Ben Garrison Obamacare

The prior article, “My ACA Experience”, for context

I recently received several letters from my insurance company in regards to my policy.  They informed me that I can keep my coverage through the end of next year.  One letter said that I would need to contact them to keep my policy.  Another said the following, in this exact formatting: “We are required to provide you with the enclosed communication prepared by the Department of Health & Human Services.  It suggests you contact us to keep your current plan, but that is not necessary.”  And in yet another letter, I was informed of my “mastectomy benefits”.

In a state of confusion, I called the insurance company and asked what was going on.  A representative seemed even more confused than I was, asked me information about the letters, and was unsuccessful in attempts to locate copies of what they sent to me.  After promising to take action within the company internally so that this situation doesn’t happen again, I was (finally) assured that I wouldn’t need to take any action to keep my policy beyond continuing to pay my premiums.  She made it clear to me that this confusion would not happen again, and that any further updates to my policy would be very clearly communicated.

A few takeaways I had from my experience:

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