The control freak libs think she should have waited for the 2nd responders to show up and save her. The dead perp was probably misunderstood. If society had only helped him a more, given him more foodstamps, better housing, and his public school union teachers higher pay, he would have become an upstanding citizen. This thankless woman put an end to such a promising future for this young man.

Woman Shoots Intruder With Gun Her Son Gave Her A Week Ago

A concerned son’s decision to buy his mother a gun just last week out of fear for her safety proved wise Thursday morning.

The woman, a widow who lives alone in a crime-plagued Columbus, Ohio neighborhood, grabbed her gun after a man broke through her front window at around 5 a.m., according to Columbus’ 10TV.

“She was armed and apparently fired multiple shots at him,” Columbus Police Sgt. Dave Sicilia told the news station.

The unnamed suspect had attempted to rob a house across the street. After residents there forced him out of the upstairs window, he broke into the widow’s home through her window.

After the woman shot him, he was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead at around 7 a.m


There are very few honest people in the financial world. Marc Faber is one of the few.

“Governments are not smart enough to have thought the current scheme out. The professors, academics (who have never worked a day in their lives in the private sector) and central banks think by having artificially low interest rates you can solve problems. Actually, they aggravate the problems!”

“When central banks print money nothing begins to make sense!” — “It is no longer a free market. Markets are now manipulated by governments and notably by their agents, the central bankers.”

“Basically what central banks have done around the world is to push interest rates to extremely low or even negative rates. I don’t call it a repression. I call it an expropriation of the savers because before the intervention of the banks occurred post 2008, a saver got a decent rate of interest. Now they get nothing at all! So either they speculate or they lose purchasing power over time!”

“The current government and central bank policies are leading to huge asset bubbles in stock, real estate, commodities, collectibles, art and so forth.”

“We had the collapse of the Nasdaq after March 2000. Then the Fed created the housing bubble and after it collapsed after 2007, it had a devastating impact on a very large number of households. Then in 2008 we had a commodities bubble with oil going to $147/bl and now you know where oil is trading at. Its now 1/3 of what it was at that time basically. The Money printing leads to bubbles which they deflate and hurt the majority at the expense of a few people. This is not going to help the economy in the long run – PERIOD!”

Continue reading “MARC FABER’S THOUGHTS”


Actual picture of Admin arriving at work this morning. Wind chill of NEGATIVE 16. Tell me those melting ice caps and polar bears in distress narratives again. I love those stories. Could someone release some more CO2 into the atmosphere and warm things up around here?



“The Capitol stuffs its ears when it hears you; the world reviles you. I can blush for you no longer, and I have no wish to do so.

The howls of Cerberus, the dog of the underworld, though resembling your speeches, will be less offensive to me, for I have never been associated with Cerberus, and I need not be ashamed of his howling.

Farewell, but make no music; commit murder, but write no verses; poison people, but do not dance; be an incendiary, but play no harp. This is the wish and the last friendly advice sent to you by me.”

Petronius, Arbiter Elegantiae, Farewell to His Emperor


Speaking truth to hypocrites, douchebags, and the Hollywood elite. All three terms are interchangeable.

A life-size Oscar snorting cocaine showed up on Hollywood Boulevard Thursday morning, amid the bustle and hustle of preparations for Sunday’s big ceremony. This golden Oscar was on his hands and knees, preparing to snort two lines of cocaine using rolled-up bills. The caption: “Hollywood’s Best Party.”

Blink and you missed it, though, as the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, apparently wasted no time in ordering the statue outta there, according to media reports. The statue was whisked off by the team behind a Los Angeles street artist known as Plastic Jesus, the coke-snorting statue’s creator, those same reports said.

Plastic Jesus, who declined to disclose his legal name but described himself as an actor in his 40s, told MarketWatch via email that the statue is intended to “highlight the use of class A drugs within not on Hollywood, but society.” He said while everyone claims not to use the drug, it’s still a $40 billion business in the U.S. alone, indicating the world’s “ ‘war on drugs’ is clearly not working.”

“At the time of the Oscars many people attending the parties, either in Hollywood or at home with friends will indulge their passion for cocaine. To so many people this becomes a controlling factor in their lives,” he wrote.

New Study Finds Therapy, Antidepressants Equally Effective At Monetizing Depression



NORMAN, OK—Noting that similar outcomes were achieved under both approaches, a landmark decade-long study of mental health treatment options published Tuesday has found that talk therapy and antidepressant medications are equally effective at monetizing clinical depression. “Our data indicate that regular counseling sessions and prescription drugs have similarly high success rates in generating large sums of money from the clinically depressed,” said Katherine Hutton of the University of Oklahoma, the study’s lead author, noting that both methods demonstrated consistent positive earnings across chronic, episodic, and seasonal depression cases. “While some people make tremendous profits with drugs, others see substantial revenues from therapy. Together, these are two very powerful tools for improving the health care industry’s bottom line.” The study concluded that when both approaches are combined, financial results are likely to be reached far more quickly than with one method alone.

Via The Onion


Forgotten Man Seeks Attention

Guest Post by Andy Borowitz

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—A largely forgotten man sought attention on Wednesday night before returning to obscurity on Thursday, according to reports.

The man, whom many Americans had difficulty placing, was making a desperate bid to remind people of his existence, experts believe.

His efforts were somewhat successful, as his widely reported outburst caused people across the country to rack their brains to try to remember who he was.

After briefly attempting to recall where they had seen the man before, many people gave up and moved on with their days, but for others, the desperate man’s remarks left a bitter aftertaste.

“There is no excuse for making comments like those, no matter who you are,” Tracy Klugian, forty-seven, of Springfield, Missouri, said. “Who is he again?”

Still others showed concern for the man, and expressed hope that, instead of future bids for attention, he would find fulfillment in crafting or some other harmless hobby.

Obama’s Plan For Fighting Extremism



President Obama spoke before gathered world leaders this week at a summit on extremism, discussing the root causes of such violence, weighing options for combating terrorist groups like ISIS and Boko Haram, and laying out a plan for curbing attacks. Here are the key aspects of the plan:

  • To better understand methods of recruitment, each world leader to undergo full process of radicalization
  • Increase production and exportation of American flags by 25 percent
  • Only prop up those rebel militias we’re fairly certain won’t turn on us one day
  • Partner with local paranoid bigots to recognize early stages of extremism
  • Funnel additional $700 billion into Pentagon’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program for good measure
  • Launch effort to convince terrorist groups America is sufficiently destroying itself without their help
  • Give things another 2,000 years to simmer down

Via The Onion


Do Democrat control freaks actually believe the shit they propose will work, or do they just want more tax revenue to support their welfare/warfare state? Do Obama and his minions realize poor people buy most of the cigarettes and eat most of the junk food in this country? Taxing the shit out of cigarettes hurts their main constituency, but I guess they figure the Free Shit Army is too stupid to realize they are getting fucked over by the Democrats they elect. Now they want to fuck over the poor again, with their ridiculous sugar food tax. The idiocy permeating this nation is almost overwhelming in its obscene levels amongst all classes.

Tyler Durden's picture

The totalitarian arm of the ever-growing government appears to know no limit. In today’s “oh no they didn’t” moment, the US Government’s diet panel has dictated proposed one more oppression of American’s freedom to choose:


On the bright side, the government approves of “lean meat” as compatible with healthy eating. The bill, introduced by Rep. Juan Candelaria, D-New Haven, would impose a tax of 1 cent per ounce on soft drinks – including sweetened teas, energy drinks and soda – and candies that are high in sugar and calories.

As Bloomberg reports,



This is video of the latest in a series of explosive train derailments over the last few years. A 109 car CSX train derailed earlier this week in West Virginia. It was carrying some of that good old North Dakota fracked oil. Well, at least we know it burns just as well as regular oil.

And these oil cars were the new super safe railcars that are supposed to resist rupture. I think CSX may have been sold a load of shit, because these railcars didn’t resist too much.

I wonder if the costs of these unfortunate accidents are factored into the shale oil miracle storyline. Obama and his environmental nazi minions do everything they can to block the Keystone pipeline and other rational pipeline extensions. With oil at $50 per barrel, these pipelines probably no longer make much sense economically. But from a safety and environmental standpoint how can they possibly argue that sending oil by rail across our horrible rail infrastructure is a safer and more environmentally friendly method.


Oligarch Rules – Jeb Bush Surrounds Himself with the Architects of His Brother’s Iraq War

Screen Shot 2015-02-18 at 2.29.56 PMAccording to Reuters’ Steve Holland, Bush has tapped a “diverse” roster of former George W. Bush and George H. W. Bush officials to advise his burgeoning campaign on foreign policy, including key architects of the 2002 invasion of Iraq.

The list of advisers provided to Reuters by a campaign aid includes Paul Wolfowitz and Stephen Hadley, as well as former George W. Bush Homeland Security Secretaries Tom Ridge and Michael Chertoff, and Bush adviser Meghan O’Sullivan.

— From the Think Progress article: The Same People Who Lied To You About Iraq Are Now In Charge Of Jeb Bush’s Foreign Policy

It may be hard to believe, but either one of the two status quo choices for U.S. President currently being force-fed down the American public’s throat will be almost unquestionably more imperial and warlike than Barack Obama. The reason is simple. Any society that apathetically stands by as one President after the other tramples on the Constitution will be subject to a litany of increasingly tyrannical, and even insane, leaders. This is why the oligarchy isn’t even pretending that we live in a Republic or a Democracy anymore. They are shoving our pathetic servitude right in our face by putting up these two preposterous and dangerous candidates.

If you still had any doubt, today we learn that Jeb Bush is actively surrounding himself with the exact same people who under the George W. Bush administration, masterminded the terrible tragedy known as the Iraq war.

Think Progress covered this predictable, yet terrifying, reality earlier today. Brace yourself:

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) will deliver a speech on Wednesday that seeks to distance his foreign policy views from the previous two Bush presidents, saying, according to early excerpts, that while he admires his presidential family members, “I am my own man.”

“[M]y views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences,” Bush will say as he lays out a vision that calls for increased military spending in order to project strength and encourage peace worldwide.

“Having a military that is equal to any threat is not only essential for the commander in chief … it also makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way,” he will say. “Because I believe, fundamentally, that weakness invites war … and strength encourages peace.”

Yes, like all the peace the U.S. has unleashed upon the world since 9/11. Such as the creation of ISIS from the smoldering crater your brother left in Iraq.

Continue reading “Oligarch Rules – Jeb Bush Surrounds Himself with the Architects of His Brother’s Iraq War”