My niece Jen passed away last night. She was only given 28 years on this earth. She has been courageously battling ovarian cancer for the last few years, but it finally defeated her. She fought a heroic battle for her three small children. Her husband Mike has been there every step of the way. Her parents, friends, and extended family did everything they could to help her and make her last days comfortable. Over the last two years there were two huge benefits held to help the family with their medical bills. They represented everything that is good about the people, communities, and small businesses in this country. Her friends and family organized these events and small business owners and individuals donated time, money, food, prizes, and space to do what they could. But, in the end she lost her battle. She was a sweet girl. She was a loving mom. She was a dedicated wife. Her children will be denied the love of this sweet girl. She won’t be there for their proms, weddings, or birth of their first children. Life isn’t fair when mothers and grandmothers outlive their daughters.

With so many evil people in this world rewarded and lauded for their evilness, what kind of God would inflict this kind of pain and suffering on a young sweet mother? There is no positive to take away from this. It is a tragedy. It’s not fair and it’s not right. Our family will gather together in the next week and try to come to grips with our grief. We lost the patriarch of the family not too many months ago and now we’ve lost someone far too young. Life will go on, but it’s still not fair.

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harry p.
harry p.
November 7, 2013 9:21 am

i am sorry for you and your family’s loss, life certainly isn’t fair when good people like your niece are taken early and the impact she would have had on her children and eventually grand-children is lost while the shit-stains of society continue to trudge about.

occurances like this shape all our lives, my wife and i were showing a pic of her mom to our son prior to the Susan B. Komen race a few weeks ago. my wife’s mother passed due to breast cancer when she was 13, she didn’t get along with her dad (at the time) this in large part is why she went to college 300+ miles away instead of staying in NE. If she hadn’t, we wouldn’t have met and our son wouldn’t exist.

stories like this are bold, painful and necessary reminder to stay focused on what matters and cherish the loved ones in our lives.

maybe this is why (trying to interject some humor):

November 7, 2013 9:32 am

Sorry for your loss Admin. Fuck if I know why some of us are dealt the hand we are dealt- but bottom line is all we can do is deal with it. Chin up, carry on.

November 7, 2013 9:41 am

“what kind of God would inflict this kind of pain and suffering on a young sweet mother? ”
————- Admin

As the resident wannabe theologian, let me say ……….. I have no friggin clue. (But, I’m sure many others more qualified do.)

Life is not fair, it is random.

I am very, very sorry for your loss.

November 7, 2013 10:03 am

It is a tragedy and so sad. My eyes are swollen and I’ve been crying all morning. But I can say that there are some positives to take away from this. First was that she was truly inspirational to others during her fight. The things she wrote and said were amazing. Always positive, always grateful for her family and friends, and she actually comforted others. She was a beautiful , strong loving person. An example for all to try to be. She had many, many people who loved her, just the kind of person that everyone wanted to be around.

Ok, back to crying again….

November 7, 2013 10:30 am

Jim and Avalon……I’m so sorry for your loss .

A friend who I told about my cancer said ” Bud you’re one of the nicest people I know,why do people like you have crap like this happen to them ? I must say it made me feel good that he thought of me that way .. I never felt like a victim,it was my lot and I dealt with it. I’m on the mend,back at work,newly married,informed by all of you on this sight and …Life is good !

November 7, 2013 10:31 am

Sorry for your families tragic loss.

But what kind of God would allow this? All the injustice? All the unfairness? The one ad only God creator and absolute master of all the Universe and all things seen and not seen? That’ who even if a man can have no possible knowledge of who or what exactly God is.

How can evil and injustice exist if not by the authority of God who is the creator and the absolute power? To me that answer is simple and almost the only conclusion one can make if one actually reads the Bible. ( I mean every word from start to finish without authorities interpretation and manipulation of what it really tells us) That answer is that since God is the master and creator of all things he is the the master of all things good and all things wicked. He is the loving and protective Father Almighty and the dark evil Monster. God who ever he may be or what you call him is the balance of all things. With out one thing the other thing could not exist. When bad things happen to me or those I love it hurts greatly. But there is some comfort and consolation in the understanding that for ever moment of pain and misery suffered by one there must be and equal amount of joy and comfort felt by someone else somewhere. Bad does not prevail, Good does not conquer as one can only only exist if the other does.

November 7, 2013 11:22 am

Admin & Avalon, I am so very, very, sorry for your loss.

So very sorry.

Sending loving wishes to you and and your family.

November 7, 2013 11:25 am

First I’d like to express my condolences for the you and your families tragic loss. It breaks my heart to hear of one passing as such a young age with so much life left to live. I truly believe that this mortal equation of life is merely a stepping stone to another better dimension of reality.

That said, I like to offer that life and death happens to us all, regardless of character or lack thereof.
Bad things happen to bad people and good people equally and vice versa.

We’ve all lost and will suffer loss as long as we are amongst the living.It never seems right nor fair and mere words can never make it less painful, but hopefully there are some than make it more understandable.

Again my deepest heartfelt sympathies for Jen and family.

Matthew 5:45

King James Version (KJV)

45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

November 7, 2013 11:35 am

Admin, first of all, so sorry for you and your family’s loss. Your neice sounds like a loving person and affected the lives of those around her in a positive way. Her existence (and death) here was pre-planned, as is all of ours. We make a pact before entering the human physical body. Look at the research of Dr. Michael Newton and others of “lives between lives” to see how this happens.

Remember this:

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but rather spiritual beings having a human experience.” Our lives as physical humans is but a brief interlude to our true spiritual existence.

November 7, 2013 11:48 am


I join with others in sending sympathy to your and yours for this tragic loss.

I suppose if bad things only happened to bad people, the rest of us would become vengeful and ultimately full of self-righteousness and pride. Instead we are given opportunities to learn mercy and compassion and are reminded of our humility before the great mysteries of this life.

I think a soul untried by grief would develop no depth, remaining just a shallow shell.

November 7, 2013 12:28 pm

I’m so sorry and no, life isn’t fair. I know someone else right now who’s on her way to her niece’s funeral, she didn’t wake up one morning. Her nephew Justin Clinton was murdered at age 10:

2009 Dog Bite Fatality: 2 Pit Bulls Kill 10-Year Old Boy in Rusk County, Texas

Justin’s grandmother also lost two husbands, another grandchild, and both parents of a grandchild. At some point you have to ask how someone finds the strength to go on.

November 7, 2013 12:31 pm


So very sorry to hear this. She sounds like an amazing woman.

Life is not fair. I tell myself that often and oddly enough it gets me through most of the time.

My thoughts and prayers, EF

Fast and pray
Fast and pray
November 7, 2013 1:13 pm

Fast and pray, for relief from grief. On the saddest days, eat less solid food and drink fruit juices.

November 7, 2013 1:25 pm

Admin and Avalon sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and her families.

November 7, 2013 1:41 pm

I am very, very sorry to hear this, Admin, and my thoughts are with you and the rest of your family. How tragic it is for a person to be cut down at such an early age, before she’s really even had a chance to live.

While I offer my thoughts and my deepest sympathy, I don’t offer prayers because I feel that a good god wouldn’t let this happen to her… and her babies.

She sounds like she was a wonderful person. I hope you and Avalon and the rest can always be there for her kids.

November 7, 2013 2:00 pm

@Admin and Avalon: I’m very sorry to hear of your loss. I’m with Chi999 in that it’s a good thing you will be be there for her family.

‘Tis a pity that life is such a big casino hall – and the owner will take it all somewhere down the line.

Live life one day at a time but in two ways; The first half of the day, like you will live forever. The second half as if it’s the last day you’ll ever have.



November 7, 2013 5:42 pm

I cried when I read this. It is a tragedy, and I’m at a loss as to what we’re supposed to learn from this. Perhaps it’s to remind us of what is really truly important in life – not money, not status, but places in the heart. My sincerest condolences to her family members, but especially the children who will miss their mother terribly throughout the years. So sad.

howard in nyc
howard in nyc
November 7, 2013 5:49 pm

How horrible. I am sorry for your profound loss, Admin.

Ovarian cancer particularly fucking sucks.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2013 5:53 pm

I am so very sorry. I hope her husband is a strong man to care for three children without their mother.

November 7, 2013 6:27 pm

Jim and Avalon,

You will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight and in the coming days. Take care.

Viet Vet-70
Viet Vet-70
November 7, 2013 6:34 pm

Admin and Family:
Sending my condolences on your family’s loss.

November 7, 2013 6:37 pm

@Admin: So sorry for your loss, Gods that sounds so LAME, there are no words that really suffice here.

(Putting on my doctor hat here – ovarian cancer at that age likely indicates a BRCA 1/2 mutation and her first degree relatives should probably see a genetic counselor, even if Jen herself did not have a deleterious mutation, sorry about the clinical note.)

My cousin died of cholangiocarcinoma, a very rare cancer even in old people but almost unheard of in a 26 yo. Left behind two little kids, my uncle never really got over it.

Here’s the HZK Theory of Why Bad Things Happen to Good People;

Earth and our lives here are merely preparation for being with the Lord or with Satan (or the Good/Bad Dieties of your choice). The Lord doesn’t want shitheads in Heaven, you have to be Good. He is also always on the lookout for Angels to help balance out the Devils sent by Satan. We are constantly in conflict between choosing Good versus Evil, that is the Free Will part. We have Angels and Devils guiding us in every decision. Good people have done whatever it is they are supposed to do to increase the Goodness Quotient on Earth and get to be with the Lord that much faster. Bad people have to stick around and try to get it right, usually for years. Yes, they usually prosper and live a long time but that is because the rewards of Satan are immediate, and seductive. But when the Bad people die, and there is not enough Good to balance the Bad, they spend all eternity in Hell. Bad people are also an example of what NOT to do and what temptations to avoid. You notice that most Bad acts usually boomerang back on the actor at some point while Good acts elevate everyone they touch.

I might need to drink more heavily and work on this theory some more but it makes sense to me!

Again, my condolences on the loss of this sweet young lady, she will always live in your hearts and prayers.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 7, 2013 7:20 pm

The soul is immortal.

Condolences if you need them.

To those that passed from this to that…


Mary Malone
Mary Malone
November 7, 2013 9:12 pm

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I’m very sorry for your loss.

I am sure God is holding Jen in the palm of His hand.

November 7, 2013 9:41 pm

Admin, my sympathy to you and your family.

My deceased father-in-law used to say “no one gets out of this life alive”. True.

Sorry for your loss.

November 7, 2013 10:30 pm

Our sincere love and condolences to you and your family.
No words will erase the pain and grief you must go through now.
Now is not the time for theological expositions.
Grieve your loss.
Remember how bright she shined while you had her present.
Resolve to assist the widower in rearing those beautiful kids.
God will sort out the rest….
One day at a time… my friend.

Much love and prayer for you.

You mean so much to so many….

Stand to fight another day.

November 7, 2013 11:20 pm

Admin, deepest condolences to you and your family. We are spiritual beings temporarily inhabiting a physical body and we all have specified amounts of time here on this plane. She’ll always be near you all and will listen when you think of her. Rest assured you will all be together again in joyous reunion when it’s time. Peace and comfort to you as you go through this difficult time.

November 8, 2013 1:06 am

my aunt died of ovarian cancer at a relatively young age. she left behind 3 young girls. her youngest, a boy of 2 or 3 died as kids in Juarez often die of dysentery. she never said much about her illness, such things are not discussed as freely over there as here. when she finally went to the ‘seguro’ or public hospital, she was in good spirits laughing and talking with her sisters about famous people. then she reflected, look at me, i’m dying and engaging in gossip. after she died my grandfather said, I dreamt that Lupita (she was named after him) had gathered up her son and they went out the front door and I watched them walking down the street without looking back.

my brother Daniel was upset, I can’t believe no one knew what she was going through, she could have been receiving at the very least, palliative care.

it breaks our heart to hear of your family’s loss, I mean the readers of this site, I see how they begin to reflect on life and the land beyond, the far country. God bless you with strength to carry on.

November 8, 2013 1:36 pm

What kind of God? Probably the same one that took my sister at age 29 with a cerebral aneurysm from out of fucking nowhere not 6 months after her only daughter (my only niece) was born. Be thankful you at least had some time to say your goodbyes and all the other things that need to be said. My family wasn’t allowed even that luxury when Lara went.

Fellowship and love to the remaining Quinn’s from the last of the Shelton’s.

November 8, 2013 1:45 pm

I am so sorry for your loss, words are inadequate and understanding elusive.

November 8, 2013 3:45 pm

My condolences to you and your family.

Jackson, saying "Put your family first,"
Jackson, saying "Put your family first,"
November 9, 2013 1:28 am


Why do bad things happen to good people, like your niece, Jen? I wish I knew and had an answer. Maybe others do but, from what I’ve read and know about life, I’m little help.

Chance pretty much has its way with us, or so it seems. These days we’re more lucky than our ancestors, but sometimes not.

As for “What kind of God would inflict this kind of pain and suffering on a young sweet mother?” From what you’ve written about yourself and from what I infer about Jen, I assume you are a Christian Catholic and she was too. I’ve read more than most about the Judeo-Christian God, His interests, and His actions. Your God would not have done that to her. There are other answers.

Years ago someone told me that God was ominiscent and omnipotent. They said that nothing in this world happened that God didn’t know about and cause to happen or influence. My reading and experience refutes that claim. Smart people convinced me of the existence of the Devil. Whether evil and misfortune is Scratch’s spawn or has another source, I don’t know. I’m still thinking about it. But I do know that the Devil, the Fates, and Chance seem to be as powerful in their way as God is in his.

Your neice, like your father-in-law, Ray Romano, who you wrote about so generously earlier in June, lived shortened lives, hers much less than his. In my family, what you wrote about Jen I could have been written about my mother. She died when I was in my mid twenties. Like Jen and your father-in-law, my mother lost years of her life, less than Jen, more than Ray. Like Jen, my mother left three children.

For my mother’s sake and my dad’s I wish she would have lived 41 years longer, the time he survived her. More for my two younger brothers than me, her longer life would have helped. Nevertheless my mother’s memory is her life. Though dead, for me she’s been a continuing presence. That’s been a powerful motivating factor in my life. Wanting to make my mother proud of me, her son, has always been on my mind.

So it should be for Jen. You wrote, “She was a sweet girl. She was a loving mom. She was a dedicated wife…. for her three children.” What Jen’s children learn about their mom will have to be passed along by you and your extended family. Family close, family having ideals, family, like Jen for her children especially, serving as good examples, and family looking out for each other… Those who’ve succeeded in our family have had those benefits. Take charge, do it for Jen’s children, yours and the others in your family and you’ll forever feel good about it.

November 9, 2013 1:30 am

I was out of town all week until this evening, just saw this. I won’t say “I’m sorry” because I really have no idea what the fuck it means in a situation like this. I think I agree with HZK’s comment, as far as I understand it. An all-powerful God would not allow this, therefore God is not all-powerful. Is that such a difficult concept to grasp? Maybe that is the lesson…that pursuing Godliness is without any promise of reward.