You Can’t Stop a Tidal Wave So You Might As Well Try

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone.  To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior ‘righteous indignation’ – this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.

Aldous Huxley

Hat Tip:  John Wilder


…. This entire pandemic scheme has been designed as a divide and conquer undertaking… We are in the midst of this struggle for the future of our country and the world.

– Jim Quinn (11/28/2021), “THE WALL WAS TOO HIGH, AS YOU CAN SEE”


The Omicron® virus has arrived right on schedule and, of course, quite propitiously for those promoting The Great Reset®.   Fortunately, for them, each new wave has its own trademarked classification designed for maximum advertising impact within the ever-expanding COVID® brand.  Accordingly, the Omicron® campaign comes just in time for kids getting jabbed and will potentially distract from the spate of gift-wrapped Faucigate books lovingly laid under living room trees this Christmas.  Furthermore, Omicron®, will likely be used to conceal Covid vaccine failure and convince the Double-Jabbed to take that third swing.

As I’ve stated before, the Elite won’t turn back now. They are completely committed. This is because the Covid offensive either ends up with them lined up against walls or the We the Plebeians in digital chains.

Many reading these words were, certainly, in varying degrees, concerned at the announcement of Omicron®.  But, the concern was not likely over the “virus”, per se, but regarding the reactions to the propaganda by governmental agencies and dupes alike. This is how incrementalism works: trauma and reward are the tools utilized by tyrants to train their subjects.  Sadly, the fear-based lockdown and pressure-release method has most people responding like puppets to masterfully manipulated strings.

It seems Covidism has, indeed, become an international Punch and Judy Show as the puppet masters have created a new reality.  But, to be completely honest, the new reality was stage-crafted years before Covid.

Now, the Big Lie has mostly prevailed.  Why?

The Insularity of the Hive Mind

Big Lies are effective because The Hive Mind has an innate “self-defense” mechanism designed to protect its reality unreality. This mode of insularity was, quite recently, observed as Trump Derangement Syndrome and during the productions of Russiagate, Ukrainegate, et al.

As in any good narrative, the story arc is best appreciated when the protagonist overcomes the antagonist on the way to a fairy tale ending.  In the current Covid zeitgeist, as in previous times of revolution, the episodes arrive in waves until the antagonistic scapegoats are finally objectified for purposes of peak polarization.

The Collective has always engaged in some grand struggle and will never cease fighting to right perceived wrongs. After all, there can be no “two minutes of hate” without some sort of a Goldstein. Right?

Hence the cathartic scapegoating and this is why, during previous revolutions, portions of the population were consistently identified, vilified, and objectified – then sent to death camps. In The Great Reset, it appears Anti-vaxxers are the population currently targeted for complete extermination. This occurs because the road to hell has always been mostly paved by those well-intentioned and just following orders.

In June of 2020, I wrote an article entitled “Coincidence Theorists See All Donut and No Holes in the Coronation of The Cult”, describing the Cult of Covid and how it was initiated.

To be sure, over the last five decades in America, the ground has been made fertile for harvesting the bold dreams of secularist utopians.

In Ayn Rand’s classic novel, The Fountainhead, there existed a minor antagonist by the name of Ellsworth Toohey, whose raison d’etre was to undermine self-reliance and individualism.  Toohey was an effete intellectual who worshipped at the altar of Collectivism. He hoped to make the “ideological soil” infertile to the point that young heads would explode rather than to express any sort of individuality.

Call it “group think”, “peer pressure”, or “herd instinct”, it’s too powerful for most to overcome.

In like manner, Covid has extinguished both individual and national autonomy.  Entire countries are now subject to the whims of non-elected health authoritarians as children are forced to wear masks in schools.  None of this would have occurred in America if the ground was not first made fertile for such ideological treachery over the past several decades.

I have written about my politically liberal friends and acquaintances in previous articles such as “Dining with Friends” and “Personal Politics, Public Impeachment, Persuasion and Post-Apocalyptic Planning”. In the former “Friends” article I concluded with these words:

In truth, my friends long for a new nation; a completely different America than was founded.

It seems they are the end result of the Frankfort School, the Fabian Socialists and the modern American educational system that, in the last four decades, has abandoned the curriculum which taught United States citizens the fundamentals of what made America unique over the past two centuries.

….They don’t seem to realize how their utopian dreams have been tried before in history; like the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, the People’s Republic of China under Mao Tse-tung, Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge and, most recently, North Korea under Kim Jong-un.

How can Americans, especially the younger generation, be made to understand what is occurring now when they have never been taught to think for themselves, understand history, or question mainstream narratives?

This is the ultimate dilemma of our time and it explains why nothing will stop the coming economic and societal waves. In fact, the waves have rolled through already, they are growing larger, and nothing has slowed them.

The waves have delivered devastation and tyranny:

  • The corruption of younger generations via school and university curriculums
  • Cloward-Piven-driven debt bubbles funding an ever-expanding welfare state
  • The dismantling of spiritual foundations
  • The encroachment of the Surveillance State
  • Class warfare now manifesting as identity politics and Covid divisions
  • The nationalization of health care through Covid incentives, stimulus, and mandatory vaccination
  • Gun confiscation

Certainly, Covid has facilitated and accelerated, all of the above. Even if attempts at outright door-to-door gun confiscation have not materialized yet, we know measures such as red-flag legislation is catnip to politicians and the worst is yet to come as resistance to tyranny grows.  Admittedly, the only reason America is not under tyrannical lockdowns such as seen in Australia and New Zealand is because the Covid authoritarians fear what will happen if they try.

Mao was right:  Political power does, indeed, grow from the barrel of a gun.

Still, the authoritarians will try. Of course they will try; and every mass shooting is just another crisis for pandering politicians, and their handlers, to never waste.

Even so, the financial Elite and their puppet politicians could not succeed without the dupes on their side. Together, they are The Collective. The Borg. The Hive Mind. The Covidians.

They want their unreality and they want it now.

Crowd Psychosis as Derived From Mental Narratives

So what must be done to withstand the tide?

I the Age of Pre-Covid, I used to think local communities could be fortified in a balkanized America, simply by reorganizing current civil administrations. But, now, I’m not so sure.  It appears the waves of fear and deception have become too large to overcome.

Still, “community” will be necessary to survive the incoming larger waves.  But how can community be built when The Hive Mind is a cult?

Years ago, I actually researched cult deprogramming.  In so doing, I was surprised by the extensive recovery process involved.  One might think the simple clapping of hands into the face of a cult member and yelling “wake up!” would work. But that is not enough. Effective deprogramming tactics include helping a cult member to identify their authentic identity as opposed to their cult identity.  Other methods involve sharing information on the cult and demonstrating how the cult member’s power of choice was taken away from them.

In 2017, I even wrote an article on “How to Woo a Moonbatted Snowflake”.  At that time, my hope was for the Trump movement to overwhelm the globalists and stem the tides of “domination via Agenda 21, the demise of constitutional law and the abolishment of national sovereignty in order to implement their final plans for worldwide depopulation.

Well, it didn’t happen that way and, instead, Covid swept away any dreams of nationalism and constitutionalism in a tsunami of voting software wizardry and duplicate paper ballots.  As a result, the narrative of “Make America Great Again” has been replaced by “Build Back Better”. An entirely new system is being built upon the foundation of vaccination passports, digital cash, and social credit scores.

To change the future, mind narratives must be changed.  But what if a majority of Americans have been, actually, programmed to desire the new world order? Then what?

Other challenges are these: The Elite’s narratives may be too big, the lies too legion, and the deception has inundated the entire global population all at once, in a tidal wave of collective madness.

In the 13-minute video below, Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine, addresses the Covid “Mass Formation Psychosis”, also referred to as “crowd psychosis”:

Since I expect YouTube to take the video down at some point, here is a brief summary:

1 – Our society has been fragmented by the internet, social media, and smartphones. This has led to a free floating anxiety – a chronic sense of anxiousness and discontent in people

2 – COVID was made to become a point of global focus – this formed something akin to hypnosis as people’s attention became solely focused on the Covid virus

3- Once everyone concentrated on their discontent together, leaders simply stepped in to seize the moment as the crowd believed everything the leaders said

4 – Now that circumstances have progressed to this point of global saturation, when anyone speaks out against the main narrative(s) they must be attacked. This is because “these situations MUST have a common enemy”  –  Think of Orwell’s “1984” with Oceania always fighting Eurasia and East Asia, and with the citizens constantly fearing attack. Also consider Orwell’s “Goldstein” and Big Brother driving fear into crowds

5 – Finally, when people reach this state of devastating delusion, facts cease to matter and the dupes won’t accept logic or reason

6 – A sobering conclusion in the video is that the mass psychosis CANNOT be stopped. It will sweep over all of us and run its course

7 – All that can be done is to TRY and breakthrough to people by….  A.) substituting the fear of the virus with a greater threat such as totalitarianism as being more frightening than Covid… and… B.) Thinking globally and acting locally; by building community through messages of healing instead of division

A Local Online Exchange Demonstrating Strategy in the Information War

In my February 2021 article entitled “The Lies Of The Borg Are The Glue That Binds”, I proposed becoming the “anti-borg” as follows:

If the Borg binds The Collective through fear and lies, the anti-borg responds with random dismantling, on an individual basis, with courage and truth. When areas of vulnerability are identified, the anti-borg questions what can be won, separately, and in the right places at the right times. The anti-borg is a randomly accidental array of anonymous glitches in the system.

What can be won?

The anti-borg acts individually to defeat deception with truth while esteeming courage above cowardice, and faith over fear. Unlike The Borg’s beastly concern for dominance as its means to survive, the anti-borg enjoys the Long Perspective of Eternal Principles; as these transcend death.

The anti-borg values fundamentals like constitutional law, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness over political correctness and political party dialectics. The anti-borg appreciates the grand inevitability of historical and generational transitions with clarity and humility.

Correspondingly, in my previous two articles entitled “The Best Things in Life are Free” and  “The Anecdotes of an American Nobody at the End of Things”, I described taking a public stand in my local community.  In the latter article, I mentioned my ability to access public, online, and print platforms in order to reach key people in my area.  This what I have been doing: engaging in The Information War. At least, for the time being.

In each battle, I’ve chosen to practice forbearance, empathy, and patience instead of derision and sarcasm.  My modus operandi has been (as described above and before) to be the “anti-borg” by seeking consensus rather than magnifying division(s); and, given the resistance I have met recently, I can tell I am “over the target”.

My latest battle was with the editorial board of a regional publication on the efficacy of the Covid vaccines. I wrote an opinion questioning the potential of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) to explain the rising number of cases in 2021 despite the governmental and corporate vaccine mandates, locally and nationwide.

For those who are unfamiliar with ADE I will just summarize it as follows:  During Donald Trump’s “Operation Warpspeed” (note: this type of framing confuses liberals in an amusing way), many honest doctors and scientists warned the COVID vaccines could deliver a “Trojan horse” mechanism which occurs when the mRNA spike protein in the COVID vaccine fails to neutralize the infectivity of virus variants. When this occurs, what happens is the variants are, instead, actually expedited to replicate within the immune system’s cells.

That is ADE in a nutshell and my initial offering to the regional publication discussed only the POSSIBLITY of ADE now occurring throughout the most-vaccinated counties, states, and nations of the world.

Perhaps, unsurprisingly, the article was summarily declined by the editorial team.  Although my column included citations from those holding doctorate degrees in molecular and cellular biology, the publication’s denial letter cited only a medical doctor from a Midwestern university who claimed ADE was a non-issue for the current Covid vaccines and an Associated Press (AP) source saying 99% of all current Covid deaths are occurring in unvaccinated people.

Instead of giving up, however, I argued back to the entire editorial team the gist of the article was not so much about ADE, per se, but, rather, this question:  If the vaccines don’t work, then who is behind the lockdowns and the vaccine passport initiative?

Evidently, that perspective must have been right over the target because the resistance eventuated into a vigorous debate.

Eventually, I was able to identity the key decision maker, a moderately prominent member of my community, and the debate continued between us as the others were included on the e-mail distribution.

In our exchange, I brought up the July 2021 outbreak of COVID-19 in Barnstable County, Massachusetts (mostly reported on in the media as the “Provincetown” outbreak). This was an event whereby 469 people tested positive for Covid and 74% were fully vaccinated. Five people were hospitalized and 4 of them were fully vaccinated.

If the vaccines don’t work, then how do lockdowns and vaccination passports make sense?

My primary opponent’s reply referenced a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) paper published on July 30, 2021 (in the agency’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report) explaining the extenuating circumstances to that outbreak as follows:

– It came after large public events in the first half of the month.  And, although not mentioned in the report, the outbreak overlapped with July Fourth weekend and “Bear Week,” Provincetown’s annual gathering of gay men; 85% of the identified infections were in males.

– In the summer, the town’s population swells to approximately 60,000 people.

– 90% of the subset of people who had sequencing performed on their samples were infected with the Delta variant

– The report noted that at the time of diagnostic testing, the amount of virus appeared to be about the same in vaccinated and unvaccinated people, a finding that the CDC cited in its decision on July 27 to recommend masks for everyone, regardless of vaccination status, in indoor public spaces in areas with “substantial” or “high” transmission.

In addition to the above documented citations, my editorial opponent included the following percentages from the CDC website:

For all adults aged 18 years and older, the cumulative COVID-19-associated hospitalization rate was about 9 times higher in unvaccinated persons.

Although weekly rates can vary, the cumulative rate of COVID-19-associated hospitalizations in unvaccinated adolescents ages 12-17 years was about 10 times higher than fully vaccinated adolescents aged 12-17 years.

Although weekly rates can vary, the cumulative rate of COVID-19-associated hospitalizations in unvaccinated adults ages 18-49 years was about 14 times higher than fully vaccinated adults aged 18-49 years.

Although weekly rates can vary widely, the cumulative rate of COVID-19-associated hospitalizations in unvaccinated adults ages 50-64 years was about 13 times higher than fully vaccinated adults aged 50-64 years.

Although weekly rates can vary widely, the cumulative rate of COVID-19-associated hospitalizations in unvaccinated adults ages 65 years and older was about 6 times higher than fully vaccinated adults ages 65 years and older.

In response, I resubmitted a revised column. It was pretty much the same but, instead, included the verbatim statements from the testimonies of doctors and scientists in the congressional record.  Since these were a matter of public record, as opposed to scientific abstracts, the editors are printing the article. I wasn’t informed as to the logic behind their decision, but, perhaps, they feared future disclosure and the fact I had a digital paper trail.

After some more minor quibbling and in what became my third resubmission, I included a note to my primary editorial opponent and said:

If you do run this final version and wish to add the [PUBLICATION NAME REDACTED] notations regarding the extenuating circumstances of the Provincetown outbreak and the CDC notes regarding the percentage of Unvaxxed COVID hospitalizations that is your call. The thrust of my article is more about the public statements of experts, the efficacy of the COVID vaccines in preventing infection and transmission, and the questioning of lockdowns and vaccine passports.

In addition, I included the below photo, two Bitchute videos on the public flip-flopping of NIH Director Anthony Fauci and CDC Director Rachel Walensky, along with the following statements:

The above photo was supposedly taken in Dublin, Ireland. Could it be an online hoax? Perhaps. I’ve not yet been able to vet the photo. REGARDLESS, I do fear this is where we are being led and, in so doing, our immune systems will have been monetized by Big Pharma (through booster “subscriptions”) as entire populations are herded into a global society of digital gates and switches. They’re calling it “Build Back Better” and “The Great Reset” but whatever it is, I don’t believe it is being pushed out of a genuine concern for people’s health.

This is what I am questioning in my column (and my previous published columns) and, of course, and you may disagree. Again, all I am doing is asking questions to generate discussion in our community.

Now, on another note, you appear to be operating on the premise that the vaccines legitimately prevent hospitalizations by reducing COVID symptoms. In reviewing the CDC data you have e-mailed me, I can understand your reasoning.

Yet…, a couple of concerns with the CDC’s mathematical conclusions:

1.) As shown in the Bitchute videos, the “scientific” claims of all of the COVID policy makers have been moving targets since the start of the pandemic ranging from “15 days to flatten the curve” to “masks don’t work” to “the vaccinated can’t get, or transmit, COVID”.  Hence my skepticism.

2.) The CDC data is surely not including all of the Unvaxxed who have recovered and now have natural immunity.  For example, [NAME/RELATIONSHIP REDACTED] is [AGE REDACTED] years old, has cancer, and still smokes.  He got COVID last year, had a mild cough for two weeks, and is now recovered.  I wonder IF, perhaps, all those Unvaxxed were included in the computations… if…. those percentages would be reversed? If so, it could be argued the Delta wave is a “Pandemic of the Vaccinated” instead.  And, if so, it would align with many of the ADE claims by prominent doctors and scientists – including Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine who now claims the most vaxxed nations of the world currently have the highest number of cases and mortalities.

Of course, you may disagree and completely side with the CDC on their percentages and I DO appreciate why you might believe the way you do – even if I am more…. shall we say… less trusting.

3.) Finally, what about all of those who the CDC has NOT accounted for?  For example, [NAME/RELATIONSHIP REDACTED] died two weeks after her 2nd Pfizer shot this summer and [NAME/RELATIONSHIP REDACTED] has been to the emergency room three times since her 2nd Moderna shot last spring. Her nose will not stop bleeding despite the fact she was never prone to nosebleeds before her COVID shots.

Coincidence? Or just collateral damage?

I don’t know and neither does anyone else at this time.

Another example:  Someone close to me was taken to the emergency room recently for a mysterious bleeding from their digestive tract. I know they weren’t vaxxed but here’s the point:  As far as I know, NONE of the above people were asked by the hospital as to their COVID vax status – so how is the CDC compiling its data? Unless the data is being already being compiled into a universally-accessed database?

Anyway, thank for all your time and efforts and if you have any other questions or concerns regarding my column, please feel free to e-mail me back.

Is it all a wasted effort?  Maybe so.  But  if my community is to survive the forthcoming tsunamis, then certain people must change the stories in their heads. Otherwise, it will soon become every man for himself.

In other words, the stakes are high. Very high.

The Wave is (probably) Too Large

I must admit, I have an instinctual pessimistic side that believes this Wave of Time and Circumstance is too large to stop.

The Big Lies are too big and The Borg owns the biggest bullhorns.  Furthermore, the amplification of each wave, so far, has augmented within populations because the ideological “ground” has been so thoroughly diluted through the Cultivation of Crap.

Even when dealing with individuals face-to-face in my community… even with those who know me… the grand deception of our time seems impossible to set straight with our limited daily engagement.

And time waits for no one. The tidal waves rise upon the horizon.

Perhaps, until the final deluge, all that can be done is to tear down the mental “walls” brick by brick and try to dissolve each delusional “wave” drip by drip.  Yet the daily flood of propaganda can only be evaporated with patience and by utilizing specific techniques on compartmentalized topics; and, admittedly, it is often difficult choosing where to begin:

– Lockdowns and vaccine passports integrating entire populations into a new cashless system.

– Event 201.

– Election Fraud.

– PCR testing.

– The hijacking of flu numbers.

– The withholding of effective remedies such as Ivermectin and other treatments.

– The governmental/financial incentivizing of Covid in health systems ranging from cases to ventilator usage and the subsequent deaths.

As most reading these words likely understand by now through their own experience: Too much information too fast activates the Conspiracy Theorist Defense Mechanism within The Hive Mind and… conversation over.

So I always focus on what can be won and part of my strategy involves acting less informed, in order to make it seem the dupes and I are figuring things out together. Call it the “Socratic Method of Making Friends and Influencing People”, if you will.

But what can be done with those who don’t care?  Millions of Millennials, and the younger generations in general, don’t care about privacy now, let alone in the new world order. They grew up in the internet age lacking the proper understanding of history that would allow them to fear the state. After all, these are kids who photograph their driver’s licenses and post them on social media for laughs.

Moreover, millions of middle-aged Americans still believe they will retire on Social Security as the rest of the Wal-Mart shoppers are only looking forward to their next meal.

For these reasons, I’ve developed “tests” to decide with whom I will engage, such as:  Do they have common sense? Do they have some intelligence and do they value liberty over the hoard? I also make calculations based upon how much I need them now and in the future. And, finally, I will consider their lines of inquiry, their debate tactics and whether I think they are awake – or, at least, have a chance at being awakened.

In the previously outlined exchange with the “primary editorial opponent ” (of the regional publication), my “test” is as follows:  If, after our discussion, they add the footnotes on the Provincetown Outbreak’s extenuating circumstances and the CDC percentages to my column, I’ll know they are not to be trusted at this time.  Even if they believe they are posting their editorial notes in good faith, their choice will demonstrate their desire to steer local conversations through their acknowledged faith in Fauci.

I believe it is best to know now so I can see them coming later… either with me or against me.

And this why I carefully choose when to disclose anything as well, with whom to discuss, and when to back off.  Then after I have qualified certain people, I will only disclose information with them in direct proportion with their willingness to engage.

Obviously, the exercise of caution is common sense because thoughtcrime is becoming a prosecutable offense in the Great Reset

I am convinced we are on the verge of a devastating wave that will wipe out the economy and existing legal and political systems in a final tumultuous torrent.  Certainly, the leading waves have done much damage, but the big one is coming and we know it’s the “big one” because of the overall intensity now occurring in the Information War.

The unprecedented amount of propaganda, deception, and “fact-checking” shows the Elite are not playing around. Not this time. They are leaving nothing to chance and will ride this tide to its final devastation.

Consider the following example:

On November 8, 2021 an American Heart Association (AHA) abstract was published entitled:

Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

Now this is exactly the type of information I would share in my community. After all, it’s the AHA.  But the True Believers cannot allow this sort of information to be disseminated because it would, no doubt, gravely threaten the vaccine agenda.

So, a little more than two weeks later, an “expression of concern” was posted to the original article:

Soon after publication of the above abstract in Circulation, it was brought to the American Heart Association Committee on Scientific Sessions Program’s attention that there are potential errors in the abstract. Specifically, there are several typographical errors, there is no data in the abstract regarding myocardial T-cell infiltration, there are no statistical analyses for significance provided, and the author is not clear that only anecdotal data was used.

SOURCE: Expression of Concern: Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

Typographical errors? Interesting. Do you get the feeling someone’s phone rang in the middle of the night?

And this is occurring all across the internet; and with no one to fact check the fact checkers.

Those behind The Great Reset are now engaged in full digital warfare and using news sources like Yahoo to flood smartphones around the globe. Their strategy employs both offensive (i.e. propaganda) and defensive (i.e. fact-checking) measures.

Here are two additional examples:

Experts: More than 70% of Americans need additional vaccine shots for full protection from Omicron

“Omicron is an immune escape variant that breaks through immunity caused by prior infection and/or vaccination,” Dr. Tom Wenseleers, a professor of biology and biostatistics at Belgium’s Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, concluded Thursday after reviewing the latest data from South Africa, where the variant was first detected and where it’s currently driving a near-vertical spike in infections and hospitalizations. “People getting a booster ASAP is the best protection for now, at least until specifically adapted vaccines” arrive.

 Did you catch that?  In that paragraph, Omicron is used to explain Antibody Dependent Enhancement’s “driving a near-vertical spike in infections and hospitalizations” while, at the same time, priming the dupes for boosters AND the forthcoming “specifically adapted vaccines”.

But, just in case people begin to put two-and-two together, the defensive measures are already in place to assure that two and two equals five:

Fact-check: Are vaccinated people dying at a faster rate than unvaccinated people?

The claim references a chart in a UK Health Security Agency report that indicates during a three-week period in October and November, England had 3,430 deaths from COVID-19. Of those deaths, 2,822 were people who had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 587 were unvaccinated people. The rest were people whose vaccination status was not known.

The article linked in the claim doesn’t include those specific data points, but cites the ratio between them — 4.8 to 1 — as evidence that “The vaccine is deadlier than the virus.”

However, “it’s not a valid comparison,” said Luke Weeks, senior communications officer for the UK Health Security Agency, which recently replaced the agency known as Public Health England.

“Well over 90% of the adult population is double vaccinated, so the vaccinated cohort is over nine times the size of the unvaccinated cohort,” Weeks said, “A very small percentage of a large population is still more people than a higher percentage of a very small one.”

Notice, however, in the above quote by Luke Weeks, the “senior communications officer for the UK Health Security Agency”, he did NOT mention the cohort of all those who have been exposed to Covid or those now with natural immunity – and this was the suggestion I made to my primary editorial opponent (of the regional publication) in the above-referenced e-mail exchanges.

Here is the point: Covid is either an illusion or a bioweapon. Either way, the vast billions of people have been relatively unaffected compared to the smaller cohort of millions of those jabbed.

This is warfare, people. Again, the elite are 100% committed because Covid is about money and power – and NOT health.  Of course, the Elite only care about money and power. It is why, in the Great Reset, they will be the “stakeholders” and you will own nothing.

If the reader has 35 minutes and wishes to understand what is happening right now in an accurately concise presentation, I would suggest the below-linked video be viewed as it demonstrates an informational offensive AGAINST The Great Reset:

Video Link (34:47):  They need your children. A new financial reset is imminent

Be assured, the above interview posed a grave threat to the financial establishment behind The Great Reset.  How can we know?  Because it was immediately censored from YouTube.

In the Information War, the truth tellers are engaged in a David and Goliath battle.

My pessimistic side believes Goliath, armed with the most powerful tools of technology, may be too formidable this time around.  At least, for the near term.

But my optimistic side sees the courage of the truth tellers and it causes me to imagine the possible.


A few months ago I posted an article entitled ”The Goal of Covidism is Communism” and wrote the following:

…as history proves, psychopathic totalitarians don’t even have to hide their true intent as the revolution commences: Because true believers love to buy after they own. It is the essence of incrementalism and how the path to hell was paved.

What I meant regarding “true believers” loving to “buy after they own” was this:  The Hive Mind never changes its beliefs until after it’s too late.  In fact, the more the mob’s worldview is challenged, the more it clings to its belief.

Stated another way:  Once a population has accepted Tony Fauci, and the Spike Protein, into its collective “heart”, it becomes nearly impossible for people to even consider the possibility they were deceived.

How could they? After all, they have submitted their own children, for no good reason, to experimental gene therapy.  Now, imagine all of the physicians facing the fact they killed their Covid patients by ignoring the genuinely effective treatments that were available. Why would they want to consider their ignorance, naiveté, and cowardice when it is so much easier, and more profitable, for them to keep drinking the Kool-Aid?

Accordingly, this also explains the intense urgency and dedication of the Elite in heralding their Great Reset: because if enough people wake up, then cold fury is coming to Davos.

Once again, the Elite will NOT back down. Their Covid offensive either ends up with them lined up against walls or the masses in digital chains – hence the global onslaught of aggressive propaganda and outright misinformation. It is a war for the ages.

Will we win?  Maybe not.  So we might as well try.  Because once vaccine passports take hold globally, it is game over for liberty; and the totalitarians possess all of the IP addresses along with every word that every keyboard warrior has ever typed.   That said, it’s never over until it’s over.

The Power of Suggestion is a primary driver of hypnosis so, perhaps, the anti-borg’s best countermeasure at this time would be to suggest different explanations for the headlines – but only to trusted, vetted individuals. Then, one day, the tide may be turned as seeds of doubt  yield a harvest of full blown skepticism and one mind at a time becomes millions more.

Until then, if my efforts so far have caused one parent or grandparent to prevent their offspring from getting jabbed, then it was better than standing silently in cowardice.

Moreover, some in my community have communicated their support of my perspectives. A few of them were jabbed and others were not.

It’s a start.

Know that wars will rage and tides roil, but time is the great healer. Whatever occurs next is sure to bring about an ending to one era and the start of another.

In closing, I will leave the reader with some words typed by my online friend and a fellow blogger, Hardscrabble Farmer.  In a recent comment, he wrote:

This morning I woke up long before dawn and read Xenophon’s Retreat. His descriptions of the ruins they encountered on their way home, of the cities that were once centers of vast empires that had so long ago fallen that the locals could not remember their names or the people who had once inhabited them. The walls of Ninevah and Babylon had long ago fallen, the once proud monuments nothing more than humps of fallen rock standing alone on the barren plains. And yet among these ghosts of pride and excess, atop the tombs of cruel tyrants and the sands littered with broken artifacts were a people who tilled the soil and tended their flocks, raised their children and sat with their elders in the morning light of a new era.

Merry Christmas, everyone, Happy New Year, and good luck.

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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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December 7, 2021 9:49 am

I’ve been thinking about this article. These tactics were okay for masks, distancing etc. but the injection, the mandate, one the final crime above all crimes- injecting/experimenting on children and teenagers is too far.
The unwitting are guilty and need to know. These are horrible crimes. There is a division, and it’s time to choose. That’s what I think the message should be. This has clarified my way forward.

December 7, 2021 11:38 am

Great perspective. Not pollyannish ‘We are the stronger army’ crap. Because there is no “we”.
There is only the Demo-Repub deep state sucking corporate and bank monopoly knobs (and thus sucking CHICOM dictator knobs too -e.g. John Boehner and Joe Lieberman -among countless others- as registered foreign agents for their Chinese Communist Party clients. Oh and let’s not forget Donald and his social media con bankrolled by Patrick Orlando – also a registered agent for the CCP and CEO of CHICOM firms like Yunhong)
And there are the Cult Covidian 97 percenters who are programmed to hate reason and sanity and worship their satanic handlers.

The 3 percenters (reading posts like this) are not a “we” but a scattered and isolated assortment of ‘non-believers’ who are denied any avenue to become a collective, interconnected, mobilized “we”.
The individual islands representing the 3 percent can still send notes in an internet bottle through the censorship and ridicule maze to commiserate, and that is nice. Like having a like-minded cellmate in a max-security prison. But there is no power to escape much less change the penitentiary with that.

And unfortunately, our version of the June 30 1934 Night of the Long Knives is coming very soon.
That is when Hitler killed thousands of alt-media and civic leaders who refused to join the cult. Like Adel Probst – who led the German equivalent of the YMCA christian kids rec centers. We’ve already had internet shop windows of scapegoats and moral opponents boarded up (Dennis Prager, Dr. Mercola etc). And Project Veritas leaders’ personal homes have been raided by the Gestapo-FBI to intimidate and to grab their collected evidence of deep state fraud and evil (just like they grabbed Seth Rich and Hunter Biden laptops that fell into honest hands and memory-holed them).

Next comes our night of the long knives, when the Seth Rogan, Mike Adams, Dr. Robert Malone, Burning Platform voices are exterminated and internet access is limited only to social obedience score-proven cult groupies – full CHICOM.

Then, your metaphor of the tidal wave comes to the fore. But that suggests some random natural force oblivious to our physical and spiritual selves.
No, these Satanists desperately want to destroy both body and spirit in all humans. And they are trans-humanists who hate the natural order itself, as well as humans. The death jab follows this edict, it is a DNA/gene editing program not a vaccine.
The better metaphor is the Alamo. Satan, as Santa Ana, has the region surrounded and outgunned. But if we can find an Alamo of like-minded resisters we can at least go down proudly together as a small enclave and take a bunch of the bastards with us. If you want to believe a future generation of Sam Houstons’ will win later victories, fine.
But the Alamo, at best, if you can find it is all you get. Find your Alamo.
– And if you find one, let me know where it is!

December 7, 2021 8:41 pm

200 comments. Nice work, uncola.

December 7, 2021 10:03 pm

Thanks, Man. But I give credit to the commenters. A lot of good posts in this thread, yours included

December 7, 2021 8:42 pm

New research finds that COVID-19 vaccine-resistant mutations strongly correlate with vaccination rates.

“By tracking the evolutionary trajectories of vax-resistant mutations in more than 2.2 million SARS-CoV-2 genomes, we reveal that the occurrence & frequency of vax-resistant mutations correlate strongly with the vaccination rates in Europe and America.”

December 8, 2021 8:03 pm

MUST-WATCH: Northern Ireland Financial Investor Melissa Ciummei “The Pandemic Will End When the Digital Monetary System Is In Place”

December 9, 2021 4:25 am

Noticed a comment about destabilizing the sheep with stark questions.

If you know a pediatrician, this one might ruin their day

“I heard a rumor that they put Retinoic Acid in the vaccines to act as an adjuvant”

Here’s the back-drop if anyone is interested in the fascinating hypothesis.

This is from a friend who is an engineer.

I strongly suspect that they have included RETINOIC ACID in the vaccines as a hidden and undisclosed adjuvant.

Some of the reasons for me suspecting that:

Many of the adverse events are happening way too fast to be from the spike protein response alone. Many reactions are like within 10-15 minutes. I suspect these cases are where the injection has hit a blood vessel and the dose directly enters the bloodstream.

The storage requirements for pharmaceutical grade Retinoic Acid (two-different formulations) are: -70C and – 20C

The storage requirement for Pfizer/BioNTech’s = -70C, and for Moderna = -20C

The Janssen vaccines lists cyclodextrin as an ingredient.
Cyclodextrin is used as a delivery agent for RETINOIC ACID.

There is prior research for using RETINOIC ACID as a vaccine adjuvant in other vaccines.
Many of the “side-effects” are close matches for RETINOIC ACID poisoning.

See the list / link below.

The companies / government would not have been able to disclose the RETINOIC ACID adjuvant as it would have ruled out the use of the vaccines in about 1/3 of the population. This is because RETINOIC ACID can’t be given to women of childbearing age (and for a rather long list of other conditions it is contraindicated for) It especially can’t EVER be given to pregnant women. RA is as toxic to the human fetus as is THALIDOMIDE. This would surely explain the miscarriages, etc. that are being reported.

The mRNA vaccines are claimed to be “SELF-ADJUVANTING”.

Here’s just one example of prior research for using RETINOIC ACID as an adjuvant.

Please see the MDS sheet linked below to understand the well-known toxicity of RETINOIC ACID.

But, even with that, RETINOIC ACID is still widely used as an acne drug, and for chemotherapy.

Here’s a decent list of the side-effects: Please take note of the huge spectrum of disorders, affecting almost every organ / tissue and cross-reference with the more commonly reported vac-side-effects,

Then consider unusual storage temps for the vaccines, but claimed to be needed to preserve the mRNA…. but it’s hard for me to believe that RNA needs to be stored at -70C.

Storage requirements for RETINOIC ACID:
Stored in the dark, -20C (acceptable) or -70C (preferable), and under argon gas
Pfizer covid vaccine ingredient list
Pfizer vaccine must be stored at -70C
Moderna covid vaccine ingredient list
Moderna vaccine must be stored at -20C

and Both vaccines are recommended to stay in their original carton/container to protect them from light. As is RETINOIC ACID.

“Both vaccines are lipid nanoparticle-formulated, nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccines encoding the prefusion spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.”

Retinoic Acid-Loaded Poly(lactic- co-glycolic acid) Nanoparticle Formulation of ApoB-100-Derived Peptide 210 Attenuates Atherosclerosis

Non-viral COVID-19 vaccine delivery systems:
“Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) polymer has also been incorporated into a lipid mRNA delivery system, called TT3-LLNs, for mRNA delivery in human cell lines [ 41 ].”

Nanoencapsulated RETINOIC ACID as a safe tolerogenic adjuvant for intranasal vaccination against cutaneous leishmaniasis

Retinoic acid inducing COVID antibodies better than a vaccine

combine the above with…

“The Pfizer COVID19 vaccine is self-adjuvanting, which means that it requires no immune booster and it is not incubated in an egg so it requires no antibiotics or formaldehyde to kill off harmful pathogens.

Insights into SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in development

“Plant-based recombinant systems may have some immunogenicity issues; on the other hand, their altered glycosylation patterns may enhance C-type lectin-driven processes that deliver immunogen to immune sensors as pattern recognition signals, so these type of recombinant vaccines may be self-adjuvanting.” — Nature Magazine

Instead of injecting a weakened virus into the body and growing a virus inside of an egg, a recombinant vaccine uses no virus at all. Instead, it takes the genetic sequence of the virus and magically trick’s the body’s immune system into responding.”

After all that…it is being observed in multiple-places that people are testing positive for COVID only *after* they get the vaccine.

The Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine includes the following ingredients: recombinant, replication-incompetent adenovirus type 26 expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, citric acid monohydrate, trisodium citrate dihydrate, ethanol, 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HBCD), polysorbate-80, sodium chloride.

Cyclodextrin has a long history of being used as a RA delivery molecule. I can send other references if needed.

2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin increases aqueous solubility and photostability of all-trans-retinoic acid

“Background: All-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA, vitamin A acid or tretinoin) is effective in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL). Unfortunately, the oral absorption of ATRA is highly variable. Its poor aqueous solubility also makes it difficult to be formulated into parenteral formulation. To date, there is no parenteral formulation of ATRA available commercially.

Objective: To undertake the pre-formulation work necessary for developing such a product.

Method: We investigated the solubility and stability profile of ATRA in various formulations.

Results: The aqueous solubility of ATRA could be greatly increased by the inclusion of ATRA in 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP-beta-CD). Adjusting the pH value further improved the water solubility of ATRA. The photostability of HP-beta-CD-based formulation of ATRA was evaluated and it was found that inclusion of ATRA into HP-beta-CD did improve the photostability of ATRA.

Conclusion: These results showed that it is possible to develop a parenteral formulation and/or an aqueous oral formulation of all-trans-retinoic acid by using 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin. However, the biopharmaceutical properties of such a formulation would be necessary before its use.”

My guess is that they are hiding the ATRA inside/with the cyclodextrin.

In the other vaccines, it’s in the lipids.

But, it’s all just speculation until someone can find a lab to test for it.

I don’t have the resources to find samples and a lab to test for it.

December 9, 2021 3:12 pm

We have been on same page Unkla. I stated months ago in several of my articles that it’s pedal to the metal because if the key Resetters lose power (e.g. MSM heads, Fauci, Schwab, Daszak etc) their elite will stand trial for crimes against humanity. I think I have a smoking gun that I will send to our fine leader on TBP that, if it finds its way around the globe to the 40 percenters in middle, should begin to unravel the game. Not holding my breath, but as I know you feel, before we breath our last we want to say I tried. Keep up the good work.

Sean Alvarez
Sean Alvarez
December 10, 2021 2:08 am

A darn good read.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
December 10, 2021 10:12 pm

What if Davos takes on Russia just as the Nazis did?
This isn’t hypothetical ladies and gentlemen.
True, Davos has huge guns but no common men among them. The commoners will win this one outright.
Davos also lacks the pull of the Fed and Wall Street.
I’m no author and struggle to tie all this together but I think Davos over reached just as the Nazis did and will meet the same fate.
Hang in there people. It’s ending. Just remain vigilant.
As always Uncola, excellent writing.

December 11, 2021 7:14 am

The pending extradition of Assange to the USA spells the end of humanity as we know it. Why? Freedom of people to speak and write about their concerns, about exposing lies and tyranny, will be at an end.

How does this relate to the plandemic? Directly.

The press is not free and open. It is closed, and thus the tool of the tyrannical rulers. Not only has this resulted in mass compliance with policies, the greatest windfall in history for big pharma, and complete destruction of human liberties, this has resulted also in the barring of new technologies that could eradicate the covid and other corona viruses.

I write in the position of a 1st party.

At the start of the plandemic, certain leaders were informed of a new nano technology that could eradicate the covid. This technology has been blocked since day 1. Big pharma and big governments will stop at nothing to prevent this tech from further development into marketable products, for it spells the end of their gravy train and tyranny. The WHO is notified, but refuses to respond.

The nature of covid is an RNA virus that infects the body via the nasal passage. But not instantly. The original strain needed about 5 days to incubate in the nasal cavity, then attacked the body en masse, thereby over-powering the immune system. The new ‘variants’, like Omicron, need only 1 day to incubate to critical mass.

Thus the covid presents a challenge and an opportunity. The focus to fight covid must be upon the host. The virus must have a host: the virus cannot perpetrate without a host. The incubation time presents a window of opportunity: to kill the virus in the host, before the virus invades the host. The challenge is to kill the virus without killing the host.

Fortunately, the new nanotech can do just that: kill the virus on contact, safely without killing the host, before infecting the host. The result is the host will shed dead virus proteins, not active proteins. Thus, zero transmission. Thus, the hope to eradicate the virus.

The new tech can be administered simply: a nebuliser. Sprayed into the nasal cavity 3x daily, the solution will kill the virus before reaching critical mass, thus before infecting the host.

The ‘covid’ true label is SARS-CoV-2. It is a corona virus. It can be envisioned as a dandelion bloom; a nucleus surrounded by spikes to create a shell, the corona. All corona viruses are extremely similar. Differences displayed in TEM images are nearly indiscernible. The nanotech has been proven effective, by independent lab, against a corona virus, H1N1, aka swine flu.

The nanotech is a pure element, positive charge, at 5 nanometres in size. The corona virus is negative charge, naturally. The ultra small size of the element penetrates through the corona, attaches to the nucleus, and kills the nucleus. The particle is a toxin for the virus, but an essential element for the host. A perfect combination, and thus a perfect reason for big pharma to block this.

Question: if the nanotech is proven 100% against one corona virus, what is the likelihood it is effective against other coronas? Answer: very likely, 100% confidence. Not much brain power is needed to realise why big pharma fights this with full might.

Big govt is blocking this also. The means used are the regulations. To claim the new tech can kill covid, the tech must be demonstrated against the live virus. This requires a Level 3 lab. Who controls the labs? Govt. But, who funds the labs? Big pharma. If anybody had the funds to build a new lab, would they succeed? No. Big pharma is a very powerful lobby, and no govt anywhere will approve a new lab in the face of powerful opposition. Thus progress to eradicate the virus is stopped.

The lack of a free and open press has prevented this story from reaching the public.

The dangers we, all of humanity, now face are dire.

1/ The hype is the Covid virus will weaken over time. This is a complete LIE. The evolution of any virus, especially the RNA genome, is to strengthen over time. This is fact. Were this not true, why do we have deadly drug-resistant pathogens in the world now? The list of drug-resistant pathogens caused by antibiotics is very long: examples, Tuberculosis, Staph, Ecoli, Strep, literally hundreds.

2/ RNA virus means it is recombinant. Recombinant means it can recombine into new mutations, and this is well proven. More importantly, it can and will combine with other RNA viruses: such as swine virus, avian virus, and MERS. MERS has 30% fatality, within 5 days. SARS-CoV-2 WILL combine with MERS to create a death virus the world has never known: think of 50% death in 3 days – this advent is only a matter of time. Swine and Bird flu are evolving daily into more deadly strains: a combination with a resistant SARS is only a matter of time.

3/ Covid is now found to be present in animals: dogs, cats, sheep, cows, horses, deer, rodents. Thus animals are now the new reservoirs, the new incubators, and will be the new vectors to spread the pathogen.

4/ In its ‘dry’ state, the Covid virus measures only 20 nanometres in diameter. In its ‘hydro’ state, it swells to 100 nanometres. This is greatly smaller than a human blood cell. Why is this important? Reason: NO facial mask can filter 100 nanometres. The very best any mask can do is 300 nm, and then only 90% level. Thus, the covid passes through all masks. Worse, a carrier can have it in the bloodstream, and be picked up by mosquitoes and flies. The risk of further mutations and vectors is very real.

5/ Big pharma is reactionary. Everything big pharma produces is for post infection, not ante infection. Each new mutation of covid requires time to develop a new drug. No drug can be developed in time to stave off a massive pandemic for a new pathogen that has recombined into SARS_MERS_H1N1 or some other deadly mutation.

When has big pharma eradicated anything?

6/ No drug to treat the illness after infection can eradicate the illness. The solution to eradicate must be to kill the pathogen in the general environment before it infects all living creatures.

If anybody here wants to assist our cause, please contact me.

IF we do not eradicate this terrible scourge, we are doomed. May God help you all.

December 11, 2021 6:15 pm

Humanity is caught up in such a sorry state of affairs.
There is great power in the hands of the unelected.
Sovereign governments controlled by oligarchs, enslaving the people, working for big pharma and the banks.
The very people who should not be allowed to possess power.
This combination of power, greed and ignorance is certain to end in disaster.
Powerful people that want the whole world to remain divided into rich and poor.
Their whole effort is to keep you as unintelligent as possible, so those who have power are never questioned, their intentions are never questioned.
Those who have taken away your individuality, your freedom, your intelligence, in its place they have given you bogus beliefs, which mean nothing.
You are talking about every possible impossible thing you know nothing of,
Your systems are purely creations of imagination.
The end result of believing, of having faith in a truth that you have not realized yourself.
It is hearsay.
Our world is fully unconscious and facing a dangerous crisis, which drags us ever closer to the nuclear precipice.
There remains no choice but to address the fundamental problems of our global dystopia.
To discover the very roots of it’s unconscious nature.
Yet until the people begin to realize that the solutions we seek can only be found beyond the intellectual mind.
Global peace and freedom will remain a utopia!
How many so called world leaders, oligarchs, artists, scientists, academics, politicians, clergy, celebrities, know themselves?
Or are even aware that they do not know themselves?
Knowing oneself is intelligence.
Intelligence comes from seeing.
Not from the mind.
Intelligence is consciousness itself.
Thoughts must cease for your intelligence to be.
Consciousness, being free of thought, is the door to knowing the absolute, zero.
It is ever present within us.
Intelligence is always in the present.
Intelligence is a state of no-mind.
Fully unlocking the present will release humanity from its entire past of divisions, violence, hatred and war.
Transcending mind will release humanity from all tyranny!
Set Intelligence as a Universal Existential Constant!
Yet, you are collecting all kinds of retarded information that seems to be important to you.
Why does it seem important?
It seems important because it covers your ignorance.
It helps you to feel as if you know.
Yet you have no criterion to judge the true from the false.
It is mere hearsay, knowledge which is ignorance.
Unfortunately, ninety-nine percent of humanity belongs to that category.
Truth is intrinsic in your consciousness, beyond your mind.
It is not a thought.
It is not a question of philosophy, nor a question of intellectual discussions.
It is a question of deep meditation that leads you beyond thinking, beyond mind.
Modern physics, in the hands of Albert Einstein, has turned almost into mysticism.
Nobody has noted the fact, because mystics don’t understand modern physics and the physicists do not care about the mystics.
The mystics have always experienced that they are one, but nobody has listened to them.
Perhaps man was not mature enough to understand the depth of their declaration.
The mystics have simply expressed the oneness of all.
That existence knows only one moment.
The present moment.
Physicists go into detail.
Physicists say that existence consists of two elements: space and time.
And Einstein turned even these two into one.
Albert Einstein, especially, was the first scientist to come to the conclusion that time is the fourth dimension of matter.
He used to say that “There is not space and time, there is only ‘Spacetime’.”
Einstein had said, “the separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one.”
We are accustomed to dividing time into past, present, and future.
But in reality these are not the divisions of time, these are divisions of our mind.
Because past does not exist anymore, except in our memories.
And the future exists not yet, except in our imaginations.
Time means mind.
Time is a projection of mind.
It does not exist, it is only an illusion, although a convincing one.
Maya is a faculty of the mind.
The state of unconscious hypnosis that all human beings together create throughout the world.
Mind has the capacity to manifest whatsoever it believes.
Its belief becomes the actuality.
Yet mind prevents us from ever knowing the truth.
That only the present exists, and the present is not part of time.
This moment in which we are living is of tremendous importance.
As things are moving today, the logical conclusion is a global suicide.
We are coming closer to a third world war.
Ask sleepy Joe?
A sneaky first strike US nuclear attack on Russia and China?
It is sad to recognize the fact, but it is good to recognize it, because then there is the possibility of taking a different turn.
A single politician, to show their power, can destroy the whole of civilization.
Moscow, New York, London, Beijing, any place can be vaporized within seconds.
The whole point of a war is to win, but in a nuclear war nobody wins.
So war has lost its basic foundation.
If a nuclear war happens it will be the destruction of all.
People are completely asleep!
It is time that politicians should learn to discriminate.
What helps life and what destroys life.
These criminals have to realize their responsibility.
This is the only planet in the whole of existence which is alive 🙂
It’s death would be a great tragedy.
But it can be avoided.
The intelligentsia of the world has to create an atmosphere in the world.
A tremendous struggle for a great revolution in human consciousness is needed, and everybody is called for that revolution.
Contribute all that you can.
Your whole life has to be given to the revolution.
You will not have another chance, another challenge, for your own growth, and for the growth of this whole beautiful planet.
You have to become the soldiers for this revolution to avoid the criminal forces, the evil forces, which are getting ready to destroy us.
The death of this earth is not far away.
A revolution in human consciousness is no more a luxury, it has become an absolute need, as there are only two alternatives, suicide or a quantum leap in consciousness.
It is now or never!

December 12, 2021 11:29 am

There are two wolves, one represents darkness and evil forces, the other represents hope , good forces. Which wolf will survive and flourish? The one you feed.

December 12, 2021 6:54 pm

I want to apologize to Uncola for all the criticism of essays where I failed to thank him for giving me something to think about and discuss. You never fail at that.

That was unkind of me. The mere thought of the focus it takes to write these is daunting to me. Maybe one day soon I will try. I would rather have shit posters than a ‘B’ mark by some communist professor.

That goes to all the others too, really. I haven’t ever read anything from someone involved with Jim that doesn’t have something to offer and Jim only cussed me out once in 6 years or so

By The Way
By The Way
December 13, 2021 8:17 am
  By The Way
December 13, 2021 9:09 am

You mean the variant that doesn’t kill anyone? THE HORROR!!!!!!