A Soldier’s Farewell to Uncle on Ann’s Page

A Chilling Letter From an NCO Calling It Quits

(As a veteran of the Air Force myself, with my husband retired, I am particularly moved by the sincerity I perceive in the letter posted on Ann’s page.  I know the feeling in the pit of this NCO’s stomach because I experienced it myself when I stared into the soulless eyes of a former commander who’d sold us all out for a post-military career with a Big Gubment weapons manufacturer.   Those in power do not care about what is legal or what is right.  And if you are in their “employ”, they expect you to comply with their directives, lawful or not.  Emphases Ann’s).


I leave the Army for good in September of this year.  My chain of command has been shell shocked that I am going through with it.  Two years ago when I first came to grips with what was happening and resolved to no longer be a part of it, there was derision and even an officer telling me that voicing my opinions about the state of the US economy and its moral failings could be considered a violation of the UCMJ for conduct “prejudicial to good order and discipline.”

When I gave my Operations NCO a copy of the book “A Distant Mirror” by Barbara Tuchman he came to me a month later stating that if there is a civil war, he and his fellow Hispanics will “have to choose sides.”

When I told my first sergeant why I would not be re-enlisting, she said “Don’t you want to re-enlist to get your 20?”

I said that I wanted to re-enlist, but I couldn’t, that my pension was nothing compared to being prepared to sacrifice my life. Then she and I went on to discuss my (your) ideas on why there was a possible collapse of the US government in the future, she went from denying the possibility to stating “Well, it all depends on what level of collapse you’re talking about,”  needless to say I was stunned.

The re-enlistment NCO refuses to talk to me, and several other mid to senior level NCOs who previously thought I was kidding have left the Active reserves for the Individual Ready Reserves.

One stated that he too was disgusted with both candidates for president and then asked me if I thought things would be so bad, why wouldn’t I stay in and try to fix things “from the inside”?  I cited the example of the Yugoslav army and how there were fire fights within units and stated that I would refuse to follow unconstitutional orders.  I then asked, “Don’t you think if one of the two candidates gets in power that either might order the power of the state to be used against their political enemies?  That’s what would be likely to START those kinds of firefights, right?”

Officer: “SFC, you are hereby ordered to take your platoon and do evil unconstitutional thing X.”

Me:  “No.”

Officer: “SSG, Arrest SFC !”

Me: (Click) “Don’t move sir.”

SSG: “Uh-oh….”

The other NCO just kinda smiled grimly and nodded.  His friend, a warrant officer whom I have known since 2009 then blurted “Well, that won’t happen anyway, the US government can’t collapse, too many people depend on it!”

We both stared at him and he looked embarrassed almost immediately. He is not a stupid man, but it shows the mindset most are locked into, no matter how illogical it is.

I have many more anecdotes, but the summary is this:  Whereas I was laughed at two years ago, many other senior NCOS are leaving.  Many Enlisted men are frightened and wish to get out.  The liberals, humanists, atheists and feminists are taking over.

EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON over the past two years, from family, friends, and colleagues to acquaintances and others in the civilian world who hear I am getting out after 15 years always start with the same argument:  What about your pension/heathcare?

My own brother, an amateur military historian asked me the same question last week, and I said:

“You studied military history for 8 years in school, and as a hobby your whole adult life, if you had to go up against a military composed entirely of people who were there to get their retirement benefits, how easy would that army be to defeat?”


Mic drop!

Ann, it’s been rough.  I LOVE the US Army. At times I have almost been reduced to tears thinking about putting on the uniform for the last time.  But I cannot be part of the army that serves a government like ours. 

Thank you just for being out there and fighting the good fight.


(Be assured of our prayers, sir.)


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Chris P
Chris P
August 2, 2016 10:15 am

Wow someone with principles.

August 2, 2016 10:20 am

I hope I’m just falling to the fallacy of the internet echo chamber there but….

with each passing day it seems more likely that we will not have a Civil War, or a World War to round out this 4T. We’ll have both. The US dissolving into chaos or a civil war, or even the THREAT of civil war will unleash the armies of a half dozen other nations who have too much to lose in a scrape with the USA, but would be all too willing to lay it on the line if we were removed from the equation.

rhs jr
rhs jr
August 2, 2016 10:33 am

I was the Communications Operations Officer at Tyndall AFB in October 1973 when there was a real recall in the middle of the night. I stopped by my Comm Center to see if there was any important traffic and my NCOs told me they just gotten a Top Secret message for the Base Commander that Israel has just been attacked. Although I lived 10 miles from base and had gone by the Comm Center, I was still the first officer to arrive at the Command Post. The NCO on duty who had called me asked what was going on and I said it was Top Secret but I’ll be telling the Commander as soon as he gets here. He asked if it was a Coup by Nixon and I said no. He said but what if it is. I said if it is, I’m going back home to get my gun and fight you fuckers. He said I’m with you.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
  rhs jr
August 2, 2016 10:43 am

Really? Why would you fight Nixon? There was a coup, pal, and it was carried out by the Washington Post, the New York Times and the liberal Establishment, the same ones who betrayed our troops in Vietnam (and the same ones who got them in there in the first place). Don’t fall for the “Progressive” bullshit.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Southern Sage
August 2, 2016 12:19 pm

Lighten up on me Sage, I’ve been anti-Communist since my enlightenment from having some Communist Professors at FSU 1965-69 and anti-ZOG for 30 years; served 12 years as an USAF Officer at LandSouthEast, with the 321st Missile Wing & the 319th Bomb Wing, and Hqs SAC. I’ve communicated with John Trochmann, Col. Donn de Grand Pre, Theodore Pike, David Duke and his beautiful daughter, was the North Florida Coordinator For Florida Prop 209, etc; and have matured into being the Jefferson County Florida Trump (who was a NYC Liberal Yankee Billionaire) Distributor. I’m no more a fool of the “Progressives” than you are. ZOG got the money to buy big business and the MSM (just their Propaganda Organ) from the Rothschilds and their Federal Reserve Bank which is the Blood of The Beast. Nixon hated ZOG but they controlled the business world and most of the government (he was forced to make Kissinger his Secretary of State) but Nixon had influence with the FBI and IRS and was unConstitutionally using them to attack his enemies which included my brother who was the head of the North Florida Vietnam Vets Against the War. A Nixon Coup would have been resisted by most Americans then and so would a Military Coup now (esp since the Military is now controlled by Obama’s Perverts & NWO Appointments). As you were, Pal.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
  rhs jr
August 3, 2016 9:14 am

Please accept my apology! Sounds like you and me are on the same sheet of music. I am not fan of Tricky Dick but I despise the Washington Post even more!

  rhs jr
August 2, 2016 8:43 pm

Funny-I met an old Chaplain from Fayetteville, NC a while back. He told me a funny story about that same period of time. He said Watergate had come out and shocked the nation. He told me he was going on CQ one evening at his unit-think he was in VA, maybe Fort Story? I forget. Anyway, he’s about to settle in for a long, boring, lonely 24 when the Battalion Commander walks in. Back then, he said, Colonels NEVER spoke to lowly Corporals. The COL tells him if anyone calls him in the middle of the night and tells him to wake up the 1st SGT, the XO, the CO, or anyone else, not to make a move. “In fact,” he said, “don’t even pick up the phone tonight.” Just stay here and don’t do anything, no matter what you hear or what you’re told.

To this day, he told me, he’s certain the brass were on the verge of a real coup to take out Nixon and it was just narrowly avoided.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 2, 2016 10:40 am

An excellent article. Illustrates what I have been saying all along. We are heading for a train wreck. If Trump is elected (and I believe he will be) he must do a number of things immediately:
–Ensure that his Secret Service detail is competent and contains no persons of doubtful loyalties (no minorities or known Democrats)
–Maintain an absolutely loyal garrison in Washington, D.C. itself, as well as in other major cities
–Replace all senior military leaders appointed by Obama, to include calling good officers back from retirement
–Place reliable officers in command of all combat arms units; purge affirmative actions cases in such units
–Prepare to immediately seize all media outlets and control of the Internet
–Form a national Federal “civil guard” of volunteer law-abiding citizens, commanded by veterans. This should be formed in all states. Democrat-controlled states should be particular targets. Civil guard members should be armed with light weapons (rifles, machineguns, grenades, etc.) and any attempt by the liberal local governments to control the civil guard should be quashed.
–Draw up plans to close the borders (in and out), freeze the assets of all so-called “Progressives” and wealthy Democrats, and cut off food, water and transportation routes to major urban centers
–Draw up lists for detaining major business, political, media and other figures known to be disloyal to the U.S.

We are heading for civil war in this country. Get ready and don’t fool yourself that everything will work out OK. It won’t. Nobody in Yugoslavia imagined what would happen there and nobody in the USSR foresaw its complete collapse. Both happened.
I can see some of our people rolling their eyes. Go ahead. See you on the other side of the bloody chasm.

  Southern Sage
August 2, 2016 11:42 am

“–Prepare to immediately seize all media outlets and control of the Internet”

Ah SHIT!! There goes the TBP!!!!!! Now what am I gonna do??

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 3, 2016 9:13 am

There will be an exception for TBP.

  Southern Sage
August 2, 2016 7:09 pm

I don’t know whether to hope you’re wron or hope you’re right. To bad I am to old to be much of a fighter now.

August 2, 2016 10:48 am

“Whereas I was laughed at two years ago, many other senior NCOS are leaving. Many Enlisted men are frightened and wish to get out.” ——— from the article

It’s a nice letter and far be it for me to criticize what this man felt he must do.

It’s sad though …. GOOD men leaving the armed forces ……. and if they all do this, what will we be left with? An armed forces willing to slaughter Americans. Because, following orders.

harry p.
harry p.
August 2, 2016 12:10 pm

that might actually be the plan.
When the military lowers standards and promotes immoral automatons while pushing out critical thinking/principled people you end up with leaders/officers like Bill Calley and events like My Lai.

except this time it might be here in the US. trully sickening to think about.

  harry p.
August 2, 2016 1:44 pm

I think there was a “test run” at Waco a few years ago to guage the long term impact of the Federal government murdering an innocent-until-proven-guilty group of people in Texas on Network TeeVee with some rather flimsy excuses about child endangerment. Let’s see, who was president again?

I think we would have already seen this play out if it hadn’t been for the upstart Obama intervening and seizing the crown in 2008. As it is, it seems to be only delayed, not avoided.

August 2, 2016 1:36 pm

Stucky, let me finish that for you…and the retirement pension you know.

August 2, 2016 6:48 pm

That’s part of the plan. The first part is to weaken and demoralize existing forces with affirmative action and social engineering. The second is to get rid of as many troops as possible that would resist an order to fire on US citizens.

larry morris
larry morris
August 2, 2016 11:07 am

went in army in 1959 got out in 1969 2.5 yrs viet nam lies lies lies the army is for getting ahead not for what is right

August 2, 2016 12:15 pm

Southern Sage, there will be people on the other side trying to do the same, so watch your butt! I don’t suppose it would do any good to point out that your plan, if successful, would result in the very type of fascist regime we have all sworn to fight…

TPC, the more involved and consuming civil war is, the less likely there will be any sort of organized world war — people will be too busy watching their backs…

August 2, 2016 1:07 pm

Virtually everything I read about the military is enraging or
sickening. The men in the red high heels, gay rape, women
in combat, ridiculous “rules of engagement”, and the zillions
spent on winning “hearts and minds” borders on the absurd.
Sounds like it is all about BS…contractors making money, and
basic recruits being smoked and fried.
Civil war? Who wants to “fight”? There are two-three groups
maybe. The illustrious Blacks with their endless demands, threats,
and proven violence against each other, and whites. The Mexico
first crowd, and the “terrorist-type” Mooslims. The whites?
I just want to be left alone. Read Matt Bracken…he has alot to
say and predict on the civil war stuff…former Seal guy.

August 2, 2016 1:15 pm

@Bob – The moment the US is out of the picture China will put their thumb on the SE Pacific, Russia will reclaim several of their former territories, and never underestimate N. Korea’s insanity.

The Middle East is already boiling. It will just be on fire or some shit who even cares at this point.

Chris P
Chris P
August 2, 2016 4:37 pm

This is your assignment if you decide to take it. Pull the pin and hold your ears. This message will self destruct in five seconds….

August 2, 2016 5:40 pm

Harry ,you fucking idiot . Have you ever read the story behind My lai .They were being attacked from all sides day and night then the enemy would hide among civilians just like the Muslims terrorists.He was tried of seeing his men killed. Fuck the rules when your in combat and there is no such thing as innocent civilians in gorilla warfare.My Lai proves the point.Bill Cally was a hero cucksucker.

August 2, 2016 9:32 pm

When your what is in combat? Who makes war on gorillas? How can a cucksucker be a hero? Can you spell Calley? Sofa King.

August 2, 2016 11:16 pm

I wasn’t there, but from wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Lai_Massacre
“The Mỹ Lai Massacre was the Vietnam War mass killing of between 347 and 504 unarmed civilians in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968. It was committed by U.S. Army soldiers from the Company C of the 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade of the 23rd (Americal) Infantry Division. Victims included men, women, children, and infants. Some of the women were gang-raped and their bodies mutilated.[2][3] Twenty-six soldiers were charged with criminal offenses, but only Lieutenant William Calley Jr., a platoon leader in C Company, was convicted. Found guilty of killing 22 villagers, he was originally given a life sentence, but served only three and a half years under house arrest.”

Now, I won’t pretend I was there, but if you’re killing infants and children to root out possible VC, I think you might have gone too far. Sure, they might be hiding among the peasants, but I doubt a baby is a direct threat, unless it’s some kind of exploding IED American soldier-seeking doombaby set to be cute until it’s suddenly not. Actually, that sounds like any average baby in the world. (*GilbertS looks over his shoulder at his youngest child with sudden suspicion…)
Also, if that entry is true, what military purpose did the rapes serve? I guess if you can’t win their hearts and minds, you seize their gashes?

BTW-do you think if we kill people at random their family and friends might be inclined to attack us, as well? If you were to, say, kill lots of random people during airstrikes and drone attacks, AKA collatoral damage, how many of those people’s family and friends might be inclined to take up arms against you, thus fueling and spreading the insurgency you’re fighting? It’s a self-licking icecream cone.

I won’t pretend to be an expert in counterinsurgency, but what I’ve read seems to indicate you need to try to win the human terrain away from the insurgency. I believe Mao said the guerrilla swims among the population like a fish in the sea. If this is the case, convincing the locals you aren’t their enemy and you respect them and want to help them is key to isolating and killing the insurgency. In Iraq, where I was, we constantly tried to show the locals we respected their culture, we weren’t their enemies, and we wanted to help them. We rebuilt schools, respected mosques and holy sites, re-wired their infrastructure, provided clean water, stopped violent police and paramilitaries, armed tribal self-defense groups, and other programs. Some of these moves were wildly successful, such as the Tribal Awakening movement, where we basically paid them to police themselves. Others weren’t so good-like when the US-trained cops just sold their guns and supplies to the bad guys and bullied the locals.

You COULD try to just out-kill the insurgency, but the US hasn’t had the stomach for that kind of violence for about 100 years and it might lead to a violent opposition movement here at home, like we enjoyed nearly 50 years ago during My Lai.

August 3, 2016 11:03 am

Jesus H. Christ. Gorilla warfare? Really?

bb, you’ve got a lot of nerve calling anyone a fucking idiot.

Keep posting though. Your rambling missives replete with shitty grammar and misspellings always bring a smile to my face.

August 2, 2016 8:45 pm

I was sitting next to a USAF OSI agent today who made one of the dumbest, most fucked up statements I ever heard. She stated to another OSI, “My husband is voting for Trump, so I’m going to vote Democrat. I don’t care what they say or what they stand for. I didn’t watch the debates or read any of the articles. I just want to vote against Trump.” Aim High!

August 2, 2016 9:09 pm

Military OSI are not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. They walk around military bases in three piece suits trying to be incognito. If they just wore their military uniforms NO ONE would have a clue as to who they are.

August 2, 2016 9:18 pm

I’m not sure what the requirements are these days but nearly all honorably discharged military personnel are required to spend time in the ready reserve subject to recall at any time.

August 2, 2016 10:51 pm

If you are in the military for less than 8 years, they believe you owe them a minimum of 8 with the rest in the IRR. That’s something the recruiters never mention. I served 5 and a half and got out and was warned I could expect to be instantly recalled to active duty from the IRR by my reenlistment NCO. I was on the books for an additional 2.5 years. All I saw were a lot of letters from various nasty guard and reserve outfits trying to get me to reenlist. Not bloody likely.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 3, 2016 9:12 am

RHS, accept my apology. I am not a big fan of Nixon, but I am less of a fan of the people who brought him down. Bob, I am well aware of the sort of regime likely to emerge from a civil war and, like you, it is not my cup of tea. That said, it does not matter what we think. It will be a hard core right government that will jail the likes of Obama and Clinton (if they are lucky) or it will be a Marxist dictatorshipo run by Hillary. I am afraid the middle ground has disappeared. The idea that using the “Constitution” we can go back to a civilized America under the rule of law is a pipe dream. We are far down the road for that to happen. Sorry.