since the 25th.
that shit is backwards… trump almost never uses the teleprompter.
his talks are getting more conversational and personal each rally. (but he is extremely on message. his key points.. get hit every rally. not always with exactly the same weight but he has become VERY consistent

look at the Hershey, PA rally and the Wilmington, Ohio
these two rallies each contain an AMAZING event.

Riley’s mother knocked it out of the park.
and the way he asks the ohio crowd about the new bridge project? “HEY HOW ABOUT WE TRY A LITTLE DIRECT INTERACTION HERE”

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
  tampa red
November 5, 2016 7:50 pm

Trump didn’t have a teleprompter at all in Albuquerque.

  Robert Gore
November 6, 2016 8:13 pm

this is the same anon as above..

I’ve gone back and rewatched a few… and I take it back. he’s using the teleprompter quite a lot. if anything he was going “offscript” more earlier on (still quite a bit at ABQ)
you can tell his eyes invariably fall on 2 distinct points at each side…
but its not largely a bad thing. its helped with message consistency and nitpicking libtards

Gustav Horst
Gustav Horst
  tampa red
November 6, 2016 4:51 am

Hey, lots of educated people are supporting the criminal. Doesn’t say much for education.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
November 5, 2016 7:40 pm

The Trump in the ad was the Trump I saw for fifty minutes in Albuquerque last Sunday night. I said it in my article—he looks like a winner, but I can say something else, too. He’s grown, he’s become a bigger man. He’s now a leader. Not a surprise that an expert in persuasion would see it, but now we’re all seeing it. I wish the entire readership of TBP and SLL had been at that rally, because it was something special.

  Robert Gore
November 5, 2016 7:52 pm

you should watch the Hershey, PA rally. Riley’s Mother… HEART WRENCHING

edit: ugh god… I notice they have frozen the likes and views on many new trump vids.
this hershey rally vid had the same numbers of likes and watches….. 12 hours ago

I’m not surprised. SHE REALLY STRUCK A CHORD

November 5, 2016 11:18 pm

god, and the motive will be unprovable… greatest show on earth.

wow. betfair odds are now up to 4.6 on trump, from 3.4ish on the 3rd..

No Kill I
No Kill I
November 6, 2016 11:35 am

I think the Secret Service would give their lives for Trump, Hillary, not so much. My rationale for supporting someone would be “would I run uphill into a hail of gunfire for this person, knowing that he/she would look after my family when I’m gone”..

November 6, 2016 12:02 am

I saw that speech in Reno livestreamed. I also saw some bits of killery’s latest forays into the public. Her campaign and message is so pathetic she is now reduced to paying celebrity musicians to put on concerts during her speeches. She can’t get people to come watch her without beyonce and jay-z and a bunch of others putting on a show. And, the really fucked up thing is, it might actually work. Our gadget addicted, self obsessed youth are literally picking the dear leader because a fucking rapper told them to.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
November 6, 2016 12:52 am

I pray we’re not being led into a trap. That’s all I have to say about that.

November 6, 2016 1:22 pm

wonderful speech by trump,
wonderful comments on TBP!!

November 7, 2016 10:43 am

Excellent speech. I don’t see how anyone can deny the logic in it.

What the election really depends upon is if the Democrats have packed the country with enough illegals / queers / trans / ugly fat lesbians / breeders – all people who want something for nothing vs. us chumps that go to work every day and pay for their ‘free shit’.