By D.C. Sunsets

Where have I been? Tilting at windmills.

I’ve simply realized that no matter how much I refine my grasp of today’s collective insanity (its roots, its enablers, the underlying engine that powers it, and where it leads),

1. No one gives a shit.

2. Neither I nor anyone else can change it.

3. Without details (timing, specifics) neither I nor anyone else has, preparing for what’s coming is for all practical purposes impossible. Every preparation A produces massive costs Anti-A today, and the accumulation of those costs is beginning to crush me.

I’m arrogant enough to believe that I see something that almost no one else sees. I’m also wise enough to know that it just doesn’t matter. No bozo buttons are awarded for being first to fully elucidate a process, and 21 years of being wrong on the timing has taught me that there are actually no benefits even to myself. So far, my insights on this crap have only cost me money, heartache and self-recrimination.

So I try to stop wasting my time typing comments. I’m better off putting in a load of laundry, mowing the grass or reloading some more cartridges.

At this moment, I’m running a video-capture of the VHS recording of my wedding in the background of this web browser. It reminds me in a constant bitch-slap of how much time has passed, how youth drains away no matter how hard one tries to slow it, how nothing I do really affects more than that moment of time, and how I’ve lived my life in a fog of ignorance so profound that it’s embarrassing to even contemplate.

I’m an ant, riding on a leaf, floating down a large river. I can’t change the course of the river, I’m surrounded by other ants who have no notion of the river itself, and who grasp not the meaning of the sound of a waterfall ahead. Or if they do, then ours is a dialog that only goes in circles. I’ve been spinning in those circles since 1993. I’m dizzy, so please stop the ride, I want to get off.


Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Would fate permit it, the election of Hillary Clinton will be the supreme and perhaps terminal act in an Anything-Goes-And-Nothing-Matters society. Yet, even with the fabulous luck of running against a consummate political oaf, she struggles to get the upper hand, and she may land in the White House with the lowest voter turnout in modern history. And then her reward in office may be to dodge indictment for four years while the nation crumbles around her. This is the way the world ends: not with a bang or a whimper but with a cackle.

Imagine the scene following Hillary’s election. In order to salvage the last shred of its credibility, the Federal Reserve raises its overnight funds rate another quarter percent and crashes the last Potemkin semblance of a “recovering” economy, that is, the levitated stock markets. Tens of millions of retired individuals previously driven into them by zero interest rate policy are wiped out. Even more gravely, pension funds and insurance companies are destroyed, but not before their troubles trigger derivative contracts with big banks which then explode and expose the inability of counterparties to make good on their ends of the bet.

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Soros Paid Leftist Groups to Silence Pope on Abortion and Marriage

Via Breitbart

Pope Francis addresses a joint session of Congress on September 24, 2014 in Washington, DC. The Pope is the first leader of the Roman Catholic Church to address a joint meeting of Congress, including more than 500 lawmakers, Supreme Court justices and top administration officials including Vice President Joe Biden. AFP PHOTO/VINCENZO PINTO (Photo credit should read

Newly released documents from Wikileaks have exposed the efforts of hard-left billionaire George Soros to make Pope Francis quiet down on social issues like abortion and man-woman marriage and make income equality and global warming the centerpiece of his visit last year to the U.S. The documents show how these wealthy groups worked closely with the Pope’s closest advisers including two U.S. Bishops and one Latin American Cardinal.

The plan was first advanced at a board meeting of Soros’s Open Society U.S. Programs Board in May, 2015, where the radical group boasts of direct influence with Pope Francis. At that meeting, the board announced a $650,000 grant to a wealthy radical group called PICO “in order to seize this engage the Pope on economic and racial justice issues, including using (emphasis added) the influence of Cardinal Rodriquez, the Pope’s senior advisor, and sending a delegation to visit the Vatican in the spring or summer to allow him to hear directly (emphasis added) from low-income Catholics in America.”

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Questions of the Day, Aug 29

Dr. Drew’s show was canceled for merely mentioning the royal bitch’s health. Democrat staffers are committing suicide almost daily. Should Anthony Weiner be concerned for his health? Alternatively, who don’t the Clinton’s have control over?

One more, now that Weiner is back, albeit briefly, as Uma or Huma or whatever has been told to dump him, is there ANY better nickname than Carlos Danger?

Trump By A Landslide?

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Based on this analytic structure, Trump may not just win the election in November–he might win by a landslide.

If we believe the mainstream media and the Establishment it protects and promotes, Trump has no chance of winning the presidential election. For starters, Trump supporters are all Confederate-flag waving hillbillies, bigots, fascists and misogynists. In other words. “good people” can’t possibly vote for Trump.

Even cartoon character Mike Doonesbury is fleeing to Vancouver to escape Trumpism. (Memo to the Doonesbury family: selling your Seattle home will barely net the down payment on a decent crib in Vancouver.)

For another, Trump alienates the entire planet every time he speaks.

The list goes on, of course, continuing with his lack of qualifications.

But suppose this election isn’t about Trump or Hillary at all. Suppose, as political scientists Allan J. Lichtman and Ken DeCell claimed in their 1988 book, Thirteen Keys to the Presidency, that all presidential elections from 1860 to the present are referendums on the sitting president and his party.

If the public views the sitting president’s second term favorably, the candidate from his party will win the election. If the public views the sitting president’s second term unfavorably, the candidate from the other party will win the election.

(Lichtman published another book on his system in 2008, The Keys to the White House: A Surefire Guide to Predicting the Next President.)

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The Global Real Estate Bubble Is OFFICIALLY Bursting

Guest Post by Harry Dent

The global real estate bubble is bursting.

After imposing a hefty 26% tax on foreign buyers, and a 12% to 16% surcharge for buyers who flipped their house between one and two years, Singapore real estate has declined 21.5%.

Vancouver has taken similar measures, and – surprise, surprise – its real estate is down 24% in just five months!

That’s what I mean when I say that when bubbles burst, they do so dramatically and rapidly.

But this is likely just the beginning…

I put Singapore into razor-sharp focus in February of last year when I noted it had some of the most expensive real estate in the world. It has the highest standard of living of any country in Asia – even higher than in the U.S.!

The problem is that the country is 100% urban and has limited land – making it incredibly susceptible to the kind of bubble that’s formed there.

And boy, has one ever.

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Why Americans Turn Their Backs On Religion

The amount of people identifying as atheists or agnostics has increased steadily in the United States in recent years. Along with those saying their religion “is nothing in particular”, they make up 23 percent of the U.S. population. Back in 2007, it was only 16 percent. Pew Research conducted a survey to find the reasons for disaffiliating among those who were raised in religious households. 49 percent turned their backs on religion due to a lack of belief while 20 percent disliked organized religion.

Infographic: Why Americans Turn Their Backs On Religion | Statista
You will find more statistics at Statista

I Want A Thank You

Guest Post by Zman

News brings word that one of the hyper-violent meat-heads the NFL hires to entertain us on fall weekends is making a nuisance of himself over the custom of playing the National Anthem before games.

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has willingly immersed himself into controversy by refusing to stand for the playing of the national anthem in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States.

His latest refusal to stand for the anthem — he has done this in at least one other preseason game — came before the 49ers’ preseason loss to Green Bay at Levi’s Stadium on Friday night.
“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

Kaepernick was born to a destitute black white mother¹ in Milwaukee, who put him up for adoption. His father was a deadbeat from the neighborhood. In other words, he was born into the typical black environment, but unlike most black children, he was saved by a nice white couple who adopted him and raised him as their son. This got him into good schools, sports and a middle-class lifestyle. Later, nice white coaches helped him with his sports career, first at college and then in the NFL. Jim Harbaugh made Kaepernick a legitimate NFL player.

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Are Central Bankers Coming to a Bitter End?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Central Bank Confidence

Central bankers these days are seriously trapped. They cannot now reverse their policies for that means they have to admit that they have failed. That is far more serious than you might imagine. To even entertain backing down from negative interest rates means they have to admit that Keynesian/Marxist economics has failed and therein socialism, which is based upon the very principle that government CAN and is CAPABLE of managing the economy. This is the real question presented in the American presidential elections, yet nobody will articulate it in this manner. Hillary still preaches the same failed socialist agenda as if government can even do anything other than attack people who earn more money as did Emperor Maximinus of Rome.

Just before Paul Volcker became Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, who served (August 6, 1979 – August 11, 1987), he delivered his Rediscovery of the Business Cycle in 1978 (published on May 3, 1979). If you Google this book, you will see our site comes up first. You can find used copies around $500. Why is this book so rare? Because before Volcker became Fed Chairman, he told the truth.

“The Rediscovery of the Business Cycle – is a sign of the times. Not much more than a decade ago, in what now seems a more innocent age, the ‘New Economics’ had become orthodoxy. Its basic tenet, repeated in similar words in speech after speech, in article after article, was described by one of its leaders as ‘the conviction that business cycles were not inevitable, that government policy could and should keep the economy close to a path of steady real growth at a constant target rate of unemployment.”

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Now Harley

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Now Harley’s being nailed to the cross.Harley lead

For “cheating” Uncle’s emissions rigmarole, like VW was accused of doing (and admited to doing).

This being like “cheating” speed traps by using a radar detector.

In each case, there being no evidence of tangible harm caused to anyone. Except, of course, an aggrieved Uncle. And he’s not even real, just shorthand for the collection of apparatchiks who, collectively, comprise this entity called the government.

But if they can’t produce a victim, what’s the evidence of harm? And if there’s no evidence of harm caused, how can there be a crime?

Harley’s “crime” – despite the lack of a victim – is that it sold kits over the counter that owners could use to tune their bikes for better performance and mileage. As in the VW case, the adjustments are claimed to have – and probably did – slightly increase exhaust emissions.

Emphasis on slightly.

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“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Eph 6:12

The Right Lessons from Obamacare’s Meltdown

Guest Post by Ron Paul 

The decision of several major insurance companies to cut their losses and withdraw from the Obamacare exchanges, combined with the failure of 70 percent of Obamacare’s health insurance “co-ops, ” will leave one in six Obamacare enrollees with only one health insurance option. If Obamacare continues on its current track, most of America may resemble Pinal County, Arizona, where no one can obtain private health insurance. Those lucky enough to obtain insurance will face ever-increasing premiums and a declining choice of providers.

Many Obamacare supporters claimed that the exchanges created a market for health insurance that would allow consumers to benefit from competition. But allowing consumers to pick from a variety of government-controlled health insurance plans is not a true market; instead it is what the great economist Ludwig von Mises called “playing market.”

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