Question of the Day, Jan 5

Should we build a wall along the southern border to keep the Americans in?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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January 5, 2016 11:32 am

Yes we should.

I work with a lot of software in warehouses. These are the typical huge warehouses you see from the freeway. They are constructed simply of precast concrete panels, that are bolted together with steel mending plates.

I don’t think it would take any time to excavate, pour footings, erect the panels.

I’d say build two walls – each at least 20 feet high – 15 – 20 feet between them. This is for a road used by Immigration Enforcement.

January 5, 2016 11:53 am

Interesting wording there, a wall …….. “TO KEEP AMERICANS IN”.

No. Absolutely not. That would be a prison …. although we do already live in a prison state.

January 5, 2016 12:06 pm

Absolutely, build a wall along our southern border. No, that wouldn’t put Americans in prison as there is no wall to the north, east or west. Build a wall and patrol it heavily, and then throw Obozo and his treasonous, America-hating ilk over the wall.

January 5, 2016 12:07 pm

Better used for land mines, cheaper and more effective.

January 5, 2016 12:16 pm

Gov will keep Americans in with cashless society.They will tell you where you can move your money if at all.Already foot in the door with IRS and senators ability to take pass port with no reason needed.That why over reach by gov must be reined in.FREEDOM us squandered with O his puppet masters crooks in office

January 5, 2016 12:17 pm

No. No Wall.

Any kind of wall will be a monument to stupidity.

The wall is not the solution. The proper solution is interior enforcement born of a strong political will that itself is a result of a nation, desiring to protect itself, that says enough is enough.

I have lived in the San Diego area all of my fifty nine years. I have contact with illegals every day in my work (construction) and my community.

The BIG Lie is that they come here for jobs, jobs that Americans supposedly won’t do. Bullshit! They are given free education for their children and themselves, free health care, free food, and free money. They are also given, in many cases, a free ride when it comes to law enforcement.

My father (who, by the way was hispanic, born in L.A. in 1926 to a LEGAL immigrant from Mexico) built track homes in the San Diego area in the ’60s, ’70’s and ’80’s. Back in the sixties, the Tijuana border, reputed to be the busiest in the world, consisted of a couple of vehicle lanes with guard booths. A fence extended, maybe a hundred yards each way into the desert. Yet, there was no illegal alien problem. They were a few, but only men of working age. No women or children. They didn’t bring their families. And they hid in the shadows. They lived in encampments out in the boonies, or rented garages and such. They stayed here seasonally, going home for months at a time, usually around Christmas. No red carpet treatment!!!!

Every construction site had one wetback, just one. He would dig ditches and pick up trash; general menial labor. Everybody else was American.

How is it that in a time when the border consisted of a line on a map with no enforcement, there was no illegal immigration problem?

The solution is the collective will of a nation that says “NO!!” No social benefits, no “safety net”, no freebies, no ‘anchor babies’.

Nothing else is needed; and nothing else will work.

January 5, 2016 12:29 pm

Dirtscratcher +1000

January 5, 2016 12:41 pm

@Dirtscratcher: Read last week’s column by Fred Reed. Mexico requires that you prove you have a sufficient income and net worth before you get a Visa.. Like Fred says, Mexico welcomes you but they aren’t going to support you…. All we need to do is adopt the same policies and “poof” the problem goes away.

Except for the truly unruly who come to rob, rape and pillage and they can take whatever abuse they’re given.

No fence – didn’t work for Russia and won’t work for us.


January 5, 2016 12:44 pm

There is a financial change coming. The dollar will be devalued.

Buying power will decrease. There will be shortages and delays.

Some things will not be available. Some people will make an enormous fuss,

and others will get violent. Those latter may attack businesses and homes

and average people going about their (diminished) business. Suburbs may

be violently invaded and home invasions will increase. Have nots and gov.

dependent groups will be the angriest. Micro aggression will become macro

aggression. I do believe gov will hope to bribe these folks off, but it won’t

work. Much of the destruction that will ensue will not be stopped/because it

can’t be stopped. We all want something or someone to blame. Hello…it isn’t

O. It is a corrupt gov and wall street bankers. They are looting the country and

bankrupting America. When it all falls apart, they will buy up assets for mere

fractions of the former value. You lose.

People talk about “collapse” as if there is going to be an event in the future. Hello…

we are in collapse. Our youth can’t find work. The elderly have lost their savings.

States are bankrupt and will not be able to pay pensions etc. We/they whatever,

are loading the country with more and more welfare recipients. Who will pay the

tax? S will HTF and we will wish we had done more to prepare. The sophisticated

city dweller attending the theater and symphonies better have a back up plan.

The less sophisticated city dweller needs one too. Everyone does.

Only the strong will survive. The freedom we have at present will seem glorious

in the future. We have the freedom to prepare, mentally first, physically second.

One major thing we can do is reduce our expectations and life style now. Pay

off debts. Those that don’t take advantage of this respite will regret it.

January 5, 2016 12:54 pm

Dirtscratcher = + 100 Billion

January 5, 2016 1:07 pm

Every 20 miles on our side of the border erect one of these. Give ’em their free shit in terms of $$$, which we do now anyway. Then they turn around and go back home. Perfect solution.

[imgcomment image[/img]

January 5, 2016 1:11 pm

Dirtscratcher. Bullshit. You don’t know what interior enforcement means. I’m an employer. I do. Build the wall

January 5, 2016 1:13 pm

And suzanna, I have a better idea. Let’s not reduce our expectations, let’s make America great again

January 5, 2016 1:40 pm

Let’s make America Great Again

January 5, 2016 1:20 pm

Don’t you maroons realize the question involves building a wall to KEEP AMERICANS IN ??

You want THAT? Wutsamatta wif you?

January 5, 2016 1:38 pm


Wouldn’t the wall provide both functions? A wall keeps people out and people in.

January 5, 2016 1:27 pm


That all sounds well, but to me it is simply not realistic. Who will turn off the spigot of social services to illegals? Who, and which party will garner the necessary support to do so in a legal manner given the existing political environment? Who will be able to overturn jus soli (right of the soil) granted by the Citizenship Clause in the 14th Amendment? Where will the support for that come from given today’s political climate? Further, just how long will it take to overturn the Citizenship Clause as it relates to newborns of illegal immigrants? We could probably build a couple of walls by the time the 14th Amendment gets changed.

I say build the wall and then ferret out those already here that are illegal and using U.S. social services.

January 5, 2016 1:33 pm

Who is “we?”

You mean should we give the federal government a whole bunch of money and the license to order a whole bunch of workers to build a massive wall and assume that they will do an excellent and expedient job of it? Really?

I don’t know why you framed the question around keeping Americans in, but the government is already doing that by making it ever more expensive to renounce one’s citizenship.

The one truly indispensable and exceptional nation or a rat-infested and rapidly sinking ship?

January 5, 2016 1:42 pm

Stuck does make a good point about building a wall to keep people in making the whole country a prison. Basically we would be paying or jailers to build a wall for the privilege of being imprisoned. Sure, where do I sign up?

January 5, 2016 1:47 pm


Bullshit back at ‘cha.

I DO know what interior enforcement means. And I’m also an employer. And you haven’t addressed my point: How is it that when a time of absolutely NO physical border or enforcement of any kind existed, there were virtually no illegal aliens, and the ones who were here weren’t much of a problem?

I know what REAL interior enforcement would mean:
1) No driver’s licenses for illegals; apprehension without one would mean deportation.
2) No public school for illegals. A Border Patrol van parked occasionally around random schools with apprehension resulting in immediate deportation would create a giant sucking sound of vacancies in our public schools.
3) No social services of any type (EBT, Welfare, WIC etc.) without citizenship or other LEGAL qualification. Application by an illegal alien would result in immediate deportation.
4) No bank accounts without a Social Security number. That’s the way it was in the ’80’s. Without a bank account they can’t easily operate financially.
5) Automatic, immediate deportation upon detection. A real deportation policy would drive a stake through the heart of illegal immigration. Think about it. If you’re an illegal and you got a job, rented a home and filled it with furniture, bought a car and moved your family here, then got deported, What would happen to all your stuff, your family and your job until you made your way back? This is devastating to these guys WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY OUR GOVERNMENT HAS BASICALLY QUIT DOING IT!!

There’s a lot more that could be done if there was the will, but you get the idea. I know that these ideas against current laws, but a change in these laws is what I meant by “….a collective will of the nation”

January 5, 2016 1:47 pm

Once again, the question asks should we build a wall along the SOUTHERN border. There are other directions in which to go to exit the country. Last I checked there is no wall along our northern border, and you are free to take a plane or boat in either an eastward or westward direction should you desire to do so.

January 5, 2016 1:55 pm


You are right; the solution is not realistic-under the current political climate. That’s why I qualified my statement with the conditions of “……..strong political will that itself is a result of a nation, desiring to protect itself, that says enough is enough.”, and “The solution is the collective will of a nation that says “NO!!” No social benefits, no “safety net”, no freebies, no ‘anchor babies’.”

Barring that change nothing will work, not even a wall.

Hence, the truism “Nothing else is needed; and nothing else will work.”

January 5, 2016 1:59 pm

Some of you guys have to understand it’s about keeping out stupid / low life / uneducated / entitlement collecting / over populating, scum, that is bankrupting our country.

@starfcker: Keep us in? Are you kidding – who wants to go to that toilet bowl named Mexico?

@nkit: Northern border? The people from Canada are a civilized bunch. We don’t have to worry about them, for now.

January 5, 2016 2:06 pm

@ Dutch

For crying out loud. I’m saying that a wall on our southern border does not imprison us. We are free to “escape” in other directions, such as across our northern border.

January 5, 2016 2:09 pm

Dirtscratcher. You win, but I still want a wall

January 5, 2016 2:37 pm

“Wouldn’t the wall provide both functions? A wall keeps people out and people in.” —- Admin

A wall won’t keep anyone in who has an airline ticket and a passport.

At any rate, I’m only answering Mike’s question in the most literal sense. I’ve never seen the wall-question phrased as “keeping Americans in”. He’s up to something! 99.99% of the time people refer to building a wall “to keep people out”.

As far as that goes, building a wall sounds so nice and simple. But, we’re not Berlin. We have 10,000+ miles of borders with two oceans and Canada. Any south-of-the-border types WILL get in if they really want to. Yes, the wall — waaaaaay to simplified to work.

John Coster
John Coster
January 5, 2016 2:49 pm

Why don’t we build a wall around Washington to keep the politicians out of America?

harry p.
harry p.
January 5, 2016 3:18 pm

And John Coster for the winning comment!

January 5, 2016 5:19 pm

No, but we sure as hell need a barrier to keep the wetbacks OUT!

January 5, 2016 5:24 pm

No. Like I said years ago, all we need are a series of robotic Gatling Guns with interlocking fields of fire activated by motion sensors. Install cameras and live feeds piped straight to the innerwebz for our viewing pleasure so we can watch them run the gauntlet!

January 5, 2016 5:30 pm

This is a great question mike, one that clearly went over the heads of a few people here.

I have said this shit numerous times on here and ZH- a wall big and reinforced enough to keep everyone out will work just as well at keeping you in, should the need ever arise. There may very well come a time when you desperately want to get your family the fuck outta here, and then you will run into that wall, with it’s machine guns, land mines, and a moat filled with alligators. Oops, damn, trump seemed so smart a few years ago.

The ONLY solution to this is to end the welfare state. As long as yuuuuggge economic incentives to come here exist, no wall will keep them out. If they climb over your wall, they get free healthcare, housing, education, rent, food, cash assistance, etc. if they didn’t qualify for those things just by being here, they wouldn’t pour in like this. It also can’t be overstated the damage nafta caused to Mexican farmers by flooding their economy with american(subsidized) corn. I have explained this countless times. The answer is more liberty and less welfare. The problem will fix itself. No wall or even bigger police state in necessary, guys.

January 5, 2016 6:08 pm

Well said, Gator. Americans have the general bad habit of addressing symptoms rather than causes of problems. I am still amazed at people here that sometimes clearly recognize and rage against government tyranny, yet still look to government for solutions on certain issues.

My stance has long been that the US will collapse into a hell hole through collapse and possibly civil war…then no one will want to come here. The very small problem of illegal immigration is solved by the huge problems of famine, war, disease and death.

You do however suggest the only real “policy” solution. One like many other will never happen—it is never even discussed by those with the authority to make it happen.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
January 5, 2016 6:29 pm


Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
January 5, 2016 6:29 pm

Nice to see who’s paying attention. You only realistically need 2 big ass fences to keep us in, that would be one.

Not BW
Not BW
January 5, 2016 11:15 pm

Dirtscratcher says:

No. No Wall.

Any kind of wall will be a monument to stupidity.

The wall is not the solution. The proper solution is interior enforcement born of a strong political will that itself is a result of a nation, desiring to protect itself, that says enough is enough.

I have lived in the San Diego area all of my fifty nine years. I have contact with illegals every day in my work (construction) and my community.

The BIG Lie is that they come here for jobs, jobs that Americans supposedly won’t do. Bullshit! They are given free education for their children and themselves, free health care, free food, and free money. They are also given, in many cases, a free ride when it comes to law enforcement.

My father (who, by the way was hispanic, born in L.A. in 1926 to a LEGAL immigrant from Mexico) built track homes in the San Diego area in the ’60s, ’70’s and ’80’s. Back in the sixties, the Tijuana border, reputed to be the busiest in the world, consisted of a couple of vehicle lanes with guard booths. A fence extended, maybe a hundred yards each way into the desert. Yet, there was no illegal alien problem. They were a few, but only men of working age. No women or children. They didn’t bring their families. And they hid in the shadows. They lived in encampments out in the boonies, or rented garages and such. They stayed here seasonally, going home for months at a time, usually around Christmas. No red carpet treatment!!!!

Every construction site had one wetback, just one. He would dig ditches and pick up trash; general menial labor. Everybody else was American.

How is it that in a time when the border consisted of a line on a map with no enforcement, there was no illegal immigration problem?

The solution is the collective will of a nation that says “NO!!” No social benefits, no “safety net”, no freebies, no ‘anchor babies’.

Nothing else is needed; and nothing else will work.

Dirtscratcher, spoken like a true pocho. But no one will understand your position because the popular myth is that Hispanics are of one mind, Democrats, liberals, and dependent on welfare. Don’t deflate Iska’s dream of a magical wall.

Just the other day, Billy deported me, cancelled my veteran status and has me living south of the border in a favela or barrio raping underage girls and littering the dirt streets with tamale husks.

Not BW
Not BW
January 5, 2016 11:18 pm

Dutchman says: This is for a road used by Immigration Enforcement.

What a maroon, it’s the Border Patrol. Immigration is not enforced, it’s strictly voluntary.

Not BW
Not BW
January 5, 2016 11:29 pm

Stucky says: Every 20 miles on our side of the border erect one of these. Give ’em their free shit in terms of $$$, which we do now anyway. Then they turn around and go back home. Perfect solution.

Stuck, Dirtscratcher was describing one type of abuse, the type you describe is way different. One point of semantics first, people living across the border are nor ‘illegals’. Anyway, there is already a group of folks who collect money from the US government under false pretenses. Fake IRS claims, social security fraud, welfare fraud and disability. They don’t need a special ATM every few feet, they simply rent PO boxes in Nogales and come by once a month to collect.

This is the kind of shit we as pochos have been aware of for years and finally somebody is listening. Unfortunately, when the shit hits the proverbial fan, pochos will pay for that abuse because we are somehow guilty by association.